Muslim Girl Names Starting with T | Meaningful & Islamic
One of the first things parents can do for their child is to choose a meaningful name. But finding a name that is both beautiful and full of meaning isn’t always easy. This list of 100 Muslim girl names starting with “T” offers names based on Islamic values like patience, kindness, and guidance. Each name is chosen not just for its sound but also for its connection to Quranic verses, respected figures, and Islamic history.
These names have unique meanings that reflect qualities valued in the faith. You’ll find names that express kindness, courage, and everything in between, giving a wonderful start to a child’s life. Let us know if you’d like more names or would like to explore other ideas!
List of Muslim girl names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic Reference |
Tabassum | ta-BAS-sum | Smile, Laughter | مسکراہٹ، ہنسی | Symbolizes joy and happiness, reflecting an optimistic spirit. |
Tahira | ta-HEE-rah | Pure, Chaste | پاکیزہ، معصوم | Mentioned in the Quran in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:33), referring to the purity of the Prophet's wives. |
Talha | TAL-ha | A name of a companion of the Prophet | حضرت طلحہ کا نام، ایک صحابی | Talha bin Ubaydullah was a notable companion of Prophet Muhammad and known for his courage in battle. |
Tariqa | ta-REE-ka | Way, Method, Path | طریقہ، راستہ | In Sufism, "Tariqa" refers to the spiritual path, the way to achieve closeness to Allah. |
Tasnim | TAS-neem | A fountain in Paradise | جنت میں ایک چشمہ | Mentioned in the Quran (83:27), it is a fountain in Jannah (paradise), which is offered to the most righteous. |
Tazeen | ta-ZEEN | Adornment, Embellishment | زیب و زینت | Represents beauty and elegance, a concept admired in Islamic culture. |
Tayyiba | tay-YEE-ba | Good, Pure, Pleasant | اچھا، پاک، خوشگوار | Derived from the Arabic root for purity, referring to a virtuous character. |
Tala | TA-la | Palm tree or Date tree | کھجور کا درخت | Symbolizes sustenance, similar to the blessed palm tree mentioned in Islamic texts. |
Tuba | TOO-ba | Blessed, a tree in Paradise | خوش نصیب، جنت کا درخت | Mentioned in the Hadith, Tuba is a tree in Jannah that symbolizes blessings. |
Tamara | ta-MA-ra | Date tree, Palm tree | کھجور کا درخت | The date tree is important in Islamic culture, symbolizing nourishment and sustenance. |
Tufana | too-FA-na | Flood, Deluge | طوفان | Represents a mighty force, a reference to Prophet Noah’s (Nuh) flood in Islamic tradition. |
Tarannum | ta-RAN-num | Melody, Song | دُھن، گانا | Symbolizes beauty and harmony in Islam, a way of uplifting spirits. |
Tehmina | teh-MEE-na | Strong, Powerful | طاقتور، مضبوط | Tehmina was a historic figure in Persian history, known for her strength and wisdom. |
Tanzila | tan-ZEE-la | Sent Down (from the heavens) | آسمان سے اتاری گئی | Refers to the divine nature of the Quran as something sent from Allah. |
Tabira | ta-BEE-rah | Strong, Steadfast | مضبوط، پائیدار | Reflects resilience and unwavering strength, a characteristic admired in Islam. |
Tameera | ta-MEE-ra | Rich, Wealthy, Prosperous | دولت مند، خوشحال | Symbolizes prosperity, which is seen as a blessing from Allah. |
Tazkiyah | ta-ZEE-yah | Purification, Sanctification | تطہیر، پاکیزگی | Represents the concept of spiritual purification in Islam, as emphasized in the Quran (2:263). |
Tamarah | ta-MA-rah | Date Palm Tree | کھجور کا درخت | The date tree is a symbol of nourishment and blessing in Islam. |
Tahan | ta-HAN | To be patient, to endure | صبر کرنا، تحمل کرنا | Patience is a highly valued virtue in Islam (Quran 2:153). |
Tanisha | ta-NEE-sha | Ambitious, Goddess | دیوی، بلند عزائم | Reflects a name full of aspiration and divine qualities. |
Tariqah | ta-REE-kah | Method, Path | طریقہ، راستہ | In Islamic spirituality, it refers to the way or path leading towards Allah. |
Thana | tha-NA | Praise, Glorification | تعریف، تمجید | In Islamic tradition, praising Allah (Al-Thana) is part of daily worship. |
Tawbah | TAW-bah | Repentance | توبہ | The concept of repentance (Tawbah) is deeply embedded in Islamic teachings (Quran 66:8). |
Tanveer | tan-VEER | Light, Radiance | روشنی، چمک | Represents someone who brings light and guidance, a positive attribute in Islam. |
Tamsin | TAM-sin | Son of Heaven, Pure, Innocent | آسمانی، پاک، معصوم | Symbolizes purity and innocence, revered in the Quran and Hadith. |
Thaminah | tha-MEE-na | Precious, Valuable | قیمتی، عزیز | Represents something rare and of great value, often associated with the preciousness of knowledge in Islam. |
Tawhid | TAW-heed | Oneness of God | اللہ کی واحدیت | Refers to the Islamic concept of Tawhid, the oneness of Allah, a central tenet of faith. |
Tajwar | TAJ-war | Crown, Royalty | تاج، شاہی | A name signifying nobility, royalty, and the blessing of Allah’s protection. |
Teema | TEE-ma | River, Stream | دریا، ندی | Symbolizes purity and the continuous flow of goodness, like the rivers in Jannah. |
Taimah | TAI-mah | Dark, Twilight | شام، سرمئی | A name symbolizing the serenity of twilight. |
Talima | ta-LEE-ma | Teacher, Educator | استاد، معلم | A name that emphasizes knowledge and learning, revered in Islamic history. |
Tushara | tu-SHA-ra | Morning Dew | صبح کی شبنم | Symbolizes purity, freshness, and the dawn of new beginnings. |
Taima | TAI-ma | Rain, Gift of God | بارش، اللہ کا انعام | Symbolizing a gift from Allah, the rain is often mentioned in the Quran as a blessing (Quran 24:45). |
Tahani | ta-HA-nee | Congratulations, Joy | مبارکباد، خوشی | Refers to well-wishing and happiness, which is a significant aspect of social harmony in Islam. |
Tufailah | tu-FAY-lah | Success, Prosperity | کامیابی، خوشحالی | A name linked to the concept of success and victory, important values in Islamic teachings. |
Tarana | ta-RA-na | Melody, Song | دُھن، گانا | Represents beauty in both sound and spirit, often used in Sufi traditions where melody is a form of worship. |
Tayyibah | tay-YEE-ba | Good, Pure | اچھا، پاک | Refers to something pure and wholesome, qualities highly regarded in Islam, often used to describe a virtuous woman. |
Tawhidah | taw-HEE-dah | Belief in the oneness of Allah | اللہ کی واحدیت پر ایمان | Directly linked to the core principle of Islam, Tawhid, the oneness of Allah. |
Talia | TA-li-ya | Dew, Heaven's Dew | شبنم، آسمان کی شبنم | Represents a blessing from Allah, symbolizing purity and fresh beginnings, a recurring theme in Islamic texts. |
Taqwa | ta-KWA | Piety, God-consciousness | پرہیزگاری، اللہ سے خوف | The concept of Taqwa, being God-conscious, is central in Islam, mentioned repeatedly in the Quran. |
Tasneem | TAS-neem | A spring in Paradise | جنت کا چشمہ | A blessed fountain in Jannah, mentioned in the Quran (83:27), for those who follow the righteous path. |
Thuraya | thu-RAY-ya | The Pleiades (star cluster) | ستاروں کا گروہ | Symbolizes brilliance and beauty, as the stars are often used metaphorically in the Quran and Hadith to represent divine guidance. |
Taaj | TAJ | Crown, Jewel | تاج، زیور | Represents royalty and honor, qualities attributed to those who earn the favor of Allah. |
Tameerah | ta-MEE-rah | Rich, Wealthy | دولت مند، خوشحال | A name symbolizing prosperity, used to refer to those who attain success and richness in both material and spiritual ways. |
Thaniya | THA-nee-ya | Support, Helper | مددگار، معاون | Refers to someone who supports and assists, reflecting the Islamic value of helping others. |
Tahmina | teh-MEE-na | Strong, Powerful | طاقتور، مضبوط | A name tied to strength and resilience, qualities that were demonstrated by many women in Islamic history. |
Tariq | TA-riq | Morning Star, He who knocks | صبح کا ستارہ، جو دروازہ کھٹکھٹائے | In Islamic history, Tariq bin Ziyad was a great military leader, instrumental in the Muslim conquest of Spain. |
Talibah | TA-lee-ba | Seeker of Knowledge | علم کا متلاشی | Emphasizes the pursuit of knowledge, a core value in Islam. |
Taubah | TAW-bah | Repentance, Return to Allah | توبہ، اللہ کی طرف رجوع | The act of repentance is one of the most important spiritual practices in Islam, emphasized throughout the Quran. |
Tahrima | tah-REE-ma | Prohibited, Sacred | حرام، مقدس | Refers to what is prohibited in Islam, a concept mentioned frequently in the Quran regarding unlawful actions. |
Tufail | too-FAY-lah | Successful, Prosperous | کامیاب، خوشحال | Tufail bin Amr al-Dawsi was a notable Islamic leader who converted to Islam and played a role in spreading Islam in his region. |
Tarina | ta-REE-na | Journey, Path | سفر، راستہ | Represents the journey of faith and self-improvement, a common theme in Islamic teachings. |
Taysir | TAY-seer | Ease, Convenience | آسانی، سہولت | Represents ease and simplicity, a theme found in Quranic verses describing how Allah makes things easy for the believers (Quran 94:6). |
Taybah | TAI-bah | Good, Wholesome, Pure | اچھا، پاک | Used to describe a place of purity and goodness, referring to the city of Medina, the second holiest city in Islam. |
Thara | tha-RA | Rich, Wealthy | دولت مند، خوشحال | Symbolizes prosperity, an ideal considered a blessing in Islam. |
Tayra | TAI-ra | Bird, Flying | پرندہ، اُڑتا ہوا | Represents freedom and divine protection, as birds are often mentioned in the Quran as signs of Allah's power (Quran 16:79). |
Tawfeeka | taw-FEE-kah | Success, Prosperity | کامیابی، خوشحالی | Refers to success and Allah's guidance, commonly linked with being granted success through divine favor. |
Tanya | TAN-ya | Fairy Queen, Princess | پری ملکہ، شہزادی | Represents a graceful and regal woman, often linked with the virtues of nobility and elegance in Islamic culture. |
Tara | TA-ra | Star | ستارہ | Symbolizes brilliance, light, and guidance, as stars are mentioned in the Quran as signs of Allah’s creation. |
Tawda | TAW-da | Return to Allah | اللہ کی طرف واپس آنا | Symbolizes repentance and returning to Allah, a concept widely discussed in the Quran. |
Thuriah | thu-REE-ah | A constellation of stars | ستاروں کا جھرمٹ | Symbolizes divine light and guidance, with stars being metaphors for guidance in Islam. |
Tafseer | taf-SEER | Interpretation (of the Quran) | تفسیر (قرآن کی) | Refers to the interpretation or commentary on the Quran, a significant scholarly pursuit in Islam. |
Tadhira | tad-HEE-ra | Pure, Unspoiled | پاک، غیر آلودہ | Refers to something pure and untouched, aligning with the Islamic ideal of moral and spiritual purity. |
Tansiya | tan-SEE-ya | To give thanks, Gratitude | شکریہ، قدردانی | Represents thankfulness and gratitude towards Allah, an important value in Islam (Quran 14:7). |
Tariqat | ta-REE-kat | Path, Way, Method | راستہ، طریقہ | Used in Sufism to describe the spiritual path to Allah, emphasizing moral and spiritual growth. |
Tehminah | teh-MEE-na | Powerful, Strong | طاقتور، مضبوط | A name linked to strength and nobility, inspired by Persian queens, reflecting fortitude and wisdom in Islam. |
Tahrim | tah-REEM | Sacred, Forbidden | مقدس، حرام | Refers to something sacred or prohibited, a concept deeply rooted in Islamic teachings regarding what is lawful and unlawful. |
Thamina | tha-MEE-na | Precious, Valuable | قیمتی، قیمتی | Symbolizes something precious, like a rare treasure, a metaphor for the value of good deeds in Islam. |
Tina | TEE-na | Clay, Earth | مٹی | Represents humility, as humans were created from clay, according to the Quran (38:71-72). |
Tazia | ta-ZEE-ya | Consolation, Mourning | تسلی، غم | Refers to compassion and comfort, sentiments that Muslims practice towards one another in times of grief. |
Tawiza | taw-EE-zah | Blessed, Fortunate | بابرکت، خوش نصیب | Signifies being blessed with good fortune, a concept mentioned in the Quran as a sign of Allah’s favor. |
Tawba | TAW-ba | Repentance, Return to Allah | توبہ، اللہ کی طرف رجوع | Refers to repentance, a central concept in Islam that is mentioned frequently in the Quran (66:8), where one returns to Allah in repentance. |
Tania | TA-nia | Fairy Queen, Princess | پری ملکہ، شہزادی | Represents grace and royalty, linked to the noble characteristics valued in Islamic teachings. |
Tasmim | TAS-meem | Water, Name of a heavenly river | پانی، جنت کے دریا کا نام | Refers to a name of a heavenly river in paradise, mentioned in the Quran (47:15), reflecting purity and divine blessings. |
Tabia | TA-bee-ya | Gift of God, God's reward | اللہ کا تحفہ، انعام | Represents a divine gift or blessing, recognizing the importance of gratitude for Allah’s favors in Islam. |
Thawra | THAWR-ah | Revolution, Change | انقلاب، تبدیلی | Symbolizes significant change or transformation, linked with revolutionary figures in history who changed the course of Islam. |
Talaat | ta-LAAT | Glowing, Brilliant | چمکدار، روشن | Refers to brilliance, shining with radiance, metaphorically linking to guidance from Allah's light in Islam. |
Tariyah | ta-REE-yah | Aspirant, Hopeful | امیدوار، آرزو مند | Represents a person full of hope and aspirations, which aligns with the Islamic value of striving towards good deeds. |
Tazmina | taz-MEE-na | Purification, Honest | صاف، دیانتدار | Represents honesty and integrity, key values emphasized in the Quran and Sunnah. |
Tufaila | too-FAY-lah | Successful, Prosperous | کامیاب، خوشحال | A name from Islamic history referring to a noble woman, symbolizing success and prosperity. |
Tufaylah | too-FAY-lah | Successful, Prosperous | کامیاب، خوشحال | A name found in Islamic history, associated with a woman who embodied success and virtue. |
Tameenah | ta-MEE-nah | Safe, Protected, Safe from harm | محفوظ، نقصان سے بچا ہوا | Represents safety and protection, which are seen as blessings from Allah, and a sign of His mercy. |
Tawfah | TAW-fah | Gift, Present | تحفہ، پیشکش | Represents a divine gift, highlighting the importance of recognizing Allah's blessings as gifts to humanity. |
Tazmin | TAZ-meen | Purification, Honest | صفائی، دیانتدار | Refers to purity and honesty, both essential virtues in Islam. The Quran emphasizes purity in both body and soul. |
Tashfeen | TASH-feen | Healing, Cure | علاج، شفایابی | Represents healing and health, reflecting the Islamic emphasis on well-being and the importance of health in Islam. |
Tharwat | THAR-wat | Wealth, Prosperity | دولت، خوشحالی | Symbolizes wealth, not just material wealth but also spiritual abundance, which is encouraged in Islam. |
Tasmira | tas-MEE-rah | Lovely, Beautiful | خوبصورت، دلکش | Represents beauty, both external and internal, a quality often praised in Islam as part of a balanced life. |
Taha | TA-ha | A name of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), also a Surah of the Quran | حضرت محمد (صلى الله عليه وسلم) کا نام، قرآن کا سورۃ | Refers to the beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and also a chapter (Surah) in the Quran, symbolizing guidance and purity. |
Tulayhah | TOO-lay-hah | A name of a prominent female in Islamic history | ایک مشہور خاتون کا نام، اسلامی تاریخ میں | This name is historically significant, representing women of dignity and respect in early Islamic history. |
Taseem | tas-SEEM | Water of Paradise, Pure | جنت کا پانی، صاف | The name refers to the pure water from Jannah, mentioned in the Quran as a source of divine refreshment. |
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