Muslim Boy Names Starting with M Unique & Meaningful Choices
Selecting a name for your baby boy is always a thrilling as well as a challenging task for every Muslim parent. A name could be a very central aspect of a child and it is usually given with the belief system, culture and perceived quality of the child in mind.
Well, you can find a great number of Muslim boy names starting with the letter “M” they have deep meanings from the Islamic history, the Quran or can describe useful characteristics such as strength, wisdom or kindness. From these 100 unique one starting with the letter M from this list of Muslim boy names, you can find any preferred name type: the conventional one meaning in Islam or the brand new one with a powerful meaning.
Here, as promised in the previous part of the blog, you will discover the names that are meaningful and reflect good character, which are related to the Quran or prominent characters of Islamic history. Here are the names and with this list, you will learn names that depict beauty of faith and good Islamic principles.
List of muslim boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic History Reference |
Mahmood | Mah-mood | Praiseworthy, Commendable | قابل تعریف، ستائش کے لائق | One of the names of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Malik | Ma-lik | King, Master | بادشاہ، مالک | One of the 99 names of Allah (Surah Al-Fatiha 1:4). |
Mustafa | Mus-ta-fah | Chosen, Selected | منتخب، چنا ہوا | Another name of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Muhammad | Mu-ham-mad | Praiseworthy | قابل تعریف، حمد کیا گیا | Name of the last Prophet of Islam (PBUH). |
Mu'az | Mu-aaz | Protected, Fortified | محفوظ، مضبوط | Name of a companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Muawiyah | Mu-aw-wee-yah | Young fox, Companion | نوجوان لومڑی، ساتھی | Name of a famous companion and caliph. |
Mansoor | Man-soor | Victorious | فتح یاب، غالب | Name used to describe someone aided by Allah. |
Murtaza | Mur-ta-za | Chosen one, Selected | چنا ہوا، منتخب | Title given to Hazrat Ali (RA). |
Musa | Moo-sah | Prophet Moses | حضرت موسیٰ | Prophet Moses is mentioned many times in the Quran. |
Mubarak | Mu-ba-rak | Blessed | مبارک | Describes someone blessed by Allah. |
Mu'tasim | Mu-ta-sim | Adherent | مضبوطی سے پکڑنے والا | Name of a famous Abbasid caliph. |
Muneeb | Mu-neeb | Turn towards Allah | اللہ کی طرف رجوع کرنے والا | Mentioned in the Quran (Surah Hud 11:75). |
Maaz | Ma-az | Refuge, Shelter | پناہ، جائے پناہ | Name of a companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Majid | Ma-jid | Glorious, Noble | باعزت، شاندار | One of the 99 names of Allah (Surah Al-Buruj 85:15). |
Mubashir | Mu-ba-shir | Bringer of good news | خوشخبری دینے والا | Name of a companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Mikhail | Me-kah-eel | Angel Michael | حضرت میکائیل | Name of an angel mentioned in the Quran. |
Muammar | Mu-am-mar | Long-lived, Prosperous | لمبی عمر والا، خوشحال | Name symbolizing longevity. |
Mudassar | Mu-das-sir | The enshrouded one | لپیٹنے والا | Title given to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Surah Al-Muddaththir. |
Muqeem | Mu-qeem | Resident, Abiding | مقیم، رہنے والا | Mentioned in the Quran (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:125). |
Masood | Ma-sood | Lucky, Fortunate | خوش نصیب | Describes someone with good fortune. |
Miftah | Mif-tah | Key | چابی | Symbolizes someone who opens opportunities. |
Mahir | Ma-hir | Skilled, Expert | ماہر، ماہر فن | Represents excellence in various fields. |
Muzaffar | Mu-zaf-far | Victorious | فتح یاب، کامیاب | Describes a person who achieves victory. |
Mudabbir | Mu-dab-bir | Planner, Manager | منصوبہ ساز، منتظم | Reflects strategic thinking. |
Mansur | Man-soor | Supported, Victorious | فتح یاب، حمایت یافتہ | Title given to those aided by Allah. |
Mahmudullah | Mah-mood-ul-lah | Praise be to Allah | اللہ کی تعریف | Represents gratitude and praise for Allah. |
Malikuddin | Ma-lik-ud-deen | King of the Faith | دین کا بادشاہ | Represents authority in religious matters. |
Mazhar | Maz-har | Manifestation, Appearance | ظاہر، نمود | Symbolizes revelation or appearance of good deeds. |
Mu'in | Mu-een | Helper, Supporter | مددگار، سہارا دینے والا | One of the 99 names of Allah. |
Ma'ruf | Ma-roof | Known, Famous | مشہور، معروف | Used to describe someone well-known for good deeds. |
Mahboob | Mah-boob | Beloved | محبوب | Someone who is dearly loved. |
Midhat | Mid-hat | Praise | تعریف، حمد | A name reflecting commendation and praise. |
Mahfooz | Mah-fooz | Protected | محفوظ | Reflects divine protection. |
Minhaj | Min-haj | Way, Path | راستہ، طریقہ | Mentioned in the Quran as a path of righteousness. |
Muhtashim | Muh-ta-shim | Dignified | باوقار، معزز | Represents someone with high respect and honor. |
Majduddin | Maj-du-deen | Glory of the Faith | دین کی عظمت | Reflects religious honor and respect. |
Maysar | May-sar | Ease, Comfort | آرام، سکون | Describes someone who brings ease to others. |
Mu'tamad | Mu-ta-mad | Reliable, Trusted | قابل اعتماد، بھروسہ مند | Someone trustworthy and dependable. |
Mubin | Mu-been | Clear, Manifest | واضح، نمایاں | Mentioned in the Quran (Surah Yusuf 12:1). |
Muaadh | Mu-aadh | Protected | محفوظ | Reflects divine protection, as in the Prophet's companions. |
Mutawakkil | Mu-ta-wak-kil | Reliant on Allah | اللہ پر بھروسہ کرنے والا | Represents strong faith in Allah’s will. |
Muhsin | Muh-sin | Benefactor, Kind | نیک، احسان کرنے والا | Reflects someone who does good and shows kindness. |
Mujaahid | Mu-jah-hid | Struggler in the path of Allah | اللہ کی راہ میں جہاد کرنے والا | Represents those who struggle for the cause of Islam. |
Masroor | Mas-roor | Happy, Joyful | خوش، مسرور | Represents happiness and contentment. |
Mukhtar | Mukh-tar | Chosen | چنا ہوا | Describes someone chosen for a special purpose. |
Mubdi | Mub-dee | Originator, Creator | موجد، خالق | One of the 99 names of Allah. |
Mansurullah | Man-soor-ul-lah | Victorious by Allah | اللہ کے ذریعے فتح یاب | Describes someone who gains victory through Allah's support. |
Munir | Mu-neer | Radiant, Illuminating | روشن، منور | Mentioned in the Quran (Surah Al-Ahzab 33:46). |
Masudullah | Ma-sud-ul-lah | Fortunate by Allah | اللہ کے ذریعے خوش نصیب | Describes someone blessed with Allah's favor. |
Mahzuz | Mah-zooz | Fortunate, Blessed | خوش نصیب، مبارک | Reflects divine favor and blessings. |
Mazin | Ma-zin | Rain-bearing cloud | بارش لانے والا بادل | Represents fertility and blessings. |
Madani | Ma-da-nee | From the city of Madinah | مدینہ کا | Reflects a connection to the holy city of Madinah. |
Maimun | Mai-moon | Blessed, Fortunate | مبارک، خوش نصیب | Represents divine blessings and good fortune. |
Mu'taz | Mu-taaz | Proud, Mighty | خوددار، بلند | Describes someone with pride and dignity. |
Mirsab | Mir-sab | Swift, Fast | تیز، چست | Reflects agility and quickness. |
Murad | Mu-ra-d | Desire, Goal | خواہش، مقصد | Represents an aspiration or aim. |
Maqbool | Maq-bool | Accepted | قبول کیا گیا | Reflects someone accepted by Allah and people. |
Mujib | Mu-jeeb | Responder to prayers | دعا قبول کرنے والا | One of the 99 names of Allah (Surah Hud 11:61). |
Maahir | Ma-hir | Skilled, expert | ماہر | Reflects excellence and expertise. |
Mikaeel | Mi-ka-eel | Angel Michael | حضرت میکائیل | Name of an angel, guardian of sustenance and mercy. |
Mu'adh | Mu-aadh | Protected | معاذ | A well-known companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Mufeed | Mu-feed | Beneficial, helpful | مفید | Encourages helpfulness; highly valued in Islamic teachings. |
Maajid | Maa-jid | Glorious, exalted | ماجد | Reflects honor and majesty. |
Mahdi | Mah-dee | Guided one | مہدی | Refers to the prophesied savior in Islamic eschatology. |
Muntasir | Mun-ta-sir | Triumphant | منتصر | Symbolizes victory and success. |
Muqtadir | Muq-ta-dir | Powerful, capable | مقتدر | One of the attributes of Allah, meaning 'The Powerful.' |
Marwan | Mar-wan | Strong, solid stone | مروان | A companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Maalik | Maa-lik | Owner, master | مالک | Reflects control and authority, one of Allah's names. |
Mufazzal | Mu-faz-zal | Preferred, favored | مفضل | Symbolizes being blessed with preference. |
Mutasim | Mu-ta-sim | Protected by Allah | معتصم | A title given to those who seek Allah's protection. |
Muneer | Mu-neer | Radiant, shining | منیر | Mentioned in Surah Al-Ahzab (33:46) as a 'shining light.' |
Munawwar | Mu-naw-war | Illuminated | منور | Reflects light and clarity, common in Islamic poetry. |
Muhaimin | Mu-hai-min | Protector, overseer | محیمین | One of the names of Allah, meaning 'The Protector.' |
Musab | Mu-sa-b | To endure with patience | مصعب | A well-known companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Maula | Mau-la | Master, protector | مولا | Often used to refer to both Allah and revered leaders. |
Mudassir | Mu-das-sir | Enrobed, covered | مدثر | Mentioned in Surah Al-Muddathir, one of the earliest revelations. |
Muaaz | Mu-aaz | Shelter, refuge | معاذ | A well-known companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Muizz | Mu-izz | Giver of might | معز | One of the names of Allah, meaning 'Giver of honor.' |
Mamoon | Ma-moon | Trustworthy | مامون | Represents reliability, a quality praised in Islamic teachings. |
Misk | Misk | Musk | مشک | Refers to the fragrance, often mentioned in Islamic descriptions of paradise. |
Misbah | Mis-bah | Lamp, lantern | مصباح | Symbolizes guidance and light, mentioned in the Quran (24:35). |
Mawla | Maw-la | Master, lord | مولا | Represents authority; often used to refer to Allah and revered leaders. |
Munjid | Mun-jid | Helper | منجد | Symbolizes assistance and support. |
Mujahid | Mu-ja-hid | One who struggles in the cause of Allah | مجاہد | Represents someone who strives for Allah, often mentioned in the Quran. |
Mutlaq | Mut-laq | Absolute | مطلق | Symbolizes the limitless and absolute, often referenced in theological contexts. |
Mateen | Ma-teen | Strong, solid | متین | Symbolizes strength and firmness, mentioned in the Quran (51:58). |
Muazzam | Mu-az-zam | Great, exalted | معظم | Represents greatness and respect, often attributed to leaders. |
Mufaddal | Mu-fad-dal | Preferred, chosen | مفضل | Symbolizes favor and being chosen. |
Munzir | Mun-zir | Warner | منذر | Mentioned in the Quran as one who delivers warnings. |
Murtadha | Mur-ta-da | The chosen one | مرتضی | Title used for Imam Ali, meaning the chosen one. |
Mahfuz | Mah-fooz | Protected | محفوظ | Signifies divine protection from harm. |
Maqsood | Maq-sood | Intended, Desired | مراد، مطلوب | Represents a goal or purpose. |
Mujeeb | Mu-jeeb | Responder | جواب دینے والا | One of the 99 names of Allah, "The Answerer of Prayers." |
Muhaddith | Mu-had-dith | Narrator of Hadith | حدیث بیان کرنے والا | Scholar or narrator of hadith in Islamic history. |
Murtadh | Mur-tadh | Content, Pleased | راضی، خوش | Signifies someone who is satisfied with life. |
Muhib | Mu-hib | Loving, Affectionate | محبت کرنے والا | Signifies a person who shows great love and affection. |
Mazharuddin | Maz-har-ud-deen | Manifestation of religion | دین کا مظہر | Reflects the spreading of Islam and its teachings. |
Mubdi' | Mub-dee | Originator | موجد، خالق | One of the 99 names of Allah, meaning "The Creator." |
Muaz | Mu-aaz | Protected, Fortified | محفوظ، قلعہ بند | Name of a companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). |
Muzammil | Mu-zam-mil | Wrapped in garments | کپڑوں میں لپٹا ہوا | Mentioned in the Quran (Surah Al-Muzzammil 73:1). |
Muin | Mu-een | Supporter, Helper | مددگار، سہارا دینے والا | One of the names of Allah, "The Supporter." |
Muharram | Mu-har-ram | Sacred, Forbidden | مقدس، ممنوع | The first month of the Islamic calendar. |
Muqatil | Mu-qa-til | Warrior, Fighter | جنگجو، لڑاکا | Refers to those who fight for a just cause in Islamic history. |
Muneeruddin | Mu-neer-ud-deen | Illuminator of faith | دین کا روشن کرنے والا | A person who brings light to the understanding of religion. |
Muzakir | Mu-za-kir | Reminder, Admonisher | یاد دلانے والا | Someone who reminds others of their duties in Islam. |
Muhtasim | Muh-ta-sim | Defended by Allah | اللہ کا دفاع یافتہ | Name of a famous Abbasid caliph, Al-Mu'tasim. |
Muddathir | Mud-dath-thir | Wrapped up | لپیٹا ہوا | Title given to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) (Surah Al-Muddaththir). |
Mustansir | Mus-tan-seer | One who seeks help | مدد طلب کرنے والا | Represents someone who seeks help and guidance from Allah. |
Musharraf | Mu-shar-raf | Honored, Elevated | معزز، بلند | Represents someone given honor and respect. |
Ma'mun | Ma-moon | Trustworthy | قابل اعتماد | Name of a famous Abbasid caliph, Al-Ma'mun. |
Mu'tazz | Mu-taz | Proud, Glorified | فخر کرنے والا، عظمت والا | Name signifying pride and honor. |
Muthakkir | Mu-thak-kir | Reminder | یاد دلانے والا | Someone who reminds others of their duties to Allah. |
Midhatullah | Mid-hat-ul-lah | Praise of Allah | اللہ کی تعریف | Reflects gratitude and praise for Allah. |
Mubshir | Mub-shir | Bringer of good news | خوشخبری دینے والا | Represents someone who brings good news and blessings. |
Mustasim | Mus-ta-sim | God-fearing, Pious | متقی، پرہیزگار | Someone who holds onto faith and righteousness. |
Majd | Maj-d | Glory, Honor | عزت، عظمت | Represents grandeur and magnificence. |
Mashhoor | Mash-hoor | Famous, Well-known | مشہور | Describes someone renowned for their achievements. |
Munthir | Mun-thir | Warner, Cautioner | خبردار کرنے والا | Someone who warns others of the consequences of their actions. |
Mudarris | Mu-dar-ris | Teacher | استاد | Represents someone who imparts knowledge. |
Mufarrij | Mu-far-rij | One who brings relief | راحت دینے والا | Reflects someone who helps others in times of need. |
Malikurrahman | Ma-lik-ur-rah-man | King of the Merciful | رحم کرنے والوں کا بادشاہ | Represents mercy and leadership. |
Muwaffaq | Mu-waf-faq | Successful, Prosperous | کامیاب، خوشحال | Describes someone who achieves success with Allah's help. |
Mubdiurrahman | Mub-dee-ur-rah-man | Originator of mercy | رحمت کے موجد | Describes Allah as the creator of mercy. |
Mutazim | Mu-ta-zim | Reliant on Allah | اللہ پر بھروسہ کرنے والا | Represents reliance and faith in Allah. |
Muadhir | Mu-adh-ir | Supporter, Defender | مددگار، محافظ | Reflects someone who defends and supports others. |
Mahboobullah | Mah-boob-ul-lah | Beloved of Allah | اللہ کا محبوب | Describes someone who is dear to Allah. |
Mursalin | Mur-sa-lin | Messengers | رسول | Refers to the prophets and messengers sent by Allah. |
Mu'alla | Mu-al-la | Elevated, Lofty | بلند مقام والا | Describes someone raised in rank and status. |
Mujeeburrahman | Mu-jeeb-ur-rah-man | Responder to the Merciful | رحم کرنے والوں کا جواب دینے والا | Reflects Allah's attribute of answering prayers. |
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