Beautiful Muslim Boy Names Starting with S – Meanings & Quranic References
Muslim parents love their babies and they know that pick the right name for baby boy is not just selecting a name but a journey in faith, culture, in fact in life. Noble popular and Muslim boy names starting with the letter ‘S’ provides a diverse mix of beautiful and meaningful names, that most are based on Islamic religions, holy Quran and historical personalities.
Whether you’d like to choose a name that has strength, knowledge, or kindness, this list of 100 Muslim Boy Names starting with letter S is a perfect pick for your cute and adorable baby to respect his religion as well as his ancestry.
We also present the correct way to pronounce each name along with its meaning in English and Urdu to provide you with the context of the name’s meaning. However, the names are linked with basic Quranic terms or Islamic personalities, hence one can quickly realize the aesthetic and religious significance of the names. It is also very helpful for parents wanting their child to bear a name that phonetically is pleasant but also historically meaningful.
List of muslim baby boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic History Reference |
Saad | Sa-ad | Felicity; happiness | خوشی؛ مسرت | Companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Saad ibn Abi Waqqas, a great warrior and general. |
Salah | Sa-lah | Righteousness; peace | نیکی؛ امن | Salah (prayer) is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. |
Salman | Sal-man | Safe; healthy | سلامت؛ محفوظ | Refers to Salman Al-Farsi, one of the Prophet’s (PBUH) companions. |
Sameer | Sa-meer | Jovial; entertaining companion | خوش مزاج؛ ساتھی | Represents someone who brings joy to others, echoing companionship values. |
Saif | Sa-if | Sword | تلوار | Represents strength and protection, as in Saif ibn Umar, a warrior companion. |
Shakir | Sha-kir | Thankful; grateful | شکر گزار | Symbolizes gratitude towards Allah, mentioned in the Quran (14:7). |
Shahbaz | Shah-baz | Falcon; royal | شاہین؛ شاہی | Refers to strength and majesty, symbolized by the falcon in Islamic poetry. |
Shams | Shams | Sun | سورج | Represents brightness and leadership, mentioned in the Quran (Surah Ash-Shams). |
Suhail | Su-hail | Easy; smooth | آسان | Companion Suhail ibn Amr, a diplomat during the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah. |
Sulaiman | Su-lai-man | Name of a Prophet (Solomon) | حضرت سلیمان | Sulaiman is a Prophet mentioned in the Quran for his wisdom and leadership (Quran 27:15-44). |
Shafi | Sha-fi | Healer; intercessor | شفاعت کرنے والا | Represents a compassionate and merciful character, a role given to the Prophet (PBUH) in the Hereafter. |
Shahid | Sha-hid | Witness | گواہ | Appears in the Quran, meaning one who bears witness (Quran 3:98). |
Safwan | Saf-wan | Pure; smooth stone | صاف؛ خالص | Represents clarity and purity in heart, akin to early Muslims’ devotion. |
Siraj | Si-raj | Light; lamp | چراغ | Mentioned in the Quran as “Siraj” (lamp) referring to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Quran 33:46). |
Saifullah | Sa-if-ul-lah | Sword of Allah | اللہ کی تلوار | Title given to Khalid ibn al-Walid, a companion known for his military prowess. |
Samir | Sa-mir | Companion of evening conversations | رات کا ساتھی | Represents companionship, as seen in the close relationship between the Prophet and his companions. |
Saqib | Sa-qib | Bright; shining star | چمکتا ہوا ستارہ | Represents one who is radiant and guiding, much like a bright star. |
Siddiq | Sid-diq | Truthful; honest | سچا؛ ایماندار | Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, the first Caliph and closest companion of the Prophet (PBUH). |
Shamsuddin | Shams-ud-din | Sun of the religion | دین کا سورج | Represents one who spreads the light of Islam. |
Sarim | Sa-rim | Sharp sword; decisive | تیز تلوار | Represents firmness and decisiveness in character, as seen in the companions of the Prophet (PBUH). |
Shayan | Sha-yan | Worthy; deserving | قابل؛ لائق | Reflects worthiness and merit, a value important in Islamic teachings. |
Sufyan | Suf-yan | Companion of the Prophet | نبی کے ساتھی | Refers to Abu Sufyan, a companion of the Prophet (PBUH). |
Sharif | Sha-rif | Noble; honorable | شریف | Reflects nobility and high status, both in this world and in the hereafter. |
Shaheen | Sha-heen | Royal white falcon | شاہین | Symbolizes majesty and strength, commonly referenced in Islamic poetry. |
Saib | Sa-ib | Right; correct | درست | Refers to a companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Saib ibn Yazid. |
Saaduddin | Sa-ad-ud-din | Happiness of the religion | دین کی خوشی | Reflects joy brought to the religion through good deeds and piety. |
Shariq | Sha-riq | Radiant; shining | روشن | Symbolizes radiance, like the light of faith spreading among believers. |
Sadiq | Sa-diq | Sincere; honest | سچا؛ مخلص | Companion Sadiq ibn Mansur, known for his truthfulness. |
Saqar | Sa-qar | A river in Paradise | جنت کی ایک نہر | Mentioned in Hadith as a river for the righteous in Paradise. |
Sarmad | Sar-mad | Eternal; everlasting | ہمیشہ رہنے والا | Represents eternity, a reflection of the afterlife in Islamic belief. |
Sattar | Sat-tar | Protector; concealer | چھپانے والا؛ حفاظت کرنے والا | One of the attributes of Allah, “Al-Sattar,” the One who conceals. |
Shuja | Shu-ja | Courageous; brave | بہادر؛ دلیر | Reflects bravery, like that of the companions of the Prophet (PBUH). |
Sabir | Sa-bir | Patient; enduring | صابر | Refers to the virtue of patience, a value highly regarded in the Quran (Quran 2:153). |
Shafeeq | Sha-feeq | Kind; compassionate | مہربان؛ ہمدرد | Reflects compassion and kindness, virtues emphasized in the Sunnah. |
Sabeeh | Sa-beeh | Handsome; beautiful | خوبصورت | Refers to someone with inner and outer beauty, similar to descriptions of the Sahabah. |
Saheer | Sa-heer | Wakeful; vigilant | جاگنے والا | Symbolizes vigilance in worship and devotion, much like the Sahabah in their night prayers. |
Salahuddin | Sa-lah-ud-din | Righteousness of the faith | دین کی نیکی | Famous name of Salahuddin Al-Ayyubi, a hero in Islamic history who recaptured Jerusalem. |
Sadruddin | Sad-ru-din | Leader of the faith | دین کا رہنما | Represents leadership and dedication to Islamic teachings. |
Sadi | Sa-di | Fortunate | خوش نصیب | Reflects being blessed and fortunate, like the early companions of Islam. |
Saiful | Sai-ful | Sword of | تلوار | Reflects strength and defense, as in the battles fought for Islam. |
Saeed | Sa-eed | Happy; prosperous | خوش؛ خوشحال | A common name among early Muslims, including companions of the Prophet. |
Sahil | Sa-hil | Shore; coast | ساحل | Symbolizes peace and tranquility, much like the calm shores of a river or sea. |
Sari | Sa-ri | Clouds in the night | رات کے بادل | Represents a soothing and gentle nature. |
Sahir | Sa-hir | Wakeful; staying up late | جاگنے والا | Symbolizes devotion, as many companions would pray through the night. |
Salim | Sa-lim | Safe; secure | محفوظ؛ سلامت | Reflects safety and protection, much like the companions who sought protection through faith. |
Shafaat | Sha-faat | Intercession | سفارش کرنے والا | Represents one who intercedes on behalf of others, a role given to the Prophet (PBUH). |
Safeer | Sa-feer | Ambassador | سفیر | Represents one who carries a message, akin to the role of the companions. |
Sulayman | Su-lay-man | Name of a Prophet (Solomon) | حضرت سلیمان | Refers to Prophet Sulayman (Solomon), known for wisdom and miracles (Quran 27:15-44). |
Subhan | Sub-han | Glorious; holy | پاک؛ مقدس | Represents glory and praise to Allah, as in the tasbih "Subhan Allah." |
Shujauddin | Shu-ja-ud-din | Brave defender of faith | دین کا بہادر محافظ | Reflects bravery in defending the Islamic faith, like many Sahabah. |
Safar | Sa-far | Journey; travel | سفر | Symbolizes a person who is always moving or seeking knowledge. |
Salaar | Sa-laar | Leader; chief | رہنما؛ سردار | Represents leadership, often used to refer to commanders or generals in Islamic history. |
Shamsher | Sham-sher | Sword | تلوار | Represents a sharp mind or strength, similar to companions of the Prophet (PBUH) known for their bravery. |
Sahib | Sa-hib | Companion | ساتھی | Refers to one who accompanies, often symbolizing close companionship with the Prophet (PBUH). |
Sarwar | Sar-war | Chief; leader | رہنما؛ سردار | Represents leadership and respect, common among early Muslims. |
Shayaan | Sha-yaan | Worthy; deserving | لائق؛ قابل | Reflects someone deserving of honor, similar to many companions of the Prophet (PBUH). |
Shahin | Sha-hin | Royal falcon | شاہین | Symbolizes strength and majesty, referenced in Islamic poetry. |
Safiuddin | Sa-fi-ud-din | Pure of the faith | دین کا پاک | Reflects one who is pure and dedicated to the teachings of Islam. |
Sajid | Sa-jid | One who prostrates | سجدہ کرنے والا | Represents piety and devotion in prayer, as emphasized in Islamic practice. |
Samih | Sa-mih | Forgiving | معاف کرنے والا | Reflects mercy and forgiveness, values central to Islamic teachings. |
Saadi | Saa-di | Fortunate | خوش نصیب | Represents one who is blessed and fortunate, often used for early Muslims. |
Sulaim | Su-laim | Sound; unblemished | صحیح؛ سلامت | Refers to someone who is free from faults or errors, much like the companions who upheld the truth. |
Sultan | Sul-tan | King; ruler | بادشاہ | Represents authority and leadership, referenced in Islamic governance. |
Sami | Sa-mi | High; elevated | اونچا؛ بلند | Represents someone with a high status, often linked with spiritual elevation in Islam. |
Sabr | Sab-r | Patience | صبر | Reflects the virtue of patience, emphasized in many Quranic verses. |
Shamil | Sha-mil | Complete; all-encompassing | مکمل | Represents completeness, akin to someone who embodies many virtues. |
Safdar | Saf-dar | Bold warrior | بہادر جنگجو | Refers to a brave and bold warrior, similar to those who fought in the early battles of Islam. |
Saalim | Saa-lim | Peaceful | پرامن | Represents someone who is peaceful and harmonious, like the companions who sought peace in their communities. |
Sibtain | Sib-tain | Two grandsons (Hasan & Husain) | حسن و حسین | Refers to the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) grandsons, Hasan and Husain. |
Sabrullah | Sab-ru-lah | Patience of Allah | اللہ کا صبر | Reflects the patience that is granted or inspired by Allah. |
Safiy | Sa-fiy | Chosen friend | دوست؛ منتخب | Refers to Safiyah, one of the wives of the Prophet (PBUH), and symbolizes friendship and closeness. |
Saher | Sa-her | Charming; enchanting | دلکش؛ خوبصورت | Symbolizes beauty and charm, values that are emphasized in Islamic culture. |
Sahl | Sa-hl | Easy; soft | آسان | Represents someone who is gentle and easygoing, like many companions of the Prophet (PBUH). |
Sadid | Sa-did | Strong; correct | مضبوط؛ درست | Reflects strength in character and correctness in action, much like the companions. |
Shuaib | Shu-aib | Name of a Prophet | حضرت شعیب | Refers to Prophet Shuaib, a figure known for his patience and wisdom. |
Shafiullah | Sha-fi-ul-lah | Intercessor by the will of Allah | اللہ کے حکم سے سفارش کرنے والا | Represents one who intercedes for others, a title given to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Hereafter. |
Shihab | Shi-hab | Flame; bright star | روشنی؛ چمکتا ہوا ستارہ | Symbolizes brightness and guidance, similar to a star in the night sky. |
Subhi | Sub-hi | Early morning | صبح | Reflects the freshness and new beginnings of the early morning, often used metaphorically in Islamic literature. |
Shakirullah | Sha-kir-ul-lah | Grateful to Allah | اللہ کا شکر گزار | Reflects gratitude towards Allah, as encouraged in the Quran (2:152). |
Saffar | Saf-far | Coppersmith | تانبے کا کاریگر | The term is historically linked to early trades and skillful craftsmen in the Muslim community. |
Samin | Sa-min | Precious | قیمتی | Refers to something valuable and precious, akin to the blessings in life granted by Allah. |
Sabih | Sa-bih | Beautiful; pleasant | خوبصورت؛ دلکش | Reflects beauty in character, as seen in companions of the Prophet (PBUH). |
Salih | Sa-lih | Righteous; pious | نیک؛ پرہیزگار | Name of Prophet Salih, known for his righteousness (Quran 7:73-79). |
Sabri | Sab-ri | Patient | صابر | Related to patience, a quality emphasized in the Quran (103:3). |
Sajjad | Saj-jad | One who prostrates often | سجدہ کرنے والا | Symbolizes humility and devotion, often linked with the practice of prayer (salah). |
Sahal | Sa-hal | Easy-going; mild | آسان | Reflects someone with a kind and gentle nature, much like many Sahabah. |
Shammas | Sham-mas | Servant | خادم | Refers to Shammas bin Uthman, an early Muslim who served the Prophet (PBUH). |
Suhayb | Su-hayb | Red-haired; reddish | سرخ بال | Refers to Suhayb Ar-Rumi, one of the early converts to Islam, known for his loyalty. |
Sahmir | Sah-mir | Entertaining companion | ساتھی | Represents friendship and a companion who brings joy, similar to the Prophet’s companions. |
Saleh | Sa-leh | Pious; righteous | نیک؛ پرہیزگار | Refers to Prophet Saleh, known for his righteousness and strong faith. |
Samirullah | Sa-mir-ul-lah | Entertainer by the will of Allah | اللہ کے حکم سے ساتھی | Reflects someone who brings joy and companionship under divine guidance. |
Shadid | Sha-did | Strong; firm | مضبوط؛ طاقتور | Reflects strength and firmness in belief, much like the companions in early Islamic history. |
Sameerullah | Sa-meer-ul-lah | Entertainer by Allah’s will | اللہ کے حکم سے خوش کرنے والا | Symbolizes companionship and comfort, guided by divine will. |
Sahluddin | Sa-hl-ud-din | Ease of the religion | دین کی آسانی | Reflects someone who makes the practice of Islam easy and accessible. |
Sabur | Sa-bur | Patient; enduring | صابر | Reflects endurance and patience, a highly emphasized trait in Islam (Quran 103:3). |
Sabahat | Sa-ba-hat | Beauty; grace | خوبصورتی؛ نزاکت | Symbolizes physical and moral beauty, much valued in Islamic teachings. |
Shazil | Sha-zil | Loyal; good friend | وفادار دوست | Reflects loyalty, a value often seen in the Prophet’s companions. |
Sarmadi | Sar-ma-di | Eternal; everlasting | ابدی؛ ہمیشہ رہنے والا | Reflects eternity, a concept in the Quran referring to the afterlife. |
Shazwan | Shaz-wan | Rare; unique | نایاب؛ منفرد | Represents uniqueness and rarity, often associated with something special. |
Shujat | Shu-jat | Brave; courageous | بہادر؛ دلیر | Reflects courage, like many of the Prophet’s companions in battle. |
Sidra | Sid-ra | Name of a tree in Paradise | جنت کا ایک درخت | Refers to the Sidrat al-Muntaha, the Lote tree in the Quran (53:14). |
Shafaq | Sha-faq | Compassion; twilight | ہمدردی؛ شفق | Represents compassion, as shown by the Prophet (PBUH) towards his people. |
Shahir | Sha-hir | Famous; renowned | مشہور؛ معروف | Represents someone well-known for good deeds, similar to famous Sahabah. |
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