Muslim Boy Names Starting with G Meaning and Islamic and Quranic References
Personal names are not just mere words; they are the first form of identity, as well as a message wrapped in a person’s name suggesting to the world who the child is, as well as the parent’s values and preferences. This list of 100 Muslim baby boy names beginning with letter “G” also provides much more than just names.
It is a list where you can see names with deep meanings that have the origins in Islam history and culture. All of these names contain pronunciation, meaning in English as well as in Urdu along with Quranic meanings and Sahaba connections. It can never be just a list, it is heaps of names that have a deep meaning, these names could be a part of your family’s story.
List of muslim boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic History Reference |
Ghaazi | Ghaa-zi | Warrior, Fighter | مجاہد، لڑاکا | Title given to those who fought in battles for Islam. |
Ghaffar | Ghaff-ar | Forgiving | بخشنے والا | One of Allah’s 99 names, Al-Ghaffar (The Ever-Forgiving). |
Ghalib | Gha-lib | Victorious, Conqueror | فاتح، غالب | Mentioned in the Quran in reference to Allah’s ultimate power (Surah Yusuf 12:21). |
Ghamid | Gha-mid | Cloudy | مدہم | Refers to the uncertainty or obscurity of a situation, can also represent a subtle reference to depth in understanding. |
Ghani | Gha-nee | Rich, Wealthy | امیر، مالدار | Derived from one of Allah’s names, Al-Ghani (The Self-Sufficient). |
Ghazi | Gha-zee | Hero, Conqueror | بہادر، فاتح | Common title for warriors in Islamic history. |
Ghaith | Ghayth | Rain | بارش | Symbolic of mercy from Allah, often used as a metaphor in the Quran (Surah An-Nur 24:43). |
Ghaloom | Gha-loom | Soft-hearted | نرم دل | Reflects the gentleness of spirit, admired in Islamic teachings. |
Ghamidul | Gha-mid-ul | Covered by mercy | رحمت سے ڈھکا ہوا | Associated with Allah's mercy and protection in the Quran. |
Ghasaan | Gha-saan | Youthful | جوان | A prominent tribe in early Islamic history. |
Ghaffur | Gha-fur | One who forgives | بخشنے والا | A form of Al-Ghaffar, used to describe forgiveness from Allah (Surah Taha 20:82). |
Ghayas | Ghay-as | Helper | مددگار | Associated with seeking help or assistance, common in Islamic prayers. |
Ghazwan | Ghaz-wan | Warrior | جنگجو | Historical name of a companion who fought alongside the Prophet (S.A.W.). |
Ghayur | Ghay-oor | Self-respecting | غیرت مند | Reflects honor and dignity, characteristics praised in Islam. |
Ghiath | Ghi-ath | Rain, Lifeline | بارش، زندگی کا سہارا | Used in the context of sustenance and blessings in the Quran. |
Ghunaim | Ghu-naim | Winner, Successful | فاتح، کامیاب | Derived from the concept of victory and gain in Islamic history. |
Ghazali | Gha-za-lee | Of the gazelle | ہرنی کا | Inspired by Imam Al-Ghazali, a famous Islamic scholar. |
Ghufran | Ghu-fran | Forgiveness | معافی | Concept of forgiveness mentioned multiple times in the Quran (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:286). |
Gibran | Ji-bran | Reward, Compensation | صلہ، انعام | Reflects the concept of reward for good deeds in Islam. |
Gulzar | Gul-zar | Rose garden | گلاب کا باغ | Reflects beauty and abundance, sometimes used metaphorically in the Quran for paradise. |
Gulam | Gu-lam | Slave, Servant | غلام | Common in Islamic tradition, often symbolizing servitude to Allah. |
Ghurayb | Ghu-rayb | Stranger | اجنبی | Refers to the hadith: “Islam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange." |
Ghous | Ghow-s | Helper, Savior | مددگار، نجات دہندہ | A title used for those who come to the aid of others, derived from Arabic Sufi tradition. |
Gulzaruddin | Gul-zar-ud-din | Rose of the religion | دین کا گلاب | Represents beauty and grace within the context of Islam. |
Ghaflan | Gha-flan | Unseen | غیبی | Refers to the unseen knowledge or events beyond human understanding. |
Ghulamullah | Ghu-lam-ul-lah | Servant of Allah | اللہ کا غلام | Represents humility and dedication in servitude to Allah. |
Ghudair | Ghu-dair | Small tree | چھوٹا درخت | Trees are often mentioned in the Quran as symbols of life and prosperity. |
Ghabr | Gha-br | Calm, Quiet | پرسکون، خاموش | Reflects patience and serenity, qualities encouraged in Islam. |
Ghaithullah | Ghayth-ul-lah | Allah's rain | اللہ کی بارش | Symbolizes Allah's mercy, often compared to life-giving rain in the Quran. |
Ghilman | Ghil-man | Young men, Servants | نوجوان مرد | Mentioned in the Quran as attendants in paradise (Surah Al-Waqi'ah 56:17). |
Ghiraat | Ghee-rat | Protective jealousy | غیرت مند | A quality praised in Islamic ethics, especially regarding family and faith. |
Ghurab | Ghu-rab | Raven | کوا | Associated with a Quranic verse involving the raven teaching Cain about burial (Surah Al-Ma'idah 5:31). |
Ghulzar | Ghul-zar | Prosperous | خوشحال | Represents abundance and beauty, akin to gardens of paradise. |
Ghaazib | Ghaa-zib | Conqueror | فاتح | Title used for those who fought in the early Islamic conquests. |
Ghaylan | Ghay-lan | Wolf | بھیڑیا | Symbolic of strength and bravery, qualities admired in Islamic warriors. |
Ghazibullah | Gha-zi-bul-lah | Allah’s conqueror | اللہ کا فاتح | Refers to those who strive in the path of Allah for victory. |
Ghuzayl | Ghu-zayl | Young deer | ہرن کا بچہ | Represents purity and innocence, similar to descriptions of paradise. |
Ghalim | Gha-leem | Forbearing, Patient | بردبار، صابر | A quality highly praised in Islamic tradition and encouraged in the Quran. |
Ghalm | Gha-lum | Heroic, Brave | بہادر | Bravery is often linked to the companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.) who defended Islam. |
Ghamir | Gha-meer | Deep, Profound | گہرا، عمیق | Reflects intellectual depth and wisdom, qualities respected in Islamic thought. |
Ghazzal | Gha-zal | Poet, Elegance | شاعر، نفاست | Reflects creativity and refinement, common traits of early Islamic poets. |
Ghawth | Ghow-th | Relief, Aid | مدد، راحت | Refers to seeking aid or relief from Allah, mentioned in supplications. |
Ghaithul-Islam | Ghayth-ul-Islam | Rain of Islam | اسلام کی بارش | Represents blessings and mercy bestowed upon the followers of Islam. |
Ghubash | Ghu-bash | Twilight, Early Dawn | شام کا دھندلکا | Represents the transition between night and day, symbolizing new beginnings. |
Gharib | Gha-reeb | Stranger | اجنبی | Common theme in the hadith, referring to the stranger as a metaphor for the righteous in difficult times. |
Ghafir | Gha-fir | Forgiver | معاف کرنے والا | One of Allah's 99 names, Al-Ghafir (The Forgiver). |
Gharid | Gha-reed | Sweet singer | خوش گلو | Reflects beauty in sound, like the recitation of the Quran. |
Ghiyath | Ghi-yath | Relief | راحت | Used in the context of aid or relief in Islamic prayers. |
Ghaziyan | Gha-zi-yan | One who fights for truth | حق کے لیے لڑنے والا | Warriors who fought for the truth and for the spread of Islam. |
Ghazir | Gha-zeer | Abundant | وافر | Abundance is a symbol of Allah’s generosity, often referred to in descriptions of paradise. |
Ghamzeen | Gham-zeen | Loving, Kind-hearted | محبت بھرا، مہربان | Reflects a gentle and caring nature, highly admired in Islamic teachings. |
Ghazfar | Gha-zfar | Lion, Courageous | شیر، بہادر | Symbolizes bravery and strength, qualities that are celebrated in Islamic history. |
Ghilaf | Ghi-laf | Cover, Protection | حفاظتی ڈھانپ | Refers to protection and covering, commonly seen in the protection of faith in Islamic principles. |
Ghassanullah | Ghas-san-ul-lah | Allah’s youthful servant | اللہ کا جوان خادم | Represents servitude to Allah and a strong, youthful spirit. |
Ghazwanullah | Gha-zwan-ul-lah | Warrior for Allah | اللہ کے لیے جنگجو | Reflects a warrior spirit fighting for the cause of Allah, in line with early Islamic battles. |
Ghurfa | Ghur-fa | Chamber, Room | کمرہ | Mentioned in the Quran in reference to the chambers of paradise (Surah Maryam 19:73). |
Ghalaf | Gha-laf | Protected, Shielded | محفوظ، محفوظ | Represents protection by Allah, an important concept in Islamic prayers. |
Ghufranullah | Ghu-fran-ul-lah | Allah's forgiveness | اللہ کی معافی | Represents the mercy and forgiveness of Allah. |
Ghaali | Ghaa-lee | Precious, Expensive | قیمتی، نایاب | Reflects something of high value, a quality mentioned in spiritual terms in the Quran. |
Ghurrah | Ghur-rah | Foremost, First | اولین | Refers to being a leader or at the forefront, a characteristic encouraged in Islamic leadership. |
Ghubat | Ghu-bat | Deserted, Quiet | سنسان، خاموش | Reflects the serenity and quietness, often associated with spiritual solitude. |
Ghaadib | Ghaa-dib | Angry | غصے میں | Represents a strong, passionate individual, although patience is always encouraged in Islam. |
Ghaazif | Gha-zi-f | Strong, Enduring | مضبوط، برداشت کرنے والا | Endurance is a quality often praised in Islamic warriors and believers. |
Ghaibi | Ghai-bee | Invisible, Unseen | غیب، پوشیدہ | Refers to the unseen aspects of faith, a key concept in Islamic spirituality. |
Ghalyul | Gha-lyul | High, Elevated | بلند، اعلیٰ | Associated with spiritual and moral elevation, something encouraged in Islamic teachings. |
Ghaous | Gha-oos | Helper of others | دوسروں کا مددگار | Seen as a virtuous quality, helping others is a central principle in Islam. |
Ghasham | Gha-sham | Brave, Fearless | نڈر، بہادر | Reflects courage and bravery, traits respected in early Islamic history. |
Ghalyan | Ghal-yan | Boiling, Enthusiastic | جوش، پرجوش | Symbolizes passion and zeal, qualities admired in the service of Islam. |
Ghairullah | Ghai-rul-lah | Different from Allah | اللہ کے علاوہ | Represents the unique qualities that are distinct from Allah, often seen in spiritual discussions. |
Ghaffatun | Gha-fatun | Humble, Submissive | عاجز، مطیع | Humility is a key characteristic in Islamic teachings, as represented in the Prophet (S.A.W.). |
Gharibullah | Gha-ree-bul-lah | Allah’s stranger | اللہ کا اجنبی | Refers to the concept of being a stranger for the sake of Allah, a theme in Islamic hadith. |
Ghazfir | Gha-zfir | Victorious, Winner | فاتح، کامیاب | Represents victory and triumph, common in the stories of early Islamic battles. |
Gharraf | Gha-rraf | Generous, Charitable | سخی، فیاض | Generosity is a quality often associated with the Sahaba and mentioned in the Quran. |
Ghazwin | Gha-zwin | Conqueror, Victor | فاتح | Refers to Muslim conquerors who spread Islam across various regions. |
Ghathfan | Gha-th-fan | Rich, Wealthy | امیر، دولت مند | Reflects wealth and prosperity, seen as blessings in Islamic history. |
Ghaidan | Ghai-dan | Gentle, Calm | نرم، سکون والا | Calmness and gentleness are traits praised in the Quran and demonstrated by the Prophet (S.A.W.). |
Ghafarullah | Gha-far-ul-lah | Allah's Forgiver | اللہ کا معاف کرنے والا | Represents one who seeks forgiveness, reflecting the concept of Allah as the Oft-Forgiving. |
Ghareer | Gha-reer | Clear, Pure | صاف، پاک | Purity is emphasized in Islam, symbolized by the cleanliness of faith and actions. |
Ghaasir | Ghaa-sir | Strong, Powerful | طاقتور | Represents physical and spiritual strength, encouraged in the lives of the Sahaba. |
Ghariz | Gha-riz | Deep, Profound | گہرا، عمیق | Reflects depth of knowledge and understanding, virtues praised in Islamic scholarship. |
Ghaldam | Ghal-dam | Steadfast, Firm | ثابت قدم، پختہ | Steadfastness in faith is a virtue highly encouraged in Islam, as seen in the lives of the Prophet’s companions. |
Ghadi | Gha-dee | Morning, New Day | صبح، نیا دن | Symbolizes new beginnings and hope, concepts central to Islamic teachings about renewal. |
Ghanayim | Gha-na-yim | Bounty, Spoils | مال غنیمت | Refers to spoils of war, a concept present in early Islamic history and battles. |
Ghayoor | Gha-yoor | Dignified, Self-respecting | عزت دار، باوقار | Dignity and self-respect are qualities often associated with Islamic leaders and the Sahaba. |
Ghazzali | Gha-zza-lee | Hardworking, Dedicated | محنتی، وقف | Reflects diligence and dedication, qualities celebrated in early Islamic scholars. |
Ghafif | Gha-feef | Light, Gentle | ہلکا، نرم | Represents lightness and gentleness, traits encouraged in personal conduct in Islam. |
Ghayth | Gha-yth | Rain | بارش | Rain is often used in the Quran as a metaphor for mercy and divine blessings (Surah Al-An’am 6:99). |
Ghufayr | Ghu-fayr | Forgiver | معاف کرنے والا | Reflects the concept of forgiveness, which is central to Islamic teachings and Allah’s attributes. |
Ghazary | Gha-za-ry | Fertile, Productive | زرخیز، مفید | Refers to productive and fertile land, symbolizing prosperity and growth in Islamic tradition. |
Ghasib | Gha-sib | Conqueror | فتح کرنے والا | Refers to those who fought for justice in the early Islamic conquests. |
Ghassab | Gha-sab | Victorious, One who takes | فاتح، قبضہ کرنے والا | Reflects one who is victorious or takes possession, similar to those who participated in the early Islamic expansions. |
Ghabir | Gha-bir | Wise, Experienced | عقلمند، تجربہ کار | Reflects wisdom and experience, traits highly admired in Islamic scholarship and leadership. |
Ghaliyan | Gha-lee-yan | Boiling with passion | جوش سے بھرپور | Symbolizes enthusiasm and passion for causes in life, particularly in the context of striving for righteousness. |
Ghafur | Gha-fur | Forgiving | معاف کرنے والا | One of the names of Allah (Al-Ghafur), symbolizing His forgiving nature (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:173). |
Ghanim | Gha-neem | Successful, Prosperous | کامیاب، خوشحال | Reflects prosperity and success, often linked to those blessed by Allah’s favor. |
Ghayar | Gha-yar | Jealous, Protective | غیور، محافظ | Refers to one who is protective, a quality encouraged among believers. |
Ghasan | Gha-saan | Handsome, Youthful | خوبصورت، جوان | Symbolizes youth and beauty, attributes admired in Islamic culture. |
Ghalibullah | Ghaa-lib-ul-lah | Victorious by Allah | اللہ کے ذریعے غالب | Signifies victory granted by Allah’s will, as seen in early Islamic battles. |
Ghaylani | Ghai-la-ni | From the oasis | نخلستان سے | Reflects the significance of water and oases in Islamic symbolism, especially in desert regions. |
Ghaniy | Gha-nee-y | Self-sufficient | خود کفیل | Reflects independence, an attribute of Allah (Al-Ghani), symbolizing self-sufficiency. |
Ghabis | Gha-bis | Strong-willed | مضبوط ارادے والا | Reflects determination, a quality seen in the Sahaba who remained steadfast in their faith. |
Ghashan | Gha-shaan | Strong, Mighty | طاقتور، مضبوط | Represents strength and might, qualities of many companions of the Prophet (S.A.W.). |
Ghanadir | Gha-na-dir | Generous, Open-handed | فیاض، سخی | Reflects generosity, a highly valued virtue in Islam, mentioned in the context of charity. |
Ghazawi | Gha-za-wee | Fighter of battles | جنگ لڑنے والا | Reflects the spirit of fighting in Islamic conquests to protect the faith. |
Ghadir | Gha-deer | Pond, Stream | تالاب، ندی | Symbolizes water, a central theme in Islamic metaphors for life and mercy (Surah Al-Waqi'ah 56:31). |
Ghamdan | Gham-daan | Swift, Quick | تیز، جلدی | Speed and swiftness are praised qualities, especially in battles fought by early Muslims. |
Ghawar | Gha-war | Deep, Profound | گہرا، عمیق | Represents depth of knowledge and understanding, virtues praised in Islamic scholarship. |
Ghafurullah | Gha-fur-ul-lah | Allah's Forgiver | اللہ کا معاف کرنے والا | Represents the attribute of Allah’s forgiveness, emphasized throughout the Quran. |
Ghaythuddin | Ghai-th-ud-din | Rain of the faith | دین کی بارش | Symbolizes mercy and blessings upon the faithful, a metaphor often used in the Quran. |
Gharam | Gha-ram | Love, Passion | محبت، جذبہ | Reflects the concept of deep love and devotion, a value also directed towards Allah. |
Ghashim | Gha-shim | Bold, Aggressive | دلیر، جارحانہ | Represents boldness and aggressiveness, especially in battles fought by Muslim warriors. |
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