Discover the Perfect T Name for Your Baby Boy
Below are the baby boy names starting with the letter ‘T’ to assist you in your search for the perfect name. All of these names belong to some religion and culture and have their significance in the world. We have also added accents, translations in Urdu and Hindi, and trends of popularity in the world all in our text. In this way, you will be able to pick a name that is unique and meaningful for your family and ancestors.
Name | Pronunciation Guide | Gender | Religion/Regional | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Meaning in Hindi | Popularity |
Taimur | TAI-moore | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Iron, Strong | لوہا | लौह | Popular in Arabic-speaking cultures, particularly among Muslims. |
Tanveer | TAN-veer | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Radiant, Luminous | تابناک | चमकदार | Common in Arabic-speaking cultures, especially among Muslims. |
Tarun | TA-roon | Boy | Hindu/Indian | Young, Youthful | جوان | युवा | Popular in India, particularly among Hindus. |
Tejas | TEJ-as | Boy | Hindu/Indian | Brilliance, Radiance | چمک | चमक | Popular in India, particularly among Hindus. |
Thomas | TOM-as | Boy | Christian/Greek | Twin | جڑواں | जुड़वां | Common in Christian communities and Western countries. |
Tariq | TAR-ik | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star, Voyager | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Common in Arabic-speaking cultures, particularly among Muslims. |
Tarek | TA-rek | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Popular in Arabic-speaking cultures, especially among Muslims. |
Thaddeus | THAD-ee-us | Boy | Christian/Greek | Courageous, Brave | دلیر | साहसी | Popular in Christian communities, particularly in Western countries. |
Tariq | TA-reeq | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star, Voyager | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Popular in Arabic-speaking cultures, especially among Muslims. |
Tenzin | TEN-zin | Boy | Tibetan/Buddhist | Defender of the Faith | ایمان کا محافظ | विश्वास का रक्षक | Popular in Tibetan and Buddhist communities. |
Timo | TEE-mo | Boy | Finnish/European | Honoring God | خدا کی تعظیم | ईश्वर की आराधना | Popular in Finland and other European countries. |
Taresh | TA-resh | Boy | Hindu/Indian | Protector of the Earth | زمین کا محافظ | पृथ्वी का रक्षक | Increasingly popular in India, especially among Hindus. |
Tyrese | TY-reese | Boy | African-American/English | From the Land of Tyre | زمین کے علاقے سے | टायर के भूमि से | Gaining popularity in diverse cultures. |
Thorne | THORN | Boy | English/European | Thorn Bush | کانٹا | कांटा | Unique in English-speaking countries, gaining attention in other regions. |
Tarek | TAR-ik | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Popular in Arabic-speaking cultures, especially among Muslims. |
Thor | THOR | Boy | Norse/Scandinavian | Thunder | گرج | गरज | Popular in Scandinavian countries and among fans of Norse mythology. |
Teagan | TEE-gan | Boy | Irish/Scottish | Little Poet | چھوٹا شاعر | छोटा कवि | Gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. |
Thaddeus | THAD-dee-us | Boy | Christian/Greek | Courageous, Brave | دلیر | साहसी | Popular in Christian communities, particularly in Western countries. |
Theo | THEE-oh | Boy | Greek/European | God’s Gift | خدا کا تحفہ | ईश्वर का उपहार | Popular in European and English-speaking countries. |
Tyrell | TI-rell | Boy | English/Modern | To Pull the Earth | زمین کو کھینچنا | पृथ्वी को खींचना | Increasingly popular in English-speaking countries. |
Tucker | TUCK-er | Boy | English/Modern | The Greatest | سب سے بڑا | सबसे बड़ा | Gaining popularity in English-speaking regions. |
Tariq | TA-reek | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Popular in Arabic-speaking cultures, especially among Muslims. |
Tarek | TA-rek | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Common in Arabic-speaking cultures, particularly among Muslims. |
Troy | TROY | Boy | Greek/European | Foot Soldier | پیادہ | सैनिक | Popular in European and English-speaking countries. |
Torin | TOR-in | Boy | Irish/Scottish | Chief, Leader | سردار | प्रमुख | Gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. |
Trey | TRAY | Boy | English/Modern | Three | تین | तीन | Popular in English-speaking countries. |
Taran | TAR-an | Boy | Sikh/Indian | Thunderstorm | آندھی | तूफान | Popular in Sikh communities and India. |
Tristan | TRIS-tan | Boy | Welsh/Arthurian | Sadness, Sorrow | غم | दुख | Popular in English-speaking countries, especially in literature. |
Tarek | TA-reek | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Common in Arabic-speaking cultures, particularly among Muslims. |
Tylor | TY-lor | Boy | English/Modern | Tailor | درزی | दर्जी | Gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. |
Tyler | TY-ler | Boy | English/Modern | Tile Maker | ٹائل بنانے والا | टाइल बनाने वाला | Popular in English-speaking countries. |
Thane | THAYN | Boy | Scottish/Old English | Landowner | زمین کا مالک | ज़मीन का मालिक | Unique in Scottish and historical contexts. |
Tiberius | TI-ber-ee-us | Boy | Roman/Latin | From the Tiber River | تیبر کے دریا سے | टाइबर नदी से | Rare but gaining attention in historical and literary contexts. |
Terrell | TER-rell | Boy | English/Modern | Torn, Ruler | پھٹا | शासक | Gaining popularity in modern English-speaking cultures. |
Thierry | TEE-air-ee | Boy | French/European | Ruler, King | حکمران | शासक | Popular in French-speaking countries and gaining global recognition. |
Theon | THEE-on | Boy | Greek/European | Divine, Godly | خدا کا | दिव्य | Gaining popularity in modern European and English-speaking cultures. |
Timothy | TIM-uh-thee | Boy | Christian/Greek | Honoring God | خدا کی تعظیم | ईश्वर की आराधना | Popular in Christian communities, especially in Western countries. |
Tucker | TUCK-er | Boy | English/Modern | The Greatest | سب سے بڑا | सबसे बड़ा | Increasingly popular in English-speaking regions. |
Tariq | TAH-reek | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning star, traveler | تارک | तारा | Popular in Islamic regions. |
Talha | TAL-ha | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | A type of tree | طلح | एक प्रकार का पेड़ | Known in Islamic regions. |
Tamer | TAH-mer | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Date palm | تمر | खजूर | Known in Arabic regions. |
Talib | TAH-lib | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Seeker of knowledge | طالب | छात्र | Known in Islamic regions. |
Tarun | TAH-roon | Boy | Hindu/Indian | Young, youth | युवा | युवा | Popular in Indian regions. |
Tushar | TOO-shaar | Boy | Hindu/Indian | Snow, frost | तुषार | तुषार | Known in Indian regions. |
Tejas | TAY-jas | Boy | Hindu/Indian | Radiant, brilliant | तेजस | तेज | Popular in Indian regions. |
Thomas | TOM-us | Boy | Christian/Western | Twin | تھامس | थॉमस | Common in Western countries. |
Timothy | TIM-uh-thee | Boy | Christian/Western | Honoring God | تیموتھی | टिमोथी | Common in Western countries. |
Tobias | TOH-by-us | Boy | Christian/Western | God is good | توبیاس | तोबियास | Common in Western countries. |
Travis | TRA-vis | Boy | Christian/Western | Crossing | ٹریوس | ट्रैविस | Common in Western countries. |
Theodore | THEE-uh-dor | Boy | Christian/Western | Gift of God | تھیوڈور | थियोडोर | Common in Western countries. |
Theo | THEE-oh | Boy | Other/Greek | Gift of God | تھیو | उपहार | Known in various cultures. |
Tenzin | TEN-zin | Boy | Other/Tibetan | Defender of the faith | تنزین | तेंजिन | Known in Tibetan regions. |
Tao | TAO | Boy | Other/Chinese | Peach | تاؤ | आड़ू | Known in Chinese regions. |
Thor | THOR | Boy | Other/Norse | Thunder | تھور | थॉर | Known in Norse regions. |
Talin | TA-lin | Boy | Armenian/European | Little Hill | چھوٹا پہاڑ | छोटा पहाड़ | Increasingly popular in Armenian and European contexts. |
Tarek | TAR-ik | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Common in Arabic-speaking cultures, particularly among Muslims. |
Thiago | tee-AH-go | Boy | Portuguese/Spanish | Supreme, God-like | اعلیٰ | सर्वोच्च | Popular in Portuguese and Spanish-speaking countries. |
Teodoro | tay-oh-DOH-ro | Boy | Spanish/Italian | Gift of God | خدا کا تحفہ | ईश्वर का उपहार | Popular in Spanish and Italian-speaking countries. |
Tamir | TA-meer | Boy | Jewish/Arabic | Rich, Precious | قیمتی | अमूल्य | Common in Jewish and Arabic-speaking cultures. |
Terrence | TAY-rens | Boy | Irish/Latin | Soft, Tender | نرم | सौम्य | Common in Irish and Latin-speaking communities. |
Tyson | TIE-sun | Boy | English/Modern | Son of the God of Fire | آتش کے خدا کا بیٹا | आग के देवता का पुत्र | Gaining popularity in English-speaking regions. |
Tamal | TA-mal | Boy | Indian/Bengali | Date Palm | کھجور کا درخت | खजूर का पेड़ | Popular in Bengali-speaking regions. |
Taj | TAJ | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Crown | تاج | मुकुट | Popular in Arabic-speaking cultures, especially among Muslims. |
Trenton | TREHN-tun | Boy | English/Modern | Trent's Town | ٹرنٹ کا شہر | ट्रेंट का शहर | Gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. |
Tobias | TOH-by-as | Boy | Greek/Christian | God is Good | خدا اچھا ہے | भगवान अच्छे हैं | Popular in Christian communities, especially in Western countries. |
Torin | TOR-in | Boy | Irish/Scottish | Chief, Leader | سردار | प्रमुख | Increasingly popular in English-speaking countries. |
Timon | TEE-mon | Boy | Greek/Modern | Honoring God | خدا کی تعظیم | ईश्वर की आराधना | Gaining popularity in modern contexts. |
Tarek | TA-reek | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Popular in Arabic-speaking cultures, especially among Muslims. |
Tate | TAYT | Boy | English/Modern | Cheerful | خوش | खुश | Gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. |
Tariq | TAR-ik | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Popular in Arabic-speaking cultures, particularly among Muslims. |
Taavi | TAH-vee | Boy | Finnish/European | Good, Kind | اچھا، مہربان | अच्छा, दयालु | Popular in Finland and gaining attention in other regions. |
Toma | TOH-ma | Boy | Hungarian/Slavic | Twin | جڑواں | जुड़वां | Gaining popularity in Hungary and Slavic regions. |
Teo | TAY-oh | Boy | Italian/Spanish | God’s Gift | خدا کا تحفہ | ईश्वर का उपहार | Popular in Italian and Spanish-speaking countries. |
Titus | TIE-tus | Boy | Roman/Latin | Title of Honor | اعزاز کا عنوان | सम्मान का शीर्षक | Popular in historical and classical contexts. |
Trevin | TREH-vin | Boy | Irish/Modern | Fair, Just | منصف | न्यायपूर्ण | Gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. |
Tanvir | TAN-veer | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Radiant, Luminous | تابناک | चमकदार | Common in Arabic-speaking cultures, especially among Muslims. |
Toren | TOR-en | Boy | English/Modern | Thunderbolt | بجلی | बिजली | Gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. |
Timaeus | ti-MAY-us | Boy | Greek/Philosophical | Honoring God | خدا کی تعظیم | ईश्वर की आराधना | Gaining popularity in philosophical and classical contexts. |
Tylan | TIE-lan | Boy | Welsh/Modern | Landlord | مالک زمین | ज़मीन का मालिक | Gaining popularity in Welsh and English-speaking regions. |
Tanner | TAN-er | Boy | English/Modern | Leather Worker | چمڑا بنانے والا | चमड़ा बनाने वाला | Gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. |
Terence | TER-ence | Boy | Irish/Latin | Tender, Soft | نرم | सौम्य | Popular in Irish and Latin-speaking communities. |
Taavi | TAH-vee | Boy | Finnish/European | Good, Kind | اچھا، مہربان | अच्छा, दयालु | Popular in Finland and gaining attention in other |
Tavish | TAY-vish | Boy | Scottish/Modern | Iroquois (a Native American tribe) | ایک قبائلی نام | एक आदिवासी नाम | Gaining popularity in Scottish and modern contexts. |
Terrell | TER-rell | Boy | English/Modern | Torn, Ruler | پھٹا | शासक | Increasingly popular in modern English-speaking cultures. |
Thorin | THOR-in | Boy | Norse/Modern | Brave, Thunder | بہادر، گرج | बहादुर, गर्जन | Popular in Norse mythology and modern fantasy literature. |
Taron | TA-ron | Boy | Welsh/Modern | Thunder | گرج | गरज | Gaining popularity in Welsh and English-speaking regions. |
Tarek | TAR-ik | Boy | Muslim/Arabic | Morning Star | صبح کا ستارہ | सुबह का तारा | Popular in Arabic-speaking cultures, particularly among Muslims. |
Torin | TOR-in | Boy | Irish/Scottish | Chief, Hero | سربراہ، ہیرو | मुख्य, नायक | Gaining popularity in Irish and Scottish contexts. |
Takumi | TAH-koo-mee | Boy | Japanese | Artisan, Skillful | کاریگر، ہنر مند | कुशल, कारीगर | Popular in Japan, gaining attention in international communities. |
Trenton | TREN-ton | Boy | English/Modern | Town near the river | دریا کے قریب کا شہر | नदी के पास का शहर | Popular in English-speaking countries. |
Tristian | TRIS-tee-an | Boy | Welsh/Modern | Tumult, Outcry | ہنگامہ، شور | अशांति, हंगामा | Gaining popularity in Welsh and English-speaking regions. |
Thierry | tee-AY-ree | Boy | French/European | Ruler, King | حکمران، بادشاہ | शासक, राजा | Popular in French-speaking countries, gaining attention elsewhere. |
Tyrus | TY-rus | Boy | Greek/Latin | Strong, Powerful | مضبوط، طاقتور | मजबूत, शक्तिशाली | Gaining popularity in Greek and Latin contexts. |
Trent | TRENT | Boy | English/Modern | Gushing River | تیز بہاؤ والا دریا | बहता हुआ नदी | Popular in English-speaking countries. |
Thor | THOR | Boy | Norse/Scandinavian | Thunder God | گرج کا خدا | गरज का देवता | Popular in Norse mythology and Scandinavian cultures. |
Tate | TATE | Boy | English/Modern | Cheerful, Happy | خوش | प्रसन्न | Gaining popularity in English-speaking countries. |
Triston | TRIS-ton | Boy | English/Modern | Sorrowful | غمگین | दुःखी | Increasingly popular in modern English-speaking regions. |
Timo | TEE-mo | Boy | Finnish/German | Honoring God | خدا کی تعظیم | ईश्वर की आराधना | Popular in Finland and gaining recognition in other regions. |
Taran | TAH-ruhn | Boy | Indian/Modern | Thunder | گرج | गरज | Gaining popularity in India and among Indian communities. |
Tennyson | TEN-ee-sun | Boy | English/Modern | Son of Dennis | ڈینس کا بیٹا | डेनिस का बेटा | Gaining popularity in English-speaking regions. |
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