Muslim Boy Names Starting with P | Meaning & Significance
Are you interested in searching for that perfect name for your little boy? Visit the full collection of Muslim boy names beginning with P of 100 names. Below you will find a list of both classic and new names, their meanings and origins. Whether you have something special in mind or you are looking for a common name for your little one this guide will assist you. Start searching these beautiful names today!
List of muslim boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic History Reference |
Parsa | PAHR-sah | Pious, Devout | نیک، پرہیزگار | Reflects devoutness in Islam, Surah Al-Baqarah (2:177) about piety |
Parwez | PAR-wehz | Victorious | کامیاب | Sahaba Abu Hurairah narrated that Allah grants victory to the faithful (Sahih Muslim) |
Paigham | PIE-ghaam | Message | پیغام | Linked to Prophethood (Nubuwwah), Surah Ash-Shu'ara (26:192-194) |
Pasha | PAH-shah | Lord, King | سردار، بادشاہ | Can refer to authority in leadership, seen among companions like Khalid ibn al-Walid |
Parhan | PAR-han | Happy, Cheerful | خوش، خوشحال | Reflects joy in the Hereafter (Surah Al-Ghashiyah 88:8) |
Pirdad | PEER-daad | Gift of a saint | بزرگ کا تحفہ | Refers to saints and scholars like Imam Malik, continuing the legacy of Sahaba |
Payam | PIE-am | Message | پیغام | Refers to divine revelation, Surah Al-Ahzab (33:40) |
Parees | PAH-rees | Angel | فرشتہ | Linked to angels in Quran, e.g., Surah Al-Baqarah (2:30) |
Parwais | PAR-wa-ees | Victorious, Success | فتحیاب، کامیاب | Related to Sahaba Abu Bakr, who saw many victories during his leadership |
Paiman | PIE-man | Promise | وعدہ | Quran emphasizes keeping promises, Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:8) |
Pirzada | PEER-za-dah | Descendant of a saint | پیرزادہ | Linked to the legacy of Islamic scholars like Imam Abu Hanifa |
Parhaan | PAR-han | Cheerful, Happy | خوشحال | Reflects joy and happiness, Surah Yunus (10:64) about happiness in the Hereafter |
Parham | PAR-ham | Brave, Strong | بہادر، مضبوط | Linked to bravery of Sahaba like Ali ibn Abi Talib |
Paariq | PAH-riq | Dazzling, Radiant | چمکتا ہوا، روشن | Quranic reference to light and guidance, Surah An-Nur (24:35) |
Pareezad | PAH-ree-zaad | Born of a fairy, Angelic | فرشتہ زاد، پاکیزہ | Refers to purity and angels in Quran, Surah An-Nisa (4:1) |
Parveen | PAR-veen | Bright star | روشن ستارہ | Stars are symbolic in Quran, Surah At-Tariq (86:3) |
Parsaam | PAR-saam | Courageous, Brave | بہادر | Linked to courage of Sahaba like Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib |
Paymaan | PIE-mahn | Covenant, Promise | وعدہ، معاہدہ | Refers to covenants in the Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah (2:177) |
Parwaaz | PAR-waaz | Ascension, Flight | پرواز | Symbolic of spiritual ascension, related to the Night Journey (Isra and Mi'raj) of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Parsaad | PAR-sa-ad | Blessed, Fortunate | بابرکت، خوش قسمت | Reflects the concept of being blessed, similar to the blessings mentioned in Surah Al-An'am (6:84) |
Pahaar | PA-haar | Strong, Mountain-like | پہاڑ جیسا مضبوط | Connected to the strength of the mountains, referenced in Surah Al-Mursalat (77:27) |
Paazil | PA-zi-l | Honest, Virtuous | ایماندار، نیک | Related to virtuousness mentioned in Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:1-11) |
Puraan | PU-raan | Ancient, Eternal | قدیم، دائمی | Can be linked to Quranic verses that speak of the eternal nature of Allah’s words (Surah Al-Kahf 18:27) |
Pashaaz | PAH-shaaz | Noble, Chief | شریف، سردار | Not directly mentioned in the Quran, but can be related to the noble qualities of Sahaba leaders like Uthman ibn Affan |
Pareeq | PAH-reek | Light, Brightness | روشنی، چمک | Quranic reference to light (Noor) in Surah An-Nur (24:35) |
Puraim | PU-ra-im | Kind, Generous | مہربان، سخی | Linked to kindness and generosity, qualities loved by Allah as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:195) |
Pareehan | PAH-ree-han | Precious stone | قیمتی پتھر | Symbolically can refer to the beauty of creation mentioned in various Quranic verses |
Parnaaz | PAR-naaz | Proud, Elegant | فخر سے بھرپور، خوبصورت | Related to dignity and elegance, qualities admired in Islamic teachings (e.g., Surah Al-Baqarah 2:30) |
Parvaan | PAR-waan | Devoted | عقیدت مند، وابستہ | Reflects devotion, similar to the devotion of Sahaba like Bilal ibn Rabah towards Islam |
Pahdaam | PAH-daam | Quiet, Silent | خاموش | Can be related to Quranic teachings about silence and reflection (Surah Al-Mulk 67:3-4) |
Paharish | PAH-ha-reesh | Firm, Steadfast | مضبوط، قائم | Linked to steadfastness in faith, like the Sahaba, mentioned in Surah Ibrahim (14:27) |
Parwaad | PAR-waad | Success, Prosperity | کامیابی، خوشحالی | Reflects the success and prosperity promised to believers in the Hereafter (Surah At-Tawbah 9:88) |
Paazid | PA-zi-d | Generous | سخی | Related to generosity as encouraged in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:261) |
Parshad | PAR-shad | Gift, Blessing | تحفہ، برکت | Refers to blessings and gifts from Allah, as in Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:3) |
Purkhiz | PUR-khiz | Pure-hearted, Pious | پاک دل، پرہیزگار | Reflects purity and piety as praised in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:177) |
Paasban | PAS-baan | Guardian, Protector | محافظ، نگران | Linked to protection, as in Allah’s protection mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:257) |
Paimurad | PIE-mur-ad | Goal, Purpose | مقصد، منزل | Refers to having a purpose in life, connected to the idea of fulfilling Allah's will as taught in the Quran |
Parwaash | PAR-waash | Hopeful, Optimistic | پرامید | Related to hope, as described in Surah Az-Zumar (39:53), where Allah's mercy gives hope to believers |
Parsham | PAR-sham | Banner, Flag | پرچم | Represents a symbol of victory, linked to the Battle of Badr and the flags carried by Sahaba |
Pareesaan | PAH-ree-saan | Free from worry, Calm | بے فکر، مطمئن | Reflects peace and serenity in life, linked to the concept of “sakinah” mentioned in Surah Al-Fath (48:4) |
Pareeqah | PAH-ree-qah | Way, Method | راستہ، طریقہ | Related to the right path in Islam (As-Sirat Al-Mustaqim), mentioned in Surah Al-Fatiha (1:6) |
Paareeb | PAH-reeb | Closely related | قریبی | Reflects closeness and affinity, linked to relationships of Sahaba like Abu Bakr with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Parvanah | PAR-va-na | Devotee, Loyal | وفادار | Reflects loyalty and devotion as shown by the Sahaba during their service to Islam |
Pazeer | PAH-zeer | Accepted, Welcomed | قبول شدہ | Reflects acceptance in the sight of Allah, linked to the concept of acceptance of supplications (duas) as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:186) |
Paheer | PA-heer | Bright, Clear | روشن، صاف | Linked to clarity and purity, reflecting the idea of spiritual light, as mentioned in Surah An-Nur (24:35) |
Pareehaad | PAH-ree-haad | Compassionate, Kind-hearted | شفیق، مہربان | Reflects kindness and mercy, similar to the compassion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) toward others, as seen in Sahih Hadith |
Parhaam | PAR-haam | Brave, Courageous | بہادر، نڈر | Reflects the courage of Sahaba such as Umar ibn Al-Khattab, known for his fearless approach |
Parvezaan | PAR-ve-zaan | Victorious, Triumphant | کامیاب، فتحیاب | Linked to the victories achieved during the spread of Islam, as seen in battles such as Badr and Uhud |
Parwaaq | PAR-waaq | Lofty, Elevated | اعلی، بلند | Refers to high status, linked to the high ranks of Sahaba and their virtues |
Payambaar | PIE-am-baar | Messenger | پیغمبر | Refers to the concept of messengers in Islam, linked to the Quranic verse on Prophethood (Surah Al-An’am 6:83-86) |
Paristaan | PAH-rees-taan | Paradise | جنت | Symbolic of the ultimate reward for believers, mentioned throughout the Quran (e.g., Surah Al-Waqi'ah 56:12-24) |
Pirsaan | PEER-saan | Wise, Sage | عقلمند | Linked to wisdom, a quality often highlighted in Islamic teachings, reflecting Sahaba like Ali ibn Abi Talib’s knowledge |
Paakiza | PAH-kee-zah | Pure, Clean | پاکیزہ، صاف | Refers to spiritual purity, similar to the concept of “Tahara” (cleanliness), a key principle in Islam, referenced in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:222) |
Parvaanah | PAR-va-na | Loyal, Devoted | وفادار | Refers to loyalty, linked to the unwavering support of Sahaba like Abu Bakr to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Paasdar | PAS-dar | Protector, Guardian | محافظ | Reflects protection, as Allah is the ultimate guardian mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:257) |
Purshaad | PUR-sha-ad | Full of blessing | برکت سے بھرپور | Can be linked to the Quranic concept of “Barakah” (blessing), as mentioned in Surah Al-A'raf (7:96) |
Pahhaan | PAH-haan | Intelligent, Wise | دانشمند، عقلمند | Reflects wisdom and intelligence, qualities highlighted in Islamic teachings, similar to the wisdom of Sahaba like Ali ibn Abi Talib |
Pakeer | PA-keer | Humble, Modest | عاجز، متواضع | Reflects humility, a virtue admired in Islam, like that of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as described in Sahih Hadith |
Pasaak | PA-saak | Strong, Resolute | مضبوط، پختہ | Related to strength and resolve, qualities seen in Sahaba like Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib |
Pareebaaz | PAH-ree-baaz | Ambitious | بلند حوصلہ | Reflects ambition in seeking knowledge and good deeds, linked to Islamic teachings of striving in the path of Allah (Surah Al-Imran 3:200) |
Pahmaan | PAH-maan | Secure, Protected | محفوظ | Reflects the protection of Allah, as mentioned in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:255) |
Pareez | PAH-rez | Careful, Cautious | محتاط | Reflects cautiousness in actions, a quality promoted in Islamic teachings (Surah An-Nisa 4:9) |
Payraaz | PIE-raaz | Bright, Glowing | روشن، چمکدار | Related to light and brilliance, reflecting the spiritual light mentioned in Surah An-Nur (24:35) |
Parizaan | PAH-ri-zan | Gifted, Talented | باصلاحیت | Reflects talents and gifts as blessings from Allah, referenced in various Quranic verses |
Paazhaan | PAH-zhaan | Wise, Intelligent | عقلمند، دانا | Reflects wisdom and intelligence, linked to Islamic values as in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:269) |
Pareef | PAH-reef | Noble, Honorable | شریف، عزت دار | Reflects nobility, a quality exemplified by Sahaba like Ali ibn Abi Talib |
Puraaz | PU-raaz | Calm, Serene | پُرسکون | Reflects peace and serenity, similar to the tranquility mentioned in Surah Al-Fath (48:4) |
Pahlaj | PAH-laj | Firstborn, Leader | پہلوٹھی، رہنما | Refers to leadership, like the leadership of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the early Sahaba |
Pareeb | PAH-reeb | Nearby, Close | قریب | Can refer to closeness to Allah, as emphasized in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:186) |
Pareesh | PAH-reesh | Gift, Blessing | تحفہ، نعمت | Linked to the concept of blessings and gifts from Allah, as in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:269) |
Paashaad | PAH-shaad | Blessed, Happy | مبارک، خوش | Reflects happiness and blessings, qualities granted to believers in the Hereafter, as mentioned in the Quran |
Paakhaan | PAH-khaan | Pure, Innocent | پاک، معصوم | Related to purity and innocence, as praised in Surah Al-Mu’minun (23:1-11) |
Paaisaan | PIE-saan | Elevated, Lofty | بلند، عظیم | Linked to high status, like that of the Prophet and Sahaba who were elevated in rank due to their faith |
Pareefaan | PAH-ree-faan | Graceful, Elegant | نفیس، خوبصورت | Linked to elegance and beauty as part of Allah’s creation, as mentioned in Surah Al-Imran (3:14) |
Paaymaan | PIE-maan | Commitment, Loyalty | عہد، وفاداری | Refers to loyalty and commitment, like the Sahaba who pledged allegiance to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Paakir | PAH-keer | Pious, Devout | متقی، پرہیزگار | Linked to piety and devotion, virtues admired in Islam, as reflected in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:2-3) |
Pareeqam | PAH-ree-qam | Strong, Firm | مضبوط، پائیدار | Linked to strength, similar to the firmness of faith shown by Sahaba during difficult times |
Paaseel | PAS-seel | Bold, Fearless | دلیر، نڈر | Reflects fearlessness, a quality admired in Sahaba like Hamza ibn Abdul-Muttalib |
Palaash | PAH-laash | Blooming, Flourishing | کھلتا ہوا، پھلتا پھولتا ہوا | Symbolically refers to the growth and flourishing of faith, as seen in Surah Al-Imran (3:137) |
Pazeem | PAH-zeem | Resolute, Determined | ثابت قدم، پختہ عزم | Reflects determination and firmness, similar to the qualities of Sahaba during the early spread of Islam |
Parwaiz | PAR-waiz | Reward, Prize | انعام، صلہ | Linked to rewards given to believers, as promised by Allah in the Hereafter (Surah Al-Waqi'ah 56:27-40) |
Paadhaan | PAH-dhaan | Strong, Defender | محافظ، مضبوط | Linked to defense and protection, as seen in the role of Sahaba like Khalid ibn al-Walid during battles |
Paayeen | PIE-een | Blessed, Fortunate | بابرکت، خوش قسمت | Reflects blessings, similar to the blessings of Allah mentioned in Surah Al-Kawthar (108:1-2) |
Paaryan | PAH-ree-yan | Guardian, Protector | نگہبان، محافظ | Reflects protection and guardianship, qualities linked to Sahaba like Umar ibn al-Khattab |
Paykaan | PIE-kaan | Pure, Sincere | خالص، مخلص | Linked to purity and sincerity of intention, as emphasized in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:139) |
Parvash | PAR-vash | Nurturer, Caregiver | پرورش کرنے والا | Linked to nurturing and care, qualities exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) |
Puraas | PU-ras | Honest, Trustworthy | ایماندار، دیانتدار | Linked to honesty, a key characteristic of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), also known as Al-Amin (the Trustworthy) |
Padeen | PAH-deen | Religious, Faithful | دیندار | Reflects faithfulness and devotion, as promoted in Islamic teachings, as seen in Surah Al-Fatiha (1:5-6) |
Paqar | PAH-kar | Distinguished, Eminent | نمایاں، ممتاز | Refers to distinction and eminence, qualities admired in Sahaba like Abu Bakr As-Siddiq |
Parnoosh | PAR-noosh | Bright, Radiant | چمکتا ہوا، درخشاں | Linked to brightness, similar to the metaphor of light in Surah An-Nur (24:35) |
Pameer | PAH-meer | Intelligent, Wise | عقلمند، دانا | Reflects wisdom and intelligence, qualities admired in Islam, as exemplified by the Prophet Suleiman (AS) |
Paazar | PAH-zar | Generous, Benevolent | سخی، مہربان | Linked to benevolence, a key virtue promoted in Islam (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:261) |
Parhiz | PAR-heez | Abstinent, Pious | پرہیزگار | Reflects piety and self-restraint, key qualities in the teachings of Islam, as seen in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:183) |
Pailan | PIE-lan | Strong-willed, Determined | مضبوط ارادے والا | Linked to determination and strength of will, qualities seen in Sahaba during difficult times |
Padeed | PAH-deed | Manifest, Clear | واضح، عیاں | Linked to clarity and manifestation, similar to divine truths revealed in the Quran (Surah Al-Baqarah 2:256) |
Pareesham | PAH-ree-sham | Untroubled, Calm | بے فکر، پُرسکون | Linked to tranquility and peace, qualities praised in the Quran (Surah Ar-Ra'd 13:28) |
Pazeemaan | PAH-zee-maan | Resolute, Committed | پختہ عزم والا | Reflects commitment and resolution, similar to the dedication of Sahaba in the path of Islam |
Paayaan | PIE-yaan | Continuation, Everlasting | ہمیشہ رہنے والا | Refers to the concept of eternal life, as emphasized in Surah Al-A'la (87:17) |
Pahaaz | PAH-haaz | Swift, Agile | تیز، چالاک | Linked to agility, qualities admired in warriors like Khalid ibn al-Walid |
Palwaan | PAL-waan | Strong, Heroic | بہادر، قوی | Linked to strength and heroism, similar to the bravery shown by Sahaba in battles for Islam |
Pareeban | PAH-ree-ban | Noble, Respectable | شریف، معزز | Reflects nobility and respect, qualities exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his companions |
Parman | PAR-man | Firm, Steadfast | مضبوط، ثابت قدم | Linked to steadfastness in faith, as encouraged in Surah Al-Imran (3:146) |
Pareem | PAH-reem | Generous, Noble-hearted | سخی، نیک دل | Linked to generosity, a characteristic often praised in the Quran |
Paafeer | PAH-feer | Knowledgeable, Wise | علم والا، دانشمند | Reflects wisdom, as shown by figures like Prophet Musa (AS) in the Quran |
Paheem | PAH-heem | Intelligent, Understanding | سمجھدار، عقل مند | Reflects understanding, a quality promoted in Islamic teachings, as seen in Surah Al-A'raf (7:201) |
Padeesh | PAH-deesh | Successful, Victorious | کامیاب، فتح مند | Reflects victory and success, linked to the victories granted by Allah in Surah Al-Fath (48:1) |
Parwaas | PAR-waas | Clear, Visible | صاف، عیاں | Linked to clarity and visibility of truth, as reflected in the Quranic revelations |
Pailash | PIE-lash | Firstborn, Leader | پہلوٹھی، رہنما | Reflects leadership, like the leadership qualities admired in the Sahaba |
Paahaan | PAH-haan | Wise, Sagacious | دانشمند، عقلمند | Reflects wisdom and sagacity, qualities seen in many prophets and Sahaba |
Paaraan | PAH-raan | Compassionate, Kind | مہربان، رحم دل | Reflects compassion, a quality greatly admired in Islam, as shown in Surah Ar-Rahman (55:1-2) |
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