Muslim Boy Names Starting with I Meaning and Islamic, Quranic References
Choosing the right name for your little boy can be an exciting and challenging task and if you are considering ‘I’ names for boys, the following list should help. A name contains meaning, personality, and relation to faith, culture, and history.
As promised in this blog, there are 100 Muslim boy names beginning with I, and for each of these names, there is the pronunciation and meaning, and sometimes it originates from Islamic history. These names are not merely irrelevant labels, they are values drawn from the Islamic fundamentals and history. Whether you are looking for traditional or trendy baby names, this compilation gives you inspiration towards a dignified life for your child.
List of muslim boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic History Reference |
Ibrahim | Ee-bra-heem | Father of Nations | قوموں کا باپ | Name of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) in the Quran. |
Idris | Ee-drees | Interpreter | مفسر | Prophet Idris (AS), mentioned in the Quran (Surah Maryam 19:56). |
Ishaq | Ee-shaaq | Laughter | ہنسی | Prophet Ishaq (AS), son of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). |
Ilyas | Ee-lyaas | My God is Yahweh | میرا خدا یہوہ ہے | Prophet Ilyas (AS), mentioned in the Quran. |
Imran | Eem-ran | Prosperity | خوشحالی | Father of Maryam (AS) mentioned in the Quran (Surah Al-Imran). |
Isa | Ee-sa | Jesus | عیسیٰ | Prophet Isa (AS), also known as Jesus, mentioned in the Quran. |
Ihtisham | Eeh-teh-shaam | Dignity | وقار | Dignified, reflecting respect and honor. |
Ismail | Is-ma-eel | God will hear | خدا سنے گا | Prophet Ismail (AS), son of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). |
Ijaz | Ee-jaz | Miracle | معجزہ | Refers to the miraculous nature of the Quran. |
Ikrimah | Ik-ree-mah | A dove | ایک کبوتر | Companion of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW). |
Ihsan | Ee-hsaan | Perfection of faith | احسان | Mentioned in the Quran, meaning to do good. |
Iqbal | Ik-baal | Prosperity | خوشحالی | Reflects the message of prosperity and success in Islam. |
Inam | Ee-naa-m | Blessing | انعام | Reward or gift from Allah. |
Intizar | In-tee-zar | Waiting | انتظار | A patient waiting, symbolizing trust in Allah’s timing. |
Irfan | Ir-faan | Knowledge | علم | Knowledge and understanding, often linked with Islamic teachings. |
Israr | Is-raar | Secrecy | راز | Reflects mystery or something hidden. |
Ibrahimov | Ee-bra-heem-ov | Descendant of Ibrahim | ابراہیم کی اولاد | Signifies lineage to Prophet Ibrahim (AS). |
Iftikhar | If-te-khaar | Honor | فخر | A name reflecting pride and honor in Islamic values. |
Iqtidar | Iq-ti-daar | Authority | اقتدار | Represents strength and leadership. |
Iskandar | Is-kan-dar | Defender of mankind | انسانیت کا محافظ | Reflects qualities of leadership, associated with historical Islamic figures. |
Izzat | Ee-zaat | Respect, Honor | عزت | A name reflecting honor and dignity. |
Idrak | Ee-draak | Understanding | فہم | Represents wisdom and comprehension in Islamic teachings. |
Isbah | Is-bah | Morning Light | صبح کی روشنی | Represents guidance and light, reflecting divine knowledge. |
Iqleem | Ik-leem | Region | علاقہ | Refers to regions or territories, significant in early Islamic expansions. |
Inayatullah | Ina-yat-ullah | Blessing from Allah | اللہ کا انعام | Signifies the divine blessings of Allah. |
Irteza | Ir-te-zaa | Chosen, Favorite | منتخب | Reflects the chosen ones in Islamic history, like the Prophets. |
Izhar | Izh-har | Expression | اظہار | Represents expression and revelation, connected with Islamic values. |
Ihtiram | Eh-tee-ram | Respect | عزت | A name meaning respect and honor, a core Islamic principle. |
Imdad | Im-daad | Help, Support | مدد | Reflects Allah's support and mercy in the Quran. |
Ihtimam | Ih-te-maa-m | Care, Attention | توجہ | Represents care and attentiveness, a virtue in Islam. |
Izzuddin | Izz-ud-din | Glory of the faith | دین کی عظمت | Reflects the honor and dignity associated with Islam. |
Ijazul-Haq | Ee-jaz-ul-haq | Miracle of truth | حق کا معجزہ | Represents the miraculous nature of truth, often linked with the Quran. |
Intikhab | In-tee-khaab | Selection, Choice | انتخاب | Refers to being chosen, symbolizing divine favor. |
Inayat | In-aa-yat | Care, Concern | توجہ | Signifies divine care and concern from Allah. |
Izhaar | Iz-har | Manifestation | ظاہر | Reflects the revelation or manifestation of truth. |
Iltifat | Il-tee-faat | Kindness, Favor | مہربانی | Represents divine favor and mercy. |
Imtiaz | Im-tee-aaz | Distinction | امتیاز | Represents uniqueness and distinction, often linked with Islamic values. |
Isfandiyar | Is-fan-dee-yar | Defender of Islam | اسلام کا محافظ | Historical Islamic figures known for defending faith. |
Ibtisam | Ib-tee-sam | Smile | مسکراہٹ | Reflects kindness and warmth, a cherished value in Islam. |
Idrasi | Ee-dra-see | Related to Idris | ادریس سے متعلق | Linked with Prophet Idris (AS) in Islamic history. |
Izhaan | Izaan | Obedience | اطاعت | Reflects submission and obedience to Allah. |
Ishraq | Is-shraak | Radiance, Enlightenment | روشنی، منور | Reflects light and knowledge, symbolizing divine guidance. |
Ikrama | Ik-ra-mah | Honor, Generosity | عزت، سخاوت | Reflects the Islamic principle of honoring others. |
Ishfaq | Ish-faaq | Compassion | ہمدردی | Signifies mercy and compassion, key virtues in Islam. |
Ismat | Is-maat | Purity, Innocence | پاکیزگی، معصومیت | Reflects innocence and purity in Islamic teachings. |
Izzatullah | Izz-at-ul-lah | Glory of Allah | اللہ کی عزت | Denotes the honor and glory that belongs to Allah. |
Ibrar | Ee-braar | Pious, Righteous | نیکوکار، راست باز | Reflects piety and good deeds, mentioned in Islamic traditions. |
Ihsaanullah | Ih-saan-ul-lah | Favor of Allah | اللہ کا احسان | Refers to Allah’s kindness and blessings. |
Imranuddin | Im-ran-ud-deen | Prosperity of the religion | دین کی خوشحالی | Represents growth and prosperity within Islam. |
Idreesi | Ee-dree-see | Follower of Idris | حضرت ادریس کے پیروکار | Linked with Prophet Idris (AS), mentioned in the Quran. |
Isaar | Ee-saar | Sacrifice | قربانی | Symbolizes selflessness and the Islamic principle of sacrifice. |
Ihkam | Ee-hkaam | Wisdom, Judgement | دانش، فیصلہ | Reflects the Islamic concept of making wise and fair decisions. |
Ihsanullah | Ih-saan-ul-lah | Generosity of Allah | اللہ کی سخاوت | Represents Allah’s grace and blessings. |
Ilmuddin | Il-mud-deen | Knowledge of the faith | دین کا علم | Reflects the importance of knowledge and learning in Islam. |
Ifraz | If-raaz | Eminence, Nobility | بلندی، شرافت | Represents high status and noble character. |
Idhar | Ee-dhar | Appearance, Presence | ظاہر ہونا | Denotes someone who manifests or appears in a special way. |
Izdihaar | Izd-ee-haar | Flourishing, Blooming | پھلنا پھولنا | Refers to growth and prosperity, symbolizing success. |
Ihtiramullah | Ih-te-ram-ul-lah | Respect from Allah | اللہ کا احترام | Denotes the honor and respect granted by Allah. |
Izaad | Ee-zaad | Increase, Growth | بڑھوتری | Represents growth and progress, both spiritually and materially. |
Ilm | Eelm | Knowledge | علم | Signifies the importance of learning in Islam. |
Istakhlaaq | Is-ta-khlaaq | Morality, Ethics | اخلاق | Refers to good character and ethical behavior in Islamic teachings. |
Islahuddin | Is-lah-ud-deen | Reformation of the faith | دین کی اصلاح | Reflects the idea of religious reform and improvement. |
Ishtiyaq | Ish-tee-aaq | Longing, Desire | خواہش، آرزو | Denotes a deep yearning, often for spiritual growth. |
Imranullah | Eem-ran-ul-lah | Prosperity from Allah | اللہ سے خوشحالی | Denotes growth and success, a gift from Allah. |
Iktisham | Ik-tee-shaam | Taking pride in something | فخر کرنا | Symbolizes pride in good deeds or accomplishments. |
Ishmam | Is-mam | Pleasant | خوشگوار | Reflects a pleasant nature, linked with positive Islamic qualities. |
Irham | Ir-haam | Mercy, Compassion | رحم، ہمدردی | Represents compassion, a core value in Islamic teachings. |
Imdadullah | Im-daad-ul-lah | Help from Allah | اللہ کی مدد | Denotes Allah’s assistance and mercy. |
Ibaad | I-baad | Worshippers | عبادت گزار | Refers to those who are devoted to worship in Islam. |
Ismatullah | Is-mat-ul-lah | Purity of Allah | اللہ کی پاکیزگی | Symbolizes the purity and perfection that is ascribed to Allah. |
Izzan | Izz-aan | Submission | اطاعت | Reflects obedience and submission to Allah. |
Ishafaq | Ish-faaq | Affection, Compassion | محبت، ہمدردی | Denotes warmth and kindness, core to Islamic virtues. |
Iftikar | If-tee-kaar | Pride, Glory | فخر، عظمت | Reflects honor and pride in Islamic heritage. |
Inshirah | In-she-rah | Relief, Expansion | راحت، کشادگی | Represents relief and openness, mentioned in Islamic texts. |
Iman | Ee-maan | Faith, Belief | ایمان | Denotes strong faith, one of the pillars of Islam. |
Izaan | Ee-zan | Obedience, Submission | فرمانبرداری | Represents submission to Allah’s will. |
Ifza | If-za | Protective | حفاظتی | Symbolizes protection, a quality highly valued in Islam. |
Ibtihaj | Ib-tee-haaj | Joy, Happiness | خوشی، مسرت | Reflects joy, a cherished value in Islamic culture. |
Ihab | Ee-haab | Gift | تحفہ | Represents something bestowed as a gift. |
Izdihar | Izd-ee-har | Flourishing | ترقی | Refers to growth and flourishing, often linked to personal development. |
Irfanullah | Ir-faan-ul-lah | Knowledge of Allah | اللہ کا علم | Represents deep understanding and recognition of Allah. |
Iqbaluddin | Iq-bal-ud-deen | Prosperity of the faith | دین کی خوشحالی | Symbolizes success and progress in the path of Islam. |
Iffat | If-fat | Modesty, Chastity | حیا، پاکدامنی | Represents modesty, an important Islamic virtue. |
Ihlas | Ee-hlas | Sincerity | اخلاص | Reflects honesty and sincerity in faith. |
Isamuddin | Is-sam-ud-deen | Protection of the religion | دین کا تحفظ | Denotes safeguarding and protecting the principles of Islam. |
Imtiyaz | Im-ti-yaaz | Distinction, Excellence | امتیاز | Reflects exceptional qualities and excellence. |
Iffatullah | If-fat-ul-lah | Purity from Allah | اللہ کی پاکیزگی | Symbolizes purity granted by Allah. |
Imtiaaz | Im-tee-aaz | Distinction, Honor | امتیاز | Reflects high status and noble character. |
Ibtisamullah | Ib-tee-sam-ul-lah | Smile of Allah | اللہ کی مسکراہٹ | Denotes joy and happiness blessed by Allah. |
Iffan | If-fan | Knowledge, Wisdom | علم، دانائی | Represents deep understanding and knowledge in Islam. |
Idrees | Id-rees | Prophet Idris | حضرت ادریس | Linked to Prophet Idris (AS), mentioned in the Quran. |
Izma | Iz-ma | Greatness | عظمت | Represents greatness and high standing in the eyes of Allah. |
Ijtiba | Ij-tee-ba | Selection, Choice | انتخاب | Represents being chosen for a special purpose, often linked to prophets in Islam. |
Ishaaq | Ish-haaq | Prophet Isaac | حضرت اسحاق | Linked to Prophet Ishaq (AS), son of Ibrahim (AS). |
Imanullah | Im-aan-ul-lah | Faith of Allah | اللہ کا ایمان | Reflects the deep belief and faith in Allah. |
Iqdam | Iq-daam | Bravery, Courage | بہادری، دلیری | Represents strength and the ability to face challenges. |
Ishaaqullah | Ish-haaq-ul-lah | Prophet Isaac of Allah | اللہ کے حضرت اسحاق | Represents Prophet Ishaq (AS) in relation to his role in Islamic history. |
Izzuddeen | Iz-zud-deen | Honor of the religion | دین کی عظمت | Reflects the strength and dignity of the Islamic faith. |
Intaj | In-taaj | Result, Outcome | نتیجہ | Represents the outcome or result of actions, linked to reward or consequence in Islamic teachings. |
Iyaas | I-yaas | Consolation, Gift | تسلی، تحفہ | Denotes comfort, often given in difficult times as a gift from Allah. |
Ishmil | Ish-mil | He who listens | وہ جو سنتا ہے | Represents those who heed advice and follow guidance in Islam. |
Iqleemullah | Iq-leem-ul-lah | Region of Allah | اللہ کا خطہ | Refers to lands or regions blessed by Allah’s grace. |
Ishqullah | Ish-qul-lah | Love of Allah | اللہ کی محبت | Symbolizes deep love and devotion for Allah. |
Inamullah | In-aam-ul-lah | Blessing from Allah | اللہ کا انعام | Represents gifts and blessings bestowed by Allah. |
Imtiaazullah | Im-tee-az-ul-lah | Distinction by Allah | اللہ کی طرف سے امتیاز | Denotes a special distinction or honor granted by Allah. |
Izazullah | Izaaz-ul-lah | Honor from Allah | اللہ کی طرف سے عزت | Represents dignity and respect given by Allah. |
Iqlas | Iq-laas | Purity, Sincerity | خلوص | Reflects a pure and sincere heart, free of malice or deceit. |
Itratullah | I-traa-tul-lah | Lineage of Allah | اللہ کا نسب | Refers to a noble lineage blessed by Allah. |
Itihad | Itee-haad | Unity, Brotherhood | اتحاد | Symbolizes the concept of unity and solidarity in Islam. |
Izdiharullah | Iz-dee-haar-ul-lah | Prosperity from Allah | اللہ کی طرف سے خوشحالی | Represents growth and success granted by Allah. |
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