Muslim Boy Names Starting with J Meaning and Islamic, Quranic References
A name for your baby boy is not just any other decision but one that you will have to make when you are willing and ready to choose a name that represents tradition. Just about the Muslim boy names starting with J, and you will find out that there are many options for you. Here, we list down a hundred cute and meaningful names, alongside their pronunciation, translating meaning in English and Urdu, and Islamic relevance or relation to Sahaba.
These names are more than just the wonderful sounds they produce, they are faith, culture, and values of a timeless age. Often, people look for the traditional name, but sometimes, people want something unique, and this list is here to give you what your heart desires for generations in your lineage.
List of muslim boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic History Reference |
Jabbar | Jah-bar | Mighty, Powerful | زبردست، طاقتور | One of Allah's names mentioned in the Quran (Surah Al-Hashr 59:23). |
Jafar | Jaa-far | Stream, Rivulet | نہر، چشمہ | Name of Jafar ibn Abi Talib, cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Jameel | Jah-meel | Beautiful | خوبصورت | Mentioned in Islamic texts describing qualities of beauty. |
Jasim | Ja-seem | Strong, Well-built | مضبوط، قوی | Describes physical strength, used in historical contexts. |
Jibril | Jib-reel | Archangel Gabriel | فرشتہ جبرائیل | Jibril (Gabriel) is mentioned in the Quran as a messenger from Allah. |
Jalal | Ja-laal | Majesty, Glory | عظمت، شان | The term Jalal reflects the majesty of Allah (Surah Al-Rahman). |
Jawad | Ja-wad | Generous | سخی | Reflects generosity, a trait praised in Islam. |
Jaleel | Jah-leel | Great, Revered | عظیم، مکرم | Another name of Allah, mentioned in the Quran. |
Jalil | Jah-leel | Grand, Noble | عظیم، شریف | Noble and grand qualities associated with believers in Islamic history. |
Junaid | Ju-naid | Soldier, Warrior | سپاہی، جنگجو | Name of Junaid Baghdadi, a famous Islamic saint. |
Jamal | Ja-maal | Beauty, Grace | حسن، خوبصورتی | Reflects beauty and grace in Islamic virtues. |
Jameer | Ja-meer | Good-looking, Handsome | خوبرو | Associated with physical beauty and attraction. |
Jaasim | Jah-seem | Strong, Muscular | طاقتور، عضلاتی | Reflects strength and vigor. |
Jibraan | Jib-raan | To recompense | بدلہ دینا | Related to the concept of recompense in the afterlife. |
Juzer | Joo-zer | Competent | اہل، قابل | Competence and capability are valued in Islam. |
Jalees | Jah-lees | Companion | ساتھی | Refers to companionship and support, virtues emphasized in Islam. |
Jahdari | Jah-dah-ree | Brave, Valiant | بہادر | Reflects courage in battle, similar to the companions of the Prophet. |
Jalib | Jah-leeb | Attractive | دلکش | Refers to attraction and beauty, qualities admired in Islamic teachings. |
Jamili | Ja-mee-lee | Beautiful, Handsome | خوبصورت، دلکش | Reflects physical beauty and character. |
Jarrar | Jar-rar | Brave, Courageous | بہادر | Name of a Sahaba known for his bravery. |
Jibla | Jib-lah | Creation, Nature | فطرت، تخلیق | Refers to the creation of humans in Islamic context. |
Jasar | Ja-saar | Bold, Courageous | نڈر، دلیر | Reflects the quality of bravery and boldness. |
Jazeel | Jah-zeel | Generous | سخی | Reflects generosity, a key value in Islam. |
Jalaal | Jah-laal | Glory, Grandeur | عظمت، شان | The word Jalal is often associated with Allah's majesty. |
Jazeera | Jah-zee-rah | Island | جزیرہ | Refers to islands, symbolizing strength and independence. |
Jabir | Ja-bir | Comforter, Consoler | تسلی دینے والا | Name of Jabir ibn Abdullah, a companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Jathib | Ja-theeb | Brave, Courageous | دلیر | Reflects the qualities of courage and bravery. |
Jabrullah | Jab-ru-lah | Power of Allah | اللہ کی طاقت | Refers to the might and power of Allah. |
Jamilah | Jah-mee-lah | Graceful | خوشگوار | Reflects elegance and grace, traits admired in Islamic culture. |
Jaleem | Jah-leem | Patient, Tolerant | صابر، بردبار | Patience is a highly praised virtue in Islam. |
Jibreelullah | Jib-reel-ullah | Gabriel of Allah | اللہ کا جبرائیل | Refers to the archangel Gabriel mentioned in the Quran. |
Juwairiya | Ju-way-ree-yah | Small rose | چھوٹا گلاب | Name of one of the wives of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Jabarah | Ja-ba-rah | Consoler | تسلی دینے والا | Reflects comfort and care in Islamic teachings. |
Jibrin | Jib-reen | Archangel | فرشتہ | Derived from Jibril (Gabriel), the archangel who brought the Quran to Muhammad. |
Jadan | Ja-dan | Gift from God | خدا کی طرف سے تحفہ | Reflects the concept of divine gifts in Islamic faith. |
Jihad | Jee-had | Struggle for faith | ایمان کے لیے جدوجہد | The concept of striving in the way of Allah, mentioned in the Quran. |
Juman | Ju-man | Pearls | موتی | Reflects beauty and rarity, often used to describe paradise. |
Jibrayl | Jib-ray-l | Archangel Gabriel | فرشتہ جبرائیل | Gabriel is a central figure in Islamic scripture and history. |
Jathna | Jath-na | Brave warrior | بہادر جنگجو | Reflects courage and valor, qualities admired in early Muslim warriors. |
Juwad | Ju-wad | Generous | سخی | Generosity is a key characteristic praised in Islam. |
Jathir | Jah-theer | Abundant | فراوانی | Reflects abundance and plenty, blessings from Allah. |
Jabbaruddin | Jah-bar-ud-deen | Mighty in the faith | دین میں طاقتور | Refers to strength and might in defending the Islamic faith. |
Jafran | Jah-fraan | Eloquent | فصیح | Eloquence is praised in many hadiths and stories about the Sahaba. |
Jalif | Ja-leef | Blessed, Kind | بابرکت، مہربان | Reflects kindness and the blessings of Allah. |
Jaffarullah | Ja-far-ullah | Stream of Allah | اللہ کا چشمہ | Refers to divine blessings, symbolized by streams in paradise. |
Jamillah | Jah-mil-lah | Beautiful, Elegant | خوبصورت، شاندار | Beauty and elegance are admired in Islamic virtues. |
Jasimullah | Ja-seem-ullah | Strong for Allah | اللہ کے لیے طاقتور | Reflects strength and devotion to Allah. |
Jawahir | Ja-wa-hir | Jewels | جواہرات | Jewels and gems are often used as metaphors for paradise. |
Jalut | Ja-loot | Strong | مضبوط | Jalut (Goliath) is a figure in Islamic history mentioned in the Quran. |
Jamool | Ja-mool | Magnificent | شاندار | Reflects magnificence and grandeur, qualities attributed to Allah. |
Jariyah | Ja-ree-yah | Flowing stream | بہتی ہوئی نہر | A flowing stream symbolizes the continuity of blessings in paradise. |
Jarrir | Jah-reer | Brave | بہادر | Reflects courage and valor, qualities praised in Islamic history. |
Jamaruddin | Jah-mar-ud-deen | Beauty of the faith | دین کی خوبصورتی |
Jamid | Jah-mid | Solid, Firm | مضبوط، پائیدار | Reflects steadfastness, a quality praised in the Quran. |
Jalaaluddin | Ja-laal-ud-deen | Majesty of the faith | دین کی عظمت | Represents the grandeur and magnificence of Islam. |
Jazim | Jah-zeem | Determined, Resolute | پُرعزم | Reflects determination, an admirable quality in Islamic teachings. |
Jarraruddin | Jar-rar-ud-deen | Strong in the faith | دین میں مضبوط | Represents strength and commitment to Islam. |
Jareer | Jah-reer | Fluent, Eloquent | فصیح | Eloquent speech is emphasized in Islamic traditions. |
Jaazib | Jah-zeeb | Attractive, Charming | دلکش، جاذب | Reflects physical and inner beauty admired in Islam. |
Jathibullah | Ja-theeb-ullah | Brave for Allah | اللہ کے لیے بہادر | Represents bravery in the way of Allah, a quality of the Sahaba. |
Jinan | Ji-nan | Paradise | جنت | Jinan refers to the gardens of paradise in the Quran. |
Jameeluddin | Ja-meel-ud-deen | Beauty of the faith | دین کی خوبصورتی | Represents the spiritual beauty of Islam. |
Jabalah | Ja-ba-lah | Mountain, Strong | پہاڑ، مضبوط | Reflects strength and steadfastness, often used in Islamic texts. |
Jamha | Jah-mha | Brave | بہادر | Reflects bravery, a quality admired in early Islamic warriors. |
Jalibullah | Jah-leeb-ullah | Attractive to Allah | اللہ کے لیے دلکش | Represents qualities that attract Allah’s favor. |
Jazi | Jah-zee | Rewarding, Generous | انعام دینے والا | Reflects generosity, a quality admired in Islam. |
Jihadullah | Jee-had-ullah | Struggle for Allah | اللہ کے لیے جدوجہد | Refers to striving in the way of Allah, as mentioned in the Quran. |
Jawhar | Ja-wahr | Jewel, Essence | جوہر، لب لباب | Reflects purity and value, often used as a metaphor for the soul. |
Jasimuddin | Ja-seem-ud-deen | Strong in faith | دین میں طاقتور | Represents strength and steadfastness in following Islam. |
Jilani | Ji-la-nee | Of high status | بلند مقام والا | Refers to Abdul Qadir Jilani, a renowned Islamic scholar. |
Jaafar | Ja-faar | Rivulet, Stream | چشمہ | Name of a cousin of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Jaafar ibn Abi Talib. |
Jathirullah | Jah-theer-ullah | Abundant for Allah | اللہ کے لیے وافر | Represents abundance in blessings and favor from Allah. |
Jaleed | Jah-leed | Strong, Solid | مضبوط، پائیدار | Refers to steadfastness and strength, key qualities in Islamic teachings. |
Junaidullah | Ju-naid-ullah | Soldier of Allah | اللہ کا سپاہی | Reflects dedication and bravery in defending Islam. |
Jaalib | Jah-leeb | Attractive | دلکش | Reflects the concept of attraction and beauty, praised in Islamic virtues. |
Jabarullah | Jah-bar-ullah | Powerful of Allah | اللہ کی طاقت | Refers to the might and power of Allah. |
Jabran | Ja-bran | Consoler, Comforter | تسلی دینے والا | Reflects compassion and care, qualities praised in Islamic traditions. |
Jannatullah | Jan-nat-ullah | Paradise of Allah | اللہ کی جنت | Refers to the ultimate reward of paradise mentioned in the Quran. |
Jamil | Ja-meel | Beautiful | خوبصورت | Represents physical and spiritual beauty, a quality admired in Islam. |
Jibraeel | Ji-bra-eel | Gabriel | جبرائیل | Another form of Jibril, associated with divine messages in Islam. |
Jihan | Ji-han | World, Universe | دنیا | Represents the vastness of creation, often used in poetic contexts. |
Jazeez | Ja-zee-z | Powerful | طاقتور | Represents strength and authority, qualities valued in leaders. |
Jaalan | Jah-lan | A Helper | مددگار | Represents support and assistance, qualities valued in Islam. |
Jahlil | Jah-leel | Wise | عقلمند | Reflects intelligence and wisdom, qualities admired in leaders. |
Jahanzaib | Ja-han-zaib | World’s Pride | دنیا کا فخر | Represents honor and pride in one's heritage and values. |
Jalali | Ja-la-lee | Majestic | عظیم | Represents grandeur and nobility, often used in describing leaders. |
Jalila | Ja-lee-la | Noble | معزز | Represents nobility, a cherished quality in Islamic tradition. |
Jami | Ja-mee | Gatherer, Unifier | اکٹھا کرنے والا | Represents unity and community, essential values in Islam. |
Jashan | Ja-shan | Celebration | جشن | Represents joy and happiness, qualities celebrated in Islamic culture. |
Jaman | Ja-man | Wise and Just | عقلمند اور انصاف پسند | Reflects wisdom and fairness, key virtues in Islamic teachings. |
Jalayel | Ja-la-yel | Glorious | شاندار | Represents glory and beauty, admired in Islamic philosophy. |
Jabal | Ja-bal | Mountain | پہاڑ | Represents strength and stability, reflecting the enduring nature of mountains. |
Jahid | Ja-heed | One who strives | جدوجہد کرنے والا | Reflects the importance of effort and struggle in life, emphasized in Islamic teachings. |
Jandal | Jan-dal | Brave | بہادر | Represents courage and valor, qualities admired in Islamic tradition. |
Jibran | Ji-bran | Gift | تحفہ | Represents a blessing or gift, valued in family and community. |
Jazil | Ja-zeel | Abundant, Generous | وافر، سخی | Represents generosity and abundance, qualities cherished in Islam. |
Jazar | Ja-zar | Strong | مضبوط | Signifies strength and resilience, important traits in character. |
Jahi | Ja-hee | Strong, Powerful | طاقتور | Reflects inner strength and fortitude, qualities admired in leaders. |
Jamir | Ja-meer | One who gathers | اکٹھا کرنے والا | Represents unity and community, valued concepts in Islam. |
Jalani | Ja-la-nee | Brave, Courageous | بہادر | Reflects the courage and bravery admired in Islamic warriors. |
Jania | Ja-nee-ah | Gift from God | خدا کی طرف سے تحفہ | Represents the belief that children are blessings from Allah. |
Javid | Ja-vid | Eternal | دائمی | Reflects the concept of everlasting life, important in Islamic beliefs. |
Jazir | Ja-zeer | Abundant | وافر | Signifies plenty and prosperity, attributes appreciated in Islamic culture. |
Jafaar | Ja-far | Stream, River | ندی، دریا | Represents the flow of life and knowledge, significant in Islamic teachings. |
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