Muslim Boy Names Starting with Q Meanings & Quranic References
Name for baby boy is always a important decision among Muslim families. So, whenever you are searching for Muslim boy’s names beginning with the letter “Q”, you can find a great variety of options based on the Quran, faith, and personalities of Islamic history. These names have very profound meaning which define character like intelligence, power and loyalty. For each name on this list I provide its pronunciation guide, its meaning, an Urdu translation, and a short mention about its relevance or mention in the Quran or Islamic history. I believe any parent who is in search of a name with deep history should consider going through this list.
List of muslim boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic History Reference |
Qaadir | KAH-dir | Powerful, Able | طاقتور، قابل | One of the attributes of Allah, mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:20) |
Qaasim | KAH-sim | Divider, Distributer | تقسیم کرنے والا | Name of one of the sons of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Qamar | KAH-mar | Moon | چاند | Mentioned in Surah Al-Qamar (54:1) |
Qudamah | KUH-da-mah | Courageous, Brave | بہادر، نڈر | Name of a famous companion, Qudamah ibn Ma’zun |
Qari | KAH-ree | Reader, Reciter | قاری | Refers to those who recite the Quran |
Qutaibah | KOO-tay-bah | Brave, Courageous | بہادر، دلیر | Name of a famous Islamic commander, Qutaibah bin Muslim |
Qays | KAYS | Firm, Resolute | مضبوط، مستحکم | Famous companion of the Prophet, Qays ibn Sa'd |
Qudsi | KOOD-see | Sacred, Holy | مقدس | Refers to something sacred, as in Surah Al-Isra (17:1) |
Qasimuddin | KAH-sim-ud-deen | Distributor of Faith | دین کا تقسیم کرنے والا | Refers to one who spreads and distributes Islamic teachings |
Qadri | KAH-dree | Powerful, One with Ability | صاحبِ قدرت | Refers to someone who belongs to the Sufi order of Al-Qadiriyya |
Qazim | KAH-zeem | Restrainer, Calm | قابو رکھنے والا، پُرسکون | Related to those who restrain anger, mentioned in Surah Al-Imran (3:134) |
Quddoos | KOO-doos | Pure, Holy | پاک، مقدس | One of the names of Allah, mentioned in Surah Al-Hashr (59:23) |
Qamaruddin | KAH-mar-ud-deen | Moon of the Faith | دین کا چاند | Reflects the beauty and illumination of faith |
Qudratullah | KOO-drat-oo-lah | Power of Allah | اللہ کی طاقت | Refers to Allah’s omnipotence |
Qadir | KAH-dir | Capable, Mighty | قادر | Reflects Allah’s omnipotence in Surah Al-Hajj (22:6) |
Qalb | KALB | Heart, Soul | دل | Mentioned in several places in the Quran, including Surah Al-Hajj (22:46) |
Qawi | KA-wee | Strong, Mighty | مضبوط، طاقتور | One of the names of Allah, mentioned in Surah Al-Imran (3:4) |
Qatadah | KAH-ta-dah | Gift of God, Strong | خدا کا تحفہ، طاقتور | Name of a famous Sahabi, Qatadah ibn al-Nu’man |
Qudrat | KOOD-rat | Power, Ability | طاقت، صلاحیت | Reflects Allah’s divine power and abilities |
Qirash | KIR-ash | An ancient Arab tribe | ایک قدیم عرب قبیلہ | Linked to the tribe of Quraysh, mentioned in Surah Al-Quraysh (106:1) |
Qariyyah | KAH-ree-yah | Village, Dweller | گاؤں، رہائشی | Mentioned in Surah Yasin (36:13) |
Qasimullah | KAH-sim-oo-lah | Distributor of Allah’s gifts | اللہ کی عطائیں تقسیم کرنے والا | Refers to one who shares Allah's blessings |
Qabeel | KAH-beel | Generous, Honest | سخی، ایماندار | Linked to the story of Qabeel, the son of Prophet Adam (AS) |
Qudwah | KOOD-wah | Example, Model | مثال، نمونہ | Refers to someone who serves as a good example, as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was called Uswah Hasana in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:21) |
Qurban | KOOR-ban | Sacrifice | قربانی | Reflects the concept of sacrifice in Islam, as seen in the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS) |
Qawiuddin | KAH-wee-ud-deen | Strong in Faith | دین میں مضبوط | Reflects steadfastness in religious belief |
Qushayr | KOO-shair | Helper, Kind-hearted | مددگار، مہربان | A noble Arab tribe known for its assistance in battle |
Qashif | KAH-shif | Discoverer, Revealer | دریافت کرنے والا | Refers to someone who uncovers truth, as mentioned in Surah Al-A'raf (7:37) |
Qani | KAH-nee | Content, Satisfied | مطمئن، قانع | Reflects contentment with Allah’s blessings, mentioned in Surah An-Nisa (4:130) |
Qaashid | KAH-shid | Leader, Guide | رہنما، قائد | Refers to someone who leads or guides the people in Islam |
Qafil | KAH-fil | Protector, Guardian | محافظ، نگہبان | Linked to the concept of protection in Islam, as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:257) |
Qathmir | KATH-meer | Gentle, Soft-spoken | نرم گفتار | Refers to those with a kind, gentle nature |
Qadari | KAH-da-ree | Powerful, With Fate | صاحبِ تقدیر، قسمت والا | Refers to someone who believes in destiny, as fate is a key concept in Islam |
Qadhi | KAH-dee | Judge, Ruler | قاضی، حکمران | Refers to an Islamic judge who resolves disputes under Islamic law |
Qamaruz | KAH-ma-rooz | Moon-like, Radiant | چاند کی طرح، روشن | Reflects beauty and radiance, like the moon, often used in Islamic poetry |
Qariullah | KAH-ree-oo-lah | Reciter of the Quran | اللہ کا قاری | One who is dedicated to the recitation of the Quran |
Qasir | KAH-sir | Short, Humble | چھوٹا، عاجز | Reflects humility, as modesty is a valued trait in Islam |
Qantara | KAN-ta-rah | Bridge | پل | Refers to the bridge (Sirat) in Islamic eschatology |
Qudsiya | KOOD-see-ya | Holy, Pure | پاکیزہ، مقدس | Linked to the sacredness in Islamic spirituality |
Qadriyah | KAH-dree-yah | Power of God, Strength | اللہ کی قوت، طاقت | Refers to the power of Allah in the Qadiriyya Sufi order |
Qaysar | KAY-sar | Emperor, King | شہنشاہ، بادشاہ | Refers to noble titles, historically associated with leadership |
Qashim | KAH-sheem | Distributor | تقسیم کرنے والا | Reflects a quality of generosity, sharing, and fairness |
Qayim | KAH-yeem | Righteous, Upright | صالح، نیک | Refers to someone who follows the straight path, as mentioned in Surah Al-Fatiha (1:6) |
Qahhar | KAH-har | The Dominator, The All-Powerful | غالب، طاقتور | One of the attributes of Allah, mentioned in Surah Sad (38:65) |
Qawiullah | KA-wee-oo-lah | Strong with Allah | اللہ کی طاقت والا | Reflects the strength that comes from faith in Allah |
Qutb | KUT-b | Pole, Leader of Guidance | قطب، رہنما | Refers to a high spiritual leader in Sufism |
Qiblatayn | KIB-la-tain | Two Directions (for Qiblah) | دو قبلے | Refers to the historical event where the Qiblah direction was changed |
Qutaybah | KOO-tay-bah | Brave, Heroic | بہادر، دلیر | Islamic military leader Qutaybah bin Muslim was known for his conquests |
Qushayri | KOO-shay-ree | Wise, One with Knowledge | دانا، علم والا | Refers to the scholar and theologian, Al-Qushayri, known for his contributions to Islamic thought |
Qaadirul | KAH-dir-ool | Capable, Powerful | صاحب قدرت | Reflects the power of Allah, mentioned in Surah Al-Kahf (18:45) |
Qassab | KA-sab | Strong, Hard worker | مضبوط، محنتی | Reflects strength in working hard, an appreciated trait in Islamic teachings |
Quraishi | koo-ray-shee | Belonging to the tribe of Quraysh | قریشی | Refers to the noble tribe of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), mentioned in Surah Al-Quraysh (106:1) |
Qariuddin | KAH-ree-oo-deen | Reciter of Faith | دین کا قاری | Refers to one dedicated to reciting and spreading the word of Allah |
Qabid | KAH-bid | One who seizes or holds | پکڑنے والا | Mentioned as one of Allah’s names, Al-Qabid, in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:245) |
Qawam | KAH-wam | Upright, Strong | مضبوط، قائم | Reflects someone who is upright and strong in character, as mentioned in Surah An-Nisa (4:34) |
Qaziuddin | KAH-zee-oo-deen | Judge of the Faith | دین کا قاضی | Refers to someone who serves as an Islamic judge under Sharia law |
Qasimallah | KAH-sim-oo-lah | Distributor of Allah’s gifts | اللہ کی عطائیں تقسیم کرنے والا | Refers to those who share Allah's blessings among people |
Qaysaruddin | KAY-sar-ud-deen | Emperor of Faith | دین کا بادشاہ | Symbolizes leadership and nobility in faith |
Qalbi | KAL-bee | From the Heart | دل سے | Refers to deep faith and emotion, related to Surah Al-Hajj (22:46) |
Qahir | KAH-hir | Conqueror, Victorious | فاتح، غالب | One of the names of Allah, Al-Qahir, mentioned in Surah Yusuf (12:39) |
Qadim | KAH-deem | Ancient, Eternal | قدیم، ہمیشہ سے | Reflects eternal wisdom, as mentioned in the Islamic historical context |
Qibla | KIB-lah | Direction (for prayer) | قبلہ (نماز کی سمت) | Refers to the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca, mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:144) |
Qayoom | KA-yoom | Self-subsisting, Everlasting | قائم، ہمیشہ رہنے والا | One of Allah's names, Al-Qayyum, mentioned in Ayat-ul-Kursi (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:255) |
Qalal | KAH-lal | Pure, Clean | پاک، صاف | Symbolizes purity of heart, as referenced in Islamic teachings about cleanliness |
Qaimuddin | KAH-eem-oo-deen | Establishing the faith | دین کو قائم کرنے والا | Reflects one who is a defender and establisher of Islamic principles |
Qadr | KAH-dr | Destiny, Fate, Divine Decree | تقدیر، قسمت | Refers to destiny, mentioned in Surah Al-Qadr (97:1-5) |
Qutlu | KOOT-loo | Blessed | برکت والا | Associated with blessings in Islamic context |
Quraish | KOO-ray-sh | Name of the Prophet Muhammad’s tribe | قریش | Refers to the noble tribe of Quraysh, mentioned in Surah Al-Quraysh (106:1) |
Qasid | KAH-sid | Messenger, Ambassador | پیغامبر، سفیر | Refers to one who delivers a message, like the messengers in Islamic history |
Qismah | KIS-mah | Share, Fortune | نصیب، حصہ | Symbolizes a person’s fortune or share, related to the concept of Qismat (fate) in Islam |
Qutbuddin | KOOT-boo-deen | Leader of the faith | دین کا رہنما | Reflects spiritual leadership, particularly in Sufi traditions |
Qudoos | KOO-doos | Sacred, Holy | مقدس | Derived from one of Allah's names, Al-Quddus, mentioned in Surah Al-Hashr (59:23) |
Qayshawn | KAY-shawn | Strong, Resilient | مضبوط، باہمت | Reflects resilience and strength, values encouraged in Islam |
Qawiyullah | KA-wee-oo-lah | Strong through Allah | اللہ کے ذریعے مضبوط | Reflects the strength that comes from faith, as mentioned in the Quran |
Qaneer | KAH-neer | Content, Satisfied | مطمئن، قناعت کرنے والا | Refers to one who is content with Allah's will, as mentioned in Islamic teachings on patience |
Qasimi | KA-si-mee | Generous, Benefactor | سخی، نیک دل | Refers to the generous qualities exemplified by Islamic figures like the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Qayimullah | KAH-yeem-oo-lah | Steadfast in the faith of Allah | اللہ کی دین میں ثابت قدم | Reflects steadfastness, a value emphasized in Surah Al-Fatiha |
Qudrullah | KOO-droo-lah | Power of Allah | اللہ کی قوت | Refers to Allah’s power, as mentioned in several places in the Quran |
Qabiz | KAH-biz | One who holds back | پکڑنے والا | One of the names of Allah, Al-Qabid, mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:245) |
Qashan | KAH-shan | Light, Brilliant | روشنی، تابناک | Refers to light, as a metaphor for guidance in Islamic spirituality |
Qurrat | KOOR-rat | Delight, Coolness (of the eyes) | آنکھوں کی ٹھنڈک | Refers to a source of joy and happiness, as in Surah Al-Furqan (25:74) |
Qasimurrahman | KAH-sim-oo-rah-man | Distributor of Allah's mercy | اللہ کی رحمت تقسیم کرنے والا | Reflects the distribution of Allah's mercy and blessings |
Qaseem | KAH-seem | Generous, Noble | سخی، شریف | Refers to the attribute of generosity, which is a valued trait in Islamic teachings |
Qattal | KAT-tal | Fighter, Warrior | جنگجو، سپاہی | Refers to a courageous warrior, a valued trait in Islamic history |
Qadhiurrahman | KAH-dee-oo-rah-man | Judge of Allah’s mercy | اللہ کی رحمت کا منصف | Reflects justice and mercy, as referenced in Islamic teachings about fairness |
Qadirulhaq | KAH-dir-ool-huq | Powerful in truth | حق میں طاقتور | Refers to strength in upholding the truth, as emphasized in the Quran |
Qanit | KA-nit | Devout, Submissive to Allah | عاجزی اختیار کرنے والا | Refers to submission to Allah's will, as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:116) |
Qadarullah | KAH-dar-oo-lah | Destiny of Allah | اللہ کی تقدیر | Reflects the divine decree, a concept referenced throughout the Quran |
Qabool | KAH-bool | Accepted, Agreeable | قابل قبول | Refers to acceptance by Allah, as mentioned in Surah Al-Ma’idah (5:27) |
Qayyimuddin | KAY-yeem-oo-deen | Maintainer of the faith | دین کا قائم کرنے والا | Refers to one who keeps the faith steady, a value in Islamic teachings |
Qasi | KAH-see | Firm, Strong | مضبوط | Refers to someone who is strong in character, a valued trait in Islam |
Qutbi | KOOT-bee | Leader of a spiritual order | روحانی رہنما | Refers to a high-ranking spiritual leader, particularly in Sufi traditions |
Qawwas | KAH-was | Archer, Bow master | تیر انداز | Refers to someone skilled in archery, an art highly regarded during early Islamic times |
Qatrunada | KA-tru-nah-dah | Dewdrop | شبنم | A metaphor for beauty and purity, similar to natural blessings described in the Quran |
Qayshun | KAY-shoon | Strong, Resilient | مضبوط، باہمت | Represents resilience and strength, values encouraged in Islamic teachings |
Qaysurah | KAY-su-rah | Brave as a lion | شیر کی طرح بہادر | Symbolizes courage and bravery, qualities that are highly regarded in Islam |
Qurratusaad | KOOR-ra-too-saad | Coolness of happiness | خوشی کی ٹھنڈک | Reflects joy and contentment, as found in Surah Al-Furqan (25:74) |
Qaddur | KAH-dur | Powerful, Mighty | طاقتور، بہت مضبوط | Refers to one with strength, a quality revered in Islamic history |
Qabil | KAH-beel | Acceptable, Agreeable | قابل قبول | Refers to acceptance and approval, as shown in Islamic teachings |
Qussay | KOO-sai | Distant, Remote | دور، فاصلے پر | Refers to Qussay ibn Kilab, an ancestor of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Qadi | KAH-dee | Judge, One who administers justice | قاضی، منصف | Refers to a judge in Islam, an important role for maintaining justice |
Qateel | KAH-teel | Killer, One who slays | قاتل | Refers to a warrior, emphasizing the noble qualities of bravery |
Qumran | KOOM-ran | Peaceful, Calm | پُرامن، سکون | Represents tranquility, often used in Sufi contexts |
Qur'an | KOO-ran | The Recitation | قرآن | The holy book of Islam, regarded as the ultimate guidance for Muslims |
Qumaira | KOO-my-rah | Small, Little | چھوٹا، کمزور | Often used affectionately, represents tenderness and care |
Qabir | KAH-beer | The One Who Comforts | تسلی دینے والا | Refers to one who offers solace, a valuable trait in companionship |
Qureish | KOO-ray-sh | Noble tribe, Clan of the Prophet | قریش | Refers to the tribe of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), known for its nobility |
Qalan | KAH-lan | Daring, Brave | بے باک، جری | Refers to courage and boldness in character |
Qist | KIS-t | Justice, Fairness | انصاف | Symbolizes justice, a fundamental principle in Islam |
Qamarud-deen | KAH-mar-ood-deen | Moon of the faith | دین کا چاند | Represents beauty and guidance in the realm of faith |
Qaraar | KAH-rah-ar | Peace, Calmness | سکون، آرام | Represents tranquility, a valued aspect of Islamic life |
Qaswarah | KAS-wah-rah | Brave, Bold | بہادر، جری | Symbolizes courage and bravery in Islamic history |
Qusai | KOO-sai | Distant, Remote | دور، فاصلے پر | Refers to Qusai ibn Kilab, known for his leadership and status |
Quba | KOO-bah | A place of refuge, a sanctuary | پناہ گاہ | The name of the first mosque built in Islam, reflecting community and faith |
Qalim | KAH-lim | Speaker, One who articulates | بولنے والا | Represents eloquence and the ability to convey thoughts clearly |
Qaf | KAF | The letter Q, also means "the one who will be rewarded" | قاف، انعام کا حق دار | Symbolizes reward and recognition in the afterlife |
Qudayr | KOO-dayr | The one who guides | رہنمائی کرنے والا | Reflects the guiding quality, important in Islamic leadership |
Qadeer | KAH-deer | Able, Powerful | قابل، طاقتور | One of Allah’s attributes, emphasizing His capabilities |
Qaarin | KAH-reen | The one who is connected | جوڑنے والا | Refers to connections, often used to describe relationships |
Qutub | KOO-toob | Pole, Axis | محور، ستون | Symbolizes stability and strength, often used in Sufi contexts |
Qayyin | KAY-yin | Strong, Mighty | مضبوط، طاقتور | Represents strength and resilience, a valued trait in Islam |
Qahfa | KAH-fah | Resilient, Enduring | برداشت کرنے والا | Symbolizes endurance and persistence in difficult times |
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