Muslim Boy Names Starting with W Meaning & Islamic Significance
Selecting a name for your little boy is by no means a simple casual process but it has a deep meaning and importance. In Islamic tradition it is found that names do have social and religious significance and they are given depending upon the values that you want to cultivate in your child.
While ‘W’ is not one of the most frequently encountered initials in people’s names, there is an array of really pretty names starting with it all associated with history and faith. In this post, I have taken my time to list 100 Muslim boy names that start with ‘W’ to ensure that every name on the list has a good meaning attached to it.
From Wasiq, who was one of the wise and Noble companions of the Prophet SAW, to Walid, the brave companion, these names do more than just resonate, they are representative of Islamic norms and even the history of the great companions. Every name has something special about it and its meaning and history will enable you to make the right decision of selecting the right name of strength, honor and devotion.
List of Muslim Baby Boy Names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic Reference |
Wadi | Wa-di | Calm, peaceful | پر سکون | Wadi in Arabic means valley, representing calmness and tranquility, qualities emphasized in the Quran |
Wafa | Wa-faa | Loyalty, faithfulness | وفا، اخلاص | Quran mentions loyalty and faithfulness in several verses, particularly about faith in Allah |
Wahab | Wa-hab | Generous, giver of gifts | وہاب، تحفے دینے والا | One of the names of Allah (Al-Wahhab), mentioned in Surah Sad (38:9) |
Wahid | Wa-hid | One, unique | واحد، منفرد | Derived from "Al-Wahid" (The One), an attribute of Allah mentioned in Surah Al-Ikhlas (112:1) |
Wajid | Wa-jid | Finder, perceiver | پانے والا، دریافت کرنے والا | Mentioned in Surah At-Talaq (65:2), refers to the one who finds what is sought |
Waleed | Wa-leed | Newborn | نوزائیدہ | Waleed ibn Al-Waleed was a Sahabi and the brother of Khalid ibn Al-Waleed, a great Islamic warrior |
Wali | Wa-li | Guardian, friend | دوست، سرپرست | One of Allah's names, "Al-Wali" (The Protector), as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:257) |
Waqas | Wa-qas | Warrior | جنگجو | Saad ibn Abi Waqqas was a famous Sahabi and a great warrior in the early Islamic battles |
Waseem | Wa-seem | Handsome, graceful | خوبصورت، خوش جمال | This name signifies beauty and grace, as emphasized in several hadiths about inner and outer beauty |
Wasimuddin | Wa-sim-ud-din | Handsome in the religion | دین میں خوبصورت | This name is derived from Wasim (handsome) and "Din" (religion), emphasizing beauty in faith |
Wathiq | Wa-thiq | Confident, reliable | پر اعتماد، قابل اعتماد | Confidence is a key attribute in a believer, as mentioned in various Quranic verses like Surah Al-Maidah (5:54) |
Wazeer | Wa-zeer | Minister, helper | وزیر، مددگار | The word "wazeer" is used in the Quran (Surah Taha 20:29) when Prophet Musa (Moses) PBUH asked for a helper |
Waliuddin | Wa-li-ud-din | Protector of the faith | دین کا محافظ | This name means protector of religion and is derived from "Wali" and "Din" |
Waqar | Wa-qar | Dignity, respect | وقار، عزت | Emphasized in the Quran in Surah Al-Hujurat (49:13) regarding dignity and respect among people |
Waris | Wa-ris | Inheritor, heir | وارث | Derived from "Al-Warith" (The Inheritor), an attribute of Allah mentioned in Surah Al-Hijr (15:23) |
Waziruddin | Wa-zeer-ud-din | Minister of religion | دین کا وزیر | A name that combines "Wazir" (minister) with "Din" (religion), representing a helper in religious matters |
Waqif | Wa-qif | Knowledgeable, aware | جاننے والا، باخبر | Knowledge and awareness are key virtues emphasized throughout the Quran |
Wael | Waa-el | Seeker of shelter | پناہ لینے والا | Wael ibn Hujr was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Waliyullah | Wa-liy-ul-lah | Friend of Allah | اللہ کا دوست | A name that combines "Wali" (protector, friend) and "Allah," symbolizing closeness to God |
Wasfi | Was-fi | Descriptive | بیان کرنے والا | Derived from "Wasf," meaning description, often used to describe noble characteristics in the Quran |
Wafeeq | Wa-feeq | Successful | کامیاب | Rooted in success, a key concept in the Quran (Surah Al-Mu’minun 23:1) |
Wahaj | Wa-haj | Bright, blazing | روشن، چمکتا ہوا | Mentioned in Surah An-Naba (78:13) in reference to the shining sun |
Warda | War-da | Rose | گلاب | Though a common name for girls, Warda signifies beauty and purity, as referenced in Islamic literature |
Wasi | Wa-si | All-encompassing, wide | وسیع | One of the names of Allah, "Al-Wasi’" (The All-Encompassing), as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:247) |
Wazeeh | Wa-zeeh | Clear, distinct | صاف، واضح | Clarity in speech and faith is emphasized throughout the Quran, such as in Surah Ibrahim (14:4) |
Wasiyy | Wa-siyy | Trustee, guardian | ٹرسٹی، محافظ | The Quran emphasizes trust and guardianship in several verses, such as Surah Al-Baqarah (2:283) |
Wasam | Wa-sam | Distinguished mark, symbol | نشان | Reflecting the concept of symbols and signs, often mentioned in the Quran regarding creation and faith |
Wahhan | Wa-han | Kind, compassionate | مہربان | Compassion is one of the key virtues in Islam, repeatedly mentioned in the Quran (e.g., Surah At-Tawbah 9:128) |
Wahiduddin | Wa-hid-ud-din | One who serves the religion | دین کا خادم | Derived from "Wahid" (one) and "Din" (religion), symbolizing dedication to Islam |
Wasiullah | Wa-si-ul-lah | Boundless in Allah’s mercy | اللہ کی لا محدود رحمت | A name combining "Wasi" (all-encompassing) and "Allah," symbolizing divine mercy |
Wafiyuddin | Wa-fiy-ud-din | Loyal to the religion | دین کا وفادار | Loyalty is a key virtue in Islam, emphasized throughout the Quran |
Waathiq | Waa-thiq | Confident, certain | پراعتماد | Reflects confidence and trust in Allah, as emphasized in the Quran |
Ward | Ward | Rose, flower | پھول | Mentioned in Islamic poetry and literature, symbolizing beauty and purity |
Waleem | Wa-leem | One who is mild and gentle | نرمی کرنے والا | Mildness and gentleness are valued qualities in Islamic teachings (Surah Al-Furqan 25:63) |
Waliyyurrahman | Wa-liy-yur-rah-man | Friend of the Most Merciful | رحمن کا دوست | A name derived from "Wali" (friend, protector) and "Ar-Rahman" (The Merciful) |
Wasil | Wa-sil | Connected, joined | جڑا ہوا | Connection and unity are emphasized in Islam, such as in Surah Al-Hujurat (49:10) |
Wazdan | Waz-dan | Enthusiasm, devotion | جوش و خروش | Reflects passion and devotion to faith, as encouraged in Islamic teachings |
Waraqa | Wa-ra-qa | Leaf | پتہ | Waraqa ibn Nawfal was a notable Christian monk who recognized Prophet Muhammad’s prophethood |
Wasif | Wa-sif | Praising, describing | تعریف کرنے والا | Praising and describing good qualities is emphasized in several Quranic verses |
Wathiqa | Wa-thi-qa | Confident, trustworthy | قابل اعتماد | Trustworthiness is emphasized in the Quran (Surah An-Nisa 4:58) |
Waliyyuddin | Wa-liy-yud-din | Protector of the faith | دین کا محافظ | A name combining "Wali" (protector) and "Din" (religion) |
Wahd | Wahd | Unity, oneness | وحدت، یکجہتی | The concept of unity is central in Islam, as seen in Surah Al-Ikhlas (112:1) |
Wafiz | Wa-fiz | One who fulfills | پورا کرنے والا | Fulfillment of promises and duties is a key principle in Islam, mentioned in the Quran |
Wazeeruddin | Wa-zeer-ud-din | Minister of faith | دین کا وزیر | Combines "Wazir" (minister) and "Din" (faith), symbolizing leadership in religious matters |
Wahhaab | Wah-haab | Bestower, generous | دینے والا | One of the attributes of Allah, "Al-Wahhab," mentioned in Surah Sad (38:9) |
Wafee | Wa-fee | Loyal, faithful | وفادار، باوفا | Loyalty and faithfulness are key virtues in Islam, mentioned in several Quranic verses |
Wafiullah | Wa-fi-ul-lah | Loyal to Allah | اللہ کا وفادار | A name combining "Wafi" (loyal) and "Allah," symbolizing loyalty to the Creator |
Waiz | Wa-iz | Preacher, advisor | واعظ | Reflects a role of guiding others, as seen in Islamic teachings and history |
Waseh | Wa-seh | Vast, broad-minded | وسیع النظر | Broad-mindedness and vastness of mercy are attributes appreciated in Islam |
Wafiq | Wa-fiq | Successful, victorious | کامیاب | Success is a recurring theme in the Quran (Surah Al-Mu’minun 23:1) |
Waqaruddin | Wa-qar-ud-din | Dignity of the religion | دین کی عزت | Combines "Waqar" (dignity) and "Din" (religion), symbolizing respect for faith |
Wasiuddin | Wa-si-ud-din | All-encompassing in faith | دین میں وسیع | Derived from "Wasi" (all-encompassing) and "Din" (faith), symbolizing vast knowledge and understanding of religion |
Wajdi | Waj-di | Passionate | جذباتی | Passion for faith and life is a valued quality in Islamic teachings |
Waliyyullah | Wa-liy-yul-lah | Friend of Allah | اللہ کا دوست | A name emphasizing closeness and loyalty to Allah |
Wasiluddin | Wa-sil-ud-din | One who joins the faith | دین میں شامل ہونے والا | Emphasizes connection and unity in religion, values stressed in the Quran |
Wali-ur-Rahman | Wa-li-ur-Rah-man | Friend of the Merciful | رحمن کا دوست | Combines "Wali" (friend) and "Ar-Rahman" (The Merciful), referencing Allah’s attributes |
Wahhas | Wah-has | Generous, benevolent | سخی، مہربان | Reflects the value of generosity, as emphasized in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:261) |
Wasim | Wa-sim | Graceful, handsome | خوبصورت، دلکش | Represents beauty and grace, traits emphasized in Islamic teachings |
Waliyuddin | Wa-liy-yud-din | Protector of the religion | دین کا محافظ | Combines "Wali" (protector) and "Din" (faith), indicating a protector of the Islamic religion |
Waqid | Wa-qid | Intense, passionate | پرجوش | A name symbolizing passion, emphasized in Islamic teachings about devotion to faith |
Wafauddin | Wa-faa-ud-din | Loyalty to religion | دین کی وفاداری | Represents loyalty and faithfulness to Islam, key concepts in the Quran |
Waqaar | Wa-qaar | Dignity, grace | وقار | The concept of dignity is central in Islam, mentioned in Surah Al-Hujurat (49:13) |
Wafayat | Wa-fa-yat | Achieving goals | مقاصد حاصل کرنے والا | Achievement and success are valued qualities in the Quran |
Waraas | Wa-raas | Inheritor | وارث | Inheritance is an important aspect in Islamic law, mentioned in Surah An-Nisa (4:11) |
Wasiq | Wa-siq | Confident, assured | پر اعتماد | Reflects confidence and assurance, traits encouraged in Islam (Surah Al-Maidah 5:54) |
Wasiyat | Wa-siyyat | Will, testament | وصیت | Reflects the importance of leaving a will, emphasized in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:180) |
Wajihuddin | Wa-jih-ud-din | Noble in the religion | دین میں معزز | Combines "Wajih" (noble) and "Din" (religion), signifying nobility in faith |
Wahaabuddin | Wa-haab-ud-din | Giver of faith | دین کا عطا کرنے والا | Derived from "Wahhab" (giver) and "Din" (faith), emphasizing generosity in spreading the religion |
Waqiyuddin | Wa-qi-ud-din | Guardian of the faith | دین کا نگہبان | Combines "Waqiy" (protector) and "Din" (religion), indicating a guardian of Islam |
Waqiduddin | Wa-qid-ud-din | Passionate about religion | دین میں پرجوش | Represents passion and enthusiasm for the faith, qualities appreciated in Islam |
Waheed | Wa-heed | Unique, one of a kind | منفرد | A name that signifies uniqueness, inspired by Allah’s attribute "Al-Wahid" (The One) |
Wajih | Wa-jih | Noble, eminent | معزز | Nobility and eminence are values praised in the Quran and Hadith |
Waliyyurrahim | Wa-liy-yur-rah-him | Friend of the Compassionate | رحیم کا دوست | Combines "Wali" (friend) and "Ar-Rahim" (The Compassionate), referencing Allah’s mercy |
Wasamuddin | Wa-sam-ud-din | Distinguished in the religion | دین میں ممتاز | Represents distinction and recognition in the field of faith |
Wazim | Wa-zim | Resolved, determined | فیصلہ کرنے والا | Determination and resolve are values emphasized in Islam, as seen in Surah Ash-Shura (42:38) |
Wamiq | Wa-miq | Friendly, loving | دوستانہ، محبت کرنے والا | Friendship and love are key virtues in Islamic teachings (Surah Ar-Rum 30:21) |
Wadood | Wa-dood | Loving, affectionate | محبت کرنے والا | Derived from "Al-Wadud" (The Loving), one of Allah’s names mentioned in Surah Al-Buruj (85:14) |
Wajahat | Wa-ja-hat | Dignity, honor | عزت، وقار | Dignity and honor are key values in Islam, mentioned in the Quran and Hadith |
Waqir | Wa-qir | Dignified, honorable | عزت و وقار والا | Reflects dignity and respect, virtues highly emphasized in Islamic teachings |
Wafi | Wa-fi | Loyal, faithful | وفادار | Loyalty is a virtue praised in Islamic teachings |
Wasilah | Wa-si-lah | Means, connection | ذریعہ، واسطہ | Refers to the concept of intercession in Islam, mentioned in Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:35) |
Wahban | Wah-ban | Gifted, generous | عطا کیا گیا، فیاض | Derived from "Wahhab," one of Allah's names meaning "The Bestower" |
Wahaaj | Wa-haaj | Bright, blazing | روشن، چمکتا ہوا | Represents light and brightness, symbolic of guidance in the Quran |
Waliyyul-Mulk | Wa-liy-yul-Mulk | Protector of the kingdom | بادشاہت کا محافظ | Emphasizes sovereignty and protection, a name fitting for leaders |
Wathbah | Wath-bah | Leap, advancement | چھلانگ، ترقی | Represents progress and forward movement, values appreciated in Islam |
Waqaaruddin | Wa-qaar-ud-din | Dignity of the religion | دین کی عزت | Combines "Waqaar" (dignity) and "Din" (religion), representing respect for the faith |
Wahman | Wah-man | Benevolent, generous | مہربان، فیاض | Represents kindness and generosity, virtues appreciated in the Quran |
Waqil | Wa-qil | Advocate, defender | وکیل، محافظ | Reflects advocacy, a role highly esteemed in Islamic law and teachings |
Wafiuddin | Wa-fi-ud-din | Faithful to the religion | دین کا وفادار | Emphasizes loyalty to the faith, a quality praised in Islamic teachings |
Wahib | Wa-hib | Generous giver | سخاوت کرنے والا | Derived from Allah's name "Al-Wahhab" (The Bestower), mentioned in the Quran |
Wazir | Wa-zir | Minister, helper | وزیر، مددگار | Refers to a helping hand, mentioned in Surah Taha (20:29) when Musa (PBUH) asked for support |
Wadid | Wa-did | Beloved, loving | محبوب، محبت کرنے والا | Reflects affection and love, qualities that strengthen family and community ties |
Waleeduddin | Wa-leed-ud-din | Newborn of the religion | دین کا نیا بچہ | Symbolizes new beginnings in faith, akin to those entering Islam |
Waqqas | Waq-qas | Great warrior | عظیم جنگجو | Inspired by Saad ibn Abi Waqqas (RA), a prominent warrior and companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Wajd | Waj-d | Ecstasy, passionate | جوش، جذبہ | Reflects a deep emotional connection to faith, a valued quality in Islamic spirituality |
Wasilurrahman | Wa-sil-ur-Rahman | Connected to the Merciful | رحمان سے جڑا ہوا | Represents closeness to Allah, derived from "Wasil" (connected) and "Ar-Rahman" (The Merciful) |
Waliyurrahim | Wa-liy-yur-Rahim | Friend of the Compassionate | رحیم کا دوست | Emphasizes the friendship and protection of the Merciful (Ar-Rahim), a name of Allah |
Wahj | Wah-j | Brilliance, radiance | روشنی، چمک | Brilliance is symbolic of the light of faith in Islam |
Wahdat | Wah-dat | Unity, oneness | اتحاد، یگانگت | Refers to the oneness of Allah, a core concept in Islam (Tawhid) |
Wazirullah | Wa-zeer-ul-lah | Minister of Allah | اللہ کا وزیر | Reflects servitude and leadership under the guidance of Allah |
Wafiyy | Wa-fiyy | Faithful, sincere | وفادار، مخلص | Sincerity is a praised quality in both the Quran and Hadith |
Wahbanuddin | Wah-ban-ud-din | Generous gift of the religion | دین کا عظیم تحفہ | Combines generosity (Wahban) with religion (Din), emphasizing the importance of faith as a gift |
Waaqi | Waa-qi | Protector, guardian | محافظ، نگہبان | Related to protection, often associated with Allah as the protector |
Wahsh | Wah-sh | Courageous, wild | بہادر، وحشی | Symbolizes bravery and strength, qualities admired in Islamic warriors |
Wafaa | Wa-faa | Loyalty, fulfillment | وفا، وفاداری | Loyalty and fulfillment of promises are strongly emphasized in the Quran |
Waasil | Waa-sil | One who unites | جڑنے والا | Unity and connection are virtues encouraged in the Islamic faith |
Waqad | Wa-qad | Flame, light | شعلہ، روشنی | Represents guidance, similar to the light of faith in the Quran |
Wadhaa | Wadh-aa | Brightness, clarity | روشنی، وضاحت | Symbolizes enlightenment and clarity, reflecting the guidance of Allah |
Wahdatuddin | Wah-dat-ud-din | Unity of the religion | دین کی یگانگت | Emphasizes the oneness of Islam, a core principle of Tawhid (monotheism) |
Wathiqurrahman | Wath-iq-ur-Rahman | Confident in the Merciful | رحمان پر اعتماد رکھنے والا | Trust in Allah’s mercy is a key concept in Islamic teachings |
Wafid | Wa-fid | Arriving, one who comes | آنے والا | Reflects someone coming towards faith or goodness |
Waajid | Waa-jid | One who finds | تلاش کرنے والا | Mentioned in Quranic contexts related to seekers of truth |
Wajahatullah | Wa-ja-hat-ul-lah | Dignity of Allah | اللہ کی عزت | Combines dignity and reverence for Allah |
Wajdullah | Wajd-ul-lah | Passion of Allah | اللہ کا جذبہ | Passionate devotion to Allah, inspired by the love of the divine |
Waasilullah | Waa-sil-ul-lah | Connected to Allah | اللہ سے جڑا ہوا | Symbolizes spiritual connection with Allah |
Wadhih | Wad-hih | Clear, apparent | واضح، صاف | Clarity and truth are valued qualities in Islamic teachings |
Wahm | Wah-m | Imagination, idea | خیال، تصور | Imagination and intellect are gifts from Allah for human advancement |
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