Biblical Baby Boy Names with Meanings and Origins
There is always a story behind every name, and biblical names are generous of history, faith as well as meaning. When naming your baby boy biblically, you will be selecting a name that will go well with the tradition-rich religious books, in addition to adding a strong meaning to the life of your young one.
This list in this blog contains 100+ biblical baby boy names. Every name in it is accompanied by the way it is pronounced, its meaning, its origin and a brief history of the name. We also have the religious and cultural significance of the name based on Christianity or Judaism related passages or chapters from the Bible.
Here is the list of Biblical baby boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Religion & Origin | Significance in the Bible |
Adam | Aa-dam | Earth, Man | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | The first human created by God in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:7). |
Noah | No-ah | Rest, Comfort | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | Built the ark to save his family and animals from the Great Flood (Genesis 6-9). |
Isaac | Eye-zak | Laughter | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | Son of Abraham and Sarah, whose birth brought joy (Genesis 21:3-6). |
Jacob | Jay-kob | Supplanter | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | Renamed Israel, he fathered the 12 tribes of Israel (Genesis 32:28). |
David | Day-vid | Beloved | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | The second king of Israel, known for defeating Goliath and writing many Psalms (1 Samuel 16, 1 Samuel 17). |
Solomon | Sol-o-mon | Peace | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | Son of David, renowned for his wisdom and building the Temple (1 Kings 3-11). |
Elijah | Ee-lye-jah | My God is Yahweh | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet known for calling fire from heaven and opposing idolatry (1 Kings 18). |
Jonah | Jo-nah | Dove | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | Swallowed by a great fish after trying to avoid God's command to preach to Nineveh (Book of Jonah). |
Matthew | Math-yoo | Gift of God | Christianity (Hebrew via Greek) | One of Jesus’ 12 apostles and the author of the Gospel of Matthew. |
Joshua | Josh-yoo-ah | The Lord is Salvation | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Led the Israelites into the Promised Land after Moses’ death (Book of Joshua). |
Daniel | Dan-yel | God is My Judge | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | Known for his unwavering faith, thrown into the lion’s den but protected by God (Book of Daniel). |
Caleb | Kay-leb | Wholehearted, Faithful | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | One of the spies sent to Canaan; known for his faith and courage (Numbers 13-14). |
Aaron | Air-on | Exalted, Strong | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | The brother of Moses and Israel's first high priest (Exodus 4, Leviticus 8). |
Samuel | Sam-yoo-el | Heard by God | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | A prophet who anointed the first two kings of Israel: Saul and David (1 Samuel 1-16). |
Joseph | Jo-sef | He will Add | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | Son of Jacob, known for his coat of many colors and rise to power in Egypt (Genesis 37-50). |
Benjamin | Ben-ja-min | Son of the Right Hand | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | Youngest son of Jacob and Rachel, ancestor of the tribe of Benjamin (Genesis 35:18). |
Simon | Si-mon | God has Heard | Christianity (Hebrew via Greek) | One of Jesus' apostles, also known as Peter, the "rock" upon which Jesus built His church (Matthew 16:18). |
Isaiah | Eye-zay-ah | Salvation of the Lord | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A major prophet who prophesied the coming of the Messiah (Book of Isaiah). |
Ezekiel | Eh-zee-kee-el | God Strengthens | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet known for his visions, including the valley of dry bones (Book of Ezekiel). |
Levi | Lee-vye | Joined, Attached | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | One of Jacob's sons; his descendants became the priestly tribe of Israel (Genesis 29:34). |
Nathan | Nay-than | Gift of God | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet who advised King David and rebuked him for his sin with Bathsheba (2 Samuel 12). |
Gabriel | Gay-bree-el | God is My Strength | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | An archangel who delivered messages from God, including the announcement of Jesus' birth to Mary (Luke 1:26). |
Titus | Tie-tus | Defender | Christianity (Latin) | A companion of Paul, known for his role in leading and organizing the early Christian church (Book of Titus). |
Jude | Jood | Praise | Christianity (Hebrew via Greek) | One of Jesus’ apostles and the author of the Epistle of Jude. |
Micah | My-kah | Who is Like God | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet who foretold the birthplace of the Messiah in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2). |
Mark | Mark | Warlike, Defender | Christianity (Latin) | Author of the Gospel of Mark, a companion of Paul and Peter. |
Luke | Loo-k | Light-Giving | Christianity (Greek) | Author of the Gospel of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles, a physician and companion of Paul. |
John | Jon | God is Gracious | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | One of Jesus' apostles and the author of the Gospel of John, 1-3 John, and Revelation. |
Paul | Pawl | Small, Humble | Christianity (Latin) | A leading apostle and missionary who wrote many New Testament epistles (Acts 9-28). |
Stephen | Stee-ven | Crown | Christianity (Greek) | The first Christian martyr, known for his unwavering faith (Acts 6-7). |
Timothy | Tim-oh-thee | Honoring God | Christianity (Greek) | A young pastor mentored by Paul and recipient of the epistles 1 and 2 Timothy. |
Elias | Ee-lye-as | The Lord is My God | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Alternate name for Elijah, a prophet of great faith and miracles (1 Kings 17-19). |
Hosea | Ho-zay-ah | Salvation | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet known for his message of repentance and God’s unending love (Book of Hosea). |
Amos | Ay-mos | Carried, Burden | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet who spoke out against social injustice and called for righteousness (Book of Amos). |
Ezra | Ez-rah | Help | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A scribe and leader who helped rebuild Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile (Book of Ezra). |
Samson | Sam-sun | Sunlight | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A judge of Israel known for his immense strength and tragic downfall (Book of Judges 13-16). |
Abel | Ay-bel | Breath, Vapor | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | The second son of Adam and Eve, known for offering an acceptable sacrifice to God (Genesis 4). |
Zachariah | Zak-a-rye-ah | The Lord Remembers | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet who encouraged the rebuilding of the temple (Book of Zechariah). |
Jonathan | Jon-a-than | Gift of God | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prince of Israel and the loyal friend of David (1 Samuel 18). |
Malachi | Mal-ah-kye | My Messenger | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet whose writings foretold the coming of John the Baptist (Book of Malachi). |
Silas | Sye-las | Forest, Wood | Christianity (Latin) | A companion of Paul during his missionary journeys, known for his faithfulness (Acts 15-17). |
Philip | Fil-ip | Lover of Horses | Christianity (Greek) | One of Jesus' apostles, who shared the Gospel with the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40). |
Reuben | Roo-ben | Behold, a Son | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | The firstborn son of Jacob and Leah, founder of the tribe of Reuben (Genesis 29:32). |
Judah | Joo-dah | Praised | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Fourth son of Jacob and Leah, an ancestor of King David and Jesus (Genesis 29:35). |
Asher | Ash-er | Blessed, Happy | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | One of the 12 sons of Jacob, founder of the tribe of Asher (Genesis 30:13). |
Esau | Ee-saw | Hairy | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | The twin brother of Jacob, known for selling his birthright (Genesis 25:25-34). |
Gideon | Gid-ee-on | Hewer, Destroyer | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A judge of Israel who led a small army to victory against the Midianites (Judges 6-8). |
Boaz | Boh-az | Strength | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A wealthy man who married Ruth, becoming an ancestor of King David and Jesus (Book of Ruth). |
Jesse | Je-see | Gift | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Father of King David, from whose lineage Jesus was born (1 Samuel 16). |
Matthias | Ma-thy-us | Gift of God | Christianity (Greek) | Chosen as the apostle to replace Judas Iscariot (Acts 1:23-26). |
Seth | Seth | Appointed, Placed | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Third son of Adam and Eve, regarded as the ancestor of the righteous (Genesis 4:25-26). |
Tobias | To-by-as | God is Good | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A faithful man in the Book of Tobit, known for his devotion and piety. |
Simeon | Sim-ee-on | Heard | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | One of the 12 sons of Jacob, founder of the tribe of Simeon (Genesis 29:33). |
Zechariah | Zeh-ka-rye-ah | The Lord Has Remembered | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet who urged the rebuilding of the temple after the Babylonian exile (Book of Zechariah). |
Cain | Kayn | Acquired | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | The first son of Adam and Eve, known for killing his brother Abel (Genesis 4:1-16). |
Moses | Mo-zes | Drawn Out (of Water) | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | Led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai (Exodus 2-34). |
Enoch | Ee-nok | Dedicated | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Walked faithfully with God and was taken to heaven without dying (Genesis 5:21-24). |
Elisha | Ee-lye-sha | My God is Salvation | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet who succeeded Elijah, known for his miracles (2 Kings 2-13). |
Jared | Ja-red | Descent | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A patriarch in the genealogy of Adam, the father of Enoch (Genesis 5:15-20). |
Bartholomew | Bar-thol-o-mew | Son of Talmai | Christianity (Greek) | One of the twelve apostles of Jesus (Mark 3:16-19). |
Phinehas | Fin-ee-has | Oracle, Serpent’s Mouth | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Grandson of Aaron, known for his zealousness for God’s law (Numbers 25:1-13). |
Ishmael | Ish-may-el | God Hears | Christianity, Judaism, Islam (Hebrew) | The first son of Abraham, regarded as the ancestor of many Arab nations (Genesis 16). |
Eliezer | El-ee-eh-zer | My God is Help | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Abraham’s servant who arranged the marriage of Isaac and Rebekah (Genesis 24). |
Nahum | Nay-hum | Comforter | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A minor prophet who prophesied about the fall of Nineveh (Book of Nahum). |
Obadiah | Oh-bah-dye-ah | Servant of God | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A prophet who foretold the judgment of Edom and the restoration of Israel (Book of Obadiah). |
Eli | Ee-lye | Ascended, High | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A high priest who raised the prophet Samuel (1 Samuel 1-4). |
Asa | Ay-sah | Physician, Healer | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A king of Judah known for his faithfulness to God and reforms in Israel (1 Kings 15:9-24). |
Elihu | Ee-lye-hoo | My God is He | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A friend of Job, known for his speeches defending God’s justice (Book of Job). |
Jairus | Jai-rus | He Enlightens | Christianity (Greek, Hebrew origin) | A synagogue leader whose daughter was raised from the dead by Jesus (Mark 5:22-43). |
Lazarus | Laz-a-rus | God Has Helped | Christianity (Greek, Hebrew origin) | A friend of Jesus, famously resurrected by Him (John 11:1-44). |
Gad | Gad | Fortune, Luck | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | One of Jacob’s 12 sons, founder of the tribe of Gad (Genesis 30:9-11). |
Thaddeus | Thad-ee-us | Brave, Courageous Heart | Christianity (Aramaic, Greek origin) | One of the twelve apostles, also known as Judas (not Iscariot) (Luke 6:16). |
Uriah | Yoo-rye-ah | God is My Light | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A loyal soldier in King David's army, known for his tragic death (2 Samuel 11). |
Zebedee | Zeb-uh-dee | Gift of Yahweh | Christianity (Hebrew origin) | The father of apostles James and John, part of Jesus’ inner circle (Matthew 4:21). |
Barnabas | Bar-nuh-bas | Son of Encouragement | Christianity (Greek, Aramaic origin) | A missionary and companion of Paul, known for his encouragement in spreading the gospel (Acts 4:36). |
Abner | Ab-ner | Father of Light | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A military leader and cousin of King Saul, instrumental in early Israelite history (2 Samuel 3). |
Jair | Jay-er | He Enlightens | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A judge of Israel who led for 22 years and was known for his many descendants (Judges 10:3). |
Jethro | Jeth-roh | Overflowing, Abundance | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Moses' father-in-law, who gave wise counsel to Moses (Exodus 18:17-24). |
Laban | Lay-ban | White | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | Brother of Rebekah and father-in-law of Jacob, significant in early Israelite history (Genesis 24:29). |
Japheth | Jay-feth | Expansion | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | One of Noah's sons, forefather of many nations after the flood (Genesis 10:2). |
Zohar | Zo-har | Light, Radiance | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | One of the sons of Simeon, mentioned in the genealogies of Israel (Genesis 46:10). |
Josiah | Jo-sigh-uh | God Supports | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A righteous king of Judah who initiated reforms and rediscovered the Book of the Law (2 Kings 22:1-2). |
Nathaniel | Na-than-yell | Gift of God | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | One of the twelve apostles, also called Bartholomew (John 1:45-51). |
Andrew | An-droo | Manly, Brave | Christianity (Greek origin) | One of the twelve apostles, the brother of Peter, known for his role in spreading the gospel (Matthew 4:18-20). |
Phineas | Fi-nee-us | Oracle, Serpent’s Mouth | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A priest, the grandson of Aaron, known for his zeal in defending the holiness of Israel (Numbers 25:7-11). |
Zacharias | Zak-a-ree-us | God Remembers | Christianity, Judaism (Greek origin) | The father of John the Baptist, who was visited by the angel Gabriel (Luke 1:5-25). |
Malchus | Mal-kus | King, Royal | Christianity (Greek origin) | The servant of the high priest whose ear was cut off by Peter and healed by Jesus (John 18:10-11). |
Job | Jobe | Persecuted, Hated | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew) | A faithful man who endured great suffering but never lost his faith in God (Book of Job). |
Zacchaeus | Zak-a-ee-us | Pure, Innocent | Christianity (Hebrew origin) | A tax collector in Jericho who repented after meeting Jesus (Luke 19:1-10). |
Peter | Pee-ter | The Rock, Stone | Christianity (Greek origin) | One of the twelve apostles, a leader in the early Christian Church (Matthew 16:18). |
James | Jay-mz | Supplanter | Christianity (Hebrew origin) | One of the twelve apostles, son of Zebedee, known for his leadership in the early church (Matthew 4:21-22). |
Thomas | Taw-muss | Twin | Christianity (Aramaic origin) | One of the twelve apostles, famously known for doubting Jesus' resurrection until he saw Him (John 20:24-29). |
Ephraim | Ef-ra-im | Fruitful, Double Fruit | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | The second son of Joseph, whose descendants became a powerful tribe in Israel (Genesis 41:52). |
Jericho | Je-ri-ko | City of the Moon | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | The ancient city whose walls fell after Joshua's Israelites marched around it (Joshua 6:1-27). |
Zebulun | Ze-bu-lun | Dwelling, Residence | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | One of the twelve sons of Jacob, the ancestor of the tribe of Zebulun (Genesis 30:9-10). |
Saul | Sa-ul | Asked for, Prayed for | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | The first king of Israel, anointed by Samuel, later rejected by God for disobedience (1 Samuel 9:1-2). |
Nehemiah | Ne-he-mi-ah | Comforted by God | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | A leader who helped rebuild the walls of Jerusalem after the Babylonian exile (Nehemiah 2:11-20). |
Jeremiah | Je-re-mi-ah | Exalted of the Lord | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | A prophet who foretold the fall of Jerusalem and the coming of a new covenant (Jeremiah 1:4-10). |
Joel | Jo-el | The Lord is God | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | A prophet known for his message of repentance and the coming of the day of the Lord (Joel 2:28-32). |
Zachary | Zach-a-ry | God remembers | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | The father of John the Baptist, who was struck mute until his son was born and named (Luke 1:5-25). |
Malachai | Ma-la-khai | My messenger, Messenger of God | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | The last prophet of the Old Testament, whose prophecy predicted the coming of Elijah and the Messiah (Malachi 4:5). |
Hezekiah | Hez-e-ki-ah | God gives strength | Christianity, Judaism (Hebrew origin) | A king of Judah who prayed for deliverance from the Assyrian king and was granted 15 more years of life (2 Kings 20:1-6). |