Muslim Boy Names Starting with E Meaning & Islamic References
Selecting the name for your child is always a great decision and when you desire to have the name that will have the cultural meaning, then it becomes a big challenge. In this blog post, we are presenting you with 100 different Muslim baby boy names beginning with the first letter E. In general, the following list provides beautiful baby names with either religious or noble meaning.
Each name is well described in a table with columns well defined for use. We give you the name, its phonetic transcription for convenience, its translation to English and Urdu, and accompany it with a real life example from Quran or stories of Sahaba, to sprinkle you with the cultural and historical knowledge. As a parent or a visitor seeking for relevant baby’s name from the Islamic culture you will find the names that are rich in meaning.
List of Muslim boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic History Reference |
Ehsan | Eh-san | Kindness, Benevolence | احسان | Mentioned in the Quran (Quran 16:90) regarding doing good |
Ebrahim | E-bra-heem | Father of many | ابراہیم | Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) is one of the most important figures in Islam (Quran 2:124) |
Eesa | Ee-sa | Jesus, Prophet of Allah | عیسیٰ | Refers to Prophet Jesus in the Quran (Quran 19:30) |
Emran | Em-ran | Progress, Prosperity | عمران | Refers to the family of Imran in the Quran (Quran 3:33) |
Ehsun | Eh-sun | Perfection, Goodness | احسن | Reflects the importance of excellence and goodness in Islam |
Ehsaanullah | Eh-saan-ul-lah | Kindness from Allah | اللہ کا احسان | Signifies the divine kindness of Allah |
Elahi | E-la-hi | My God | میرا خدا | Refers to calling on God (Allah) in prayers |
Emad | Ee-mad | Pillar, Support | ستون، سہارا | Symbolizes strength and support in Islam |
Elmir | El-meer | Prince, Ruler | شہزادہ، حاکم | Refers to leadership qualities in Islamic culture |
Emranul | Em-ran-ul | Blessed by Allah | اللہ کا برکت | Symbolizes divine blessings from Allah |
Erkam | Er-kam | Wise, Learned | عقلمند، عالم | Refers to wisdom and knowledge in Islamic teachings |
Ehsanudin | Eh-san-ud-din | Goodness of the religion | دین کا احسان | Refers to virtues and goodness in the Islamic faith |
Eyman | Ay-man | Blessed, Lucky | بابرکت | Reflects being blessed by Allah (Quran 56:27) |
Elhanan | El-han-an | Mercy, Grace | رحم | Symbolizes Allah's mercy and grace |
Eshaq | Eh-shaq | Prophet Isaac | اسحاق | Refers to Prophet Ishaq (Isaac), a significant figure in Islamic history (Quran 2:133) |
Ebrahimullah | E-bra-heem-ul-lah | Ibrahim, the prophet of Allah | اللہ کے نبی ابراہیم | Refers to Prophet Ibrahim, the friend of Allah |
Elham | El-ham | Inspiration | الہام | Refers to inspiration from Allah (Quran 91:8) |
Ehab | Eh-hab | Gift, Donation | عطیہ، بخشش | Symbolizes Allah's gifts and generosity |
Eizan | Ei-zan | Mighty | طاقتور | Reflects strength and power, virtues in Islamic teachings |
Enam | E-nam | Blessings | انعام | Refers to blessings and rewards from Allah (Quran 16:71) |
Ejaz | Ee-jaz | Miracle, Inimitability | معجزہ | Refers to the miraculous nature of the Quran (Quran 17:88) |
Ekrama | Ek-ra-mah | Generosity, Nobility | سخاوت، شرافت | Refers to nobility and generosity, key virtues in Islam |
Eizuddin | Eiz-ud-din | Honor of the faith | دین کی عزت | Symbolizes the importance of preserving the honor of Islam |
Eyas | Ay-yas | Gift | تحفہ | Symbolizes a divine gift from Allah |
Elaf | E-laf | Safety, Trust | امن، اعتماد | Refers to safety and trust, as mentioned in the Quran (Quran 106:4) |
Enes | Eh-nes | Friendly | دوستانہ | Represents kindness and friendliness in Islamic teachings |
Ertugrul | Er-tu-grul | Brave, Heroic | بہادر | Refers to historical Islamic warriors and leaders |
Elfatih | El-fa-teeh | The Conqueror | فاتح | Reflects victory and conquest in the path of Allah |
Eren | Er-en | Holy, Sacred | مقدس | Refers to the holiness of one's character |
Edeeb | Eh-deeb | Polite, Cultured | مہذب | Represents a well-mannered and cultured individual in Islam |
Ekram | Eh-kram | Honor, Respect | عزت، احترام | Reflects the importance of honoring and respecting others in Islamic teachings |
Emarat | Eh-mar-at | Leadership | قیادت | Refers to leadership and responsibility |
Elmi | El-mee | Knowledgeable | علم والا | Refers to the importance of knowledge in Islam (Quran 58:11) |
Eshaal | Eh-shaal | Source of light | روشنی کا منبع | Symbolizes light and guidance in the Quran (Quran 24:35) |
Eshak | Eh-shak | Laughter | ہنسی | Refers to happiness and joy in life |
Ebraheem | E-bra-heem | Father of a multitude | ابراہیم | Refers to Prophet Ibrahim, one of the great prophets (Quran 2:124) |
Ehabuddin | Eh-hab-ud-din | Gift of the religion | دین کا تحفہ | Symbolizes a gift in connection with faith |
Ejlaal | Ej-lal | Honor, Dignity | وقار، عزت | Reflects dignity and respect in Islamic teachings |
Elman | El-man | Knowledgeable, Wise | علم والا، عقل مند | Wisdom is highly regarded in Islam (Quran 2:269) |
Emadi | Eh-ma-dee | Supporter of the faith | دین کا حامی | Reflects the value of supporting and upholding Islam |
Envar | En-var | Light, Radiance | نور | Symbolizes divine light and guidance from Allah |
Ezi | Eh-zee | Powerful, Strong | طاقتور | Strength is a key value in Islamic teachings |
Ezel | Eh-zel | Eternal, Forever | ہمیشہ رہنے والا | Refers to the eternal nature of Allah (Quran 57:3) |
Ejhad | Eh-jahd | Effort, Struggle in the cause of Allah | اللہ کی راہ میں جدوجہد | Represents the concept of striving for the sake of Allah (Jihad) |
Eyub | Eh-yub | Prophet Job | ایوب نبی | Refers to Prophet Ayub (Job) who is a symbol of patience (Quran 21:83) |
Elhadi | El-ha-dee | The guide | رہنما | Refers to Allah's guidance (Al-Hadi, one of the 99 names of Allah) |
Eltaf | El-taf | Kindness, Gentleness | نرمی، شفقت | Gentleness is highly emphasized in Islamic teachings |
Emre | Em-reh | Loving, Friend | دوست، محبت کرنے والا | Reflects friendship and love in the context of Islam |
Eshad | Eh-shad | Joy, Happiness | خوشی، مسرت | Represents joy and contentment, qualities valued in Islam |
Ebtehal | Eb-te-hal | Supplication, Prayer | دعا، التجا | Refers to the act of making supplication to Allah |
Elafai | E-la-fai | Trust, Safety | اعتماد، تحفظ | Symbolizes the concept of trust in Allah |
Ehsaanul | Eh-saan-ul | Bestowed kindness | بہترین احسان | Refers to the highest form of goodness (Quran 16:90) |
Ershad | Er-shad | Guidance | رہنمائی | Reflects the importance of guidance in Islam |
Enayet | E-nay-at | Kindness, Favor | مہربانی، لطف | Refers to divine kindness from Allah |
Elzar | El-zar | Helper, Support | مددگار، سہارا | Symbolizes support and assistance in Islamic teachings |
Efran | E-frahn | Blessed, Gifted | بابرکت، عطا | Represents being blessed by Allah |
Edrees | Ed-rees | Wise, Intelligent | عقلمند | Refers to Prophet Idris (Enoch), known for his wisdom (Quran 19:56) |
Elif | E-lif | Unique, One | منفرد، اکیلا | Symbolizes uniqueness and individuality |
Eshna | Eh-sh-na | Radiance, Glow | چمک | Represents light and brilliance in character |
Emaan | Ee-maan | Faith, Belief | ایمان | Refers to having faith in Allah (Quran 2:285) |
Elaz | El-az | The exalted one | بلند درجہ | Refers to high status or elevation |
Eashaan | Eash-aan | Leader, Chief | رہنما، سردار | Symbolizes leadership qualities in Islam |
Eda | Eh-da | Gift, Present | تحفہ | Represents being a gift or blessing |
Enver | En-ver | Bright, Radiant | روشن، چمکدار | Refers to brightness and positivity |
Ezequiel | Ez-e-ki-el | God strengthens | خدا طاقت دیتا ہے | Symbolizes the strength given by Allah |
Elhaan | El-haan | Divine mercy | الہی رحمت | Refers to the mercy of Allah |
Efreem | E-freem | Fruitful, Productive | پھلدار | Represents being fruitful and productive |
Eeshan | Ee-shaan | Powerful, Dominant | طاقتور | Reflects strength and authority |
Ebad | Ee-bad | Worshipper | عبادت کرنے والا | Refers to the act of worshipping Allah |
Eiman | Ee-man | Faithful, Trustworthy | وفادار | Represents loyalty and faith in Allah |
Eliah | E-li-ah | My God is Yahweh | میرا خدا | Represents a connection with Allah |
Elish | E-lish | God is salvation | خدا کی نجات | Refers to salvation and guidance from Allah |
Ergin | Er-gin | Strong, Mature | مضبوط، بالغ | Symbolizes strength and maturity |
Eed | Eed | Blessed day | مبارک دن | Refers to the concept of Eid in Islamic tradition |
Ekbal | Ek-bal | Successful | کامیاب | Represents success and prosperity |
Ekramullah | Ekram-ul-lah | Honor of Allah | اللہ کی عزت | Symbolizes divine honor bestowed by Allah |
Elmaaz | El-maaz | Fortunate, Lucky | خوش قسمت | Represents being lucky and fortunate |
Eshan | E-shan | Kindness, Gentleness | مہربانی، نرمی | Refers to gentleness and kindness |
Ebrar | E-braar | Righteous, Pious | نیک، پرہیزگار | Refers to those who are righteous and devout (Quran 76:5) |
Esan | E-san | Goodness, Kindness | نیکی | Symbolizes goodness and kindness in character |
Eydan | Ey-dan | Happy, Joyful | خوش، مسرت | Represents joy and happiness |
Ekmal | Ek-mal | Complete, Perfect | مکمل | Reflects perfection and completeness |
Ewen | E-wen | Young warrior | جوان سپاہی | Symbolizes bravery and youth |
Emar | Eh-mar | Long-lived | طویل العمر | Represents longevity and a long life |
Enayatullah | E-na-yat-ul-lah | Kindness of Allah | اللہ کی مہربانی | Reflects the kindness and mercy of Allah |
Elbaz | El-baz | Wise, Intelligent | عقلمند | Represents wisdom and intelligence |
Eshanul | E-shan-ul | Kindness of the Lord | خدا کی مہربانی | Symbolizes divine kindness |
Ebadul | E-ba-dul | Servant of God | اللہ کا بندہ | Represents devotion to Allah |
Eljawan | El-ja-wan | Gentle, Soft | نرم، ملائم | Reflects gentleness and tenderness |
Enverullah | En-ver-ul-lah | Light of Allah | اللہ کی روشنی | Refers to divine light and guidance from Allah |
Erek | Eh-rek | Eternal, Everlasting | ہمیشہ رہنے والا | Represents the eternal nature of existence |
Elfan | El-fan | Gifted, Talented | باہمت | Represents talent and divine gifts |
Eimanul | E-i-man-ul | Faithful servant | وفادار بندہ | Symbolizes loyalty and faithfulness |
Ean | E-an | To help, To support | مدد کرنا | Represents helping and supporting others |
Ertug | Er-tug | Brave warrior | بہادر سپاہی | Reflects bravery and courage in facing challenges |
Ekar | E-kar | Noble, High-born | نیک، شریف | Represents nobility and honor |
Ezzat | Ez-zaat | Honor, Dignity | عزت، وقار | Symbolizes the importance of honor in Islam |
Elshad | El-shad | Generous | سخی | Refers to generosity and kindness |
Evgeni | Ev-ge-ni | Well-born, Noble | اچھی نسل | Represents a noble lineage |
Esad | E-saad | Happy, Joyful | خوش | Reflects happiness and joy in life |
Elys | Eh-lis | Divine, Heavenly | الہی | Symbolizes the divine and heavenly qualities |
Elvin | El-vin | Noble friend | باہمی دوستی | Symbolizes friendship and noble companionship |
Edin | Ed-in | Faithful | وفادار | Represents loyalty and faithfulness |
Ervin | Er-vin | Fresh, New | تازہ | Represents freshness and new beginnings |
Ekber | Ek-ber | Great, Mighty | عظیم | Refers to greatness and magnificence |
Ehan | E-han | Intelligent | عقلمند | Reflects intelligence and cleverness |
Emadullah | E-ma-dul-lah | Pillar of Allah | اللہ کا ستون | Symbolizes strength and support in the faith |
Elij | E-li-j | My God is Yahweh | میرا خدا | Refers to the connection with Allah |
Enas | E-nas | Friend, Companion | دوست | Represents companionship and friendship |
Eryan | Er-yan | A prayer for help | مدد کی دعا | Symbolizes the act of seeking help through prayer |
Elhan | El-han | Grace, Mercy | رحمت | Refers to the grace and mercy of Allah |
Etek | E-tek | Gifted | تحفہ | Represents the blessings and gifts from Allah |
Evin | E-vin | God is gracious | خدا مہربان ہے | Reflects Allah's grace and kindness |
Elra | El-ra | Noble, Kind | نیک، مہربان | Represents nobility and kindness |
Ead | E-ad | Happy, Joyful | خوشی | Symbolizes happiness and joy in life |
Elza | El-za | God is my strength | خدا میری طاقت ہے | Reflects reliance on Allah's strength |
Elmor | El-mor | Noble one | نیک آدمی | Symbolizes nobility and good character |
Esyad | Es-yad | Happiness | خوشی | Represents joy and positivity |
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