Muslim Boy Names Starting with T | Meaningful Islamic Names
For those who are interested in finding a name based on the Islamic tradition or just hoping to find new trends from the lists of 100 unique names below will enable you to do that. Whether traditional or unique, each name even has a special meaning in Arabic or the Quran, to help Christians select a name that is sacred and personal. If you are a parent and have finally decided on ‘T’ names for your baby, then you might want to know the meanings and the history of such names in order to come up with the best choice.
List of muslim baby boy names
Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Meaning in Urdu | Quranic/Islamic History Reference |
Taha | Ta-ha | Pure; clean | پاک؛ صاف | Name of a Prophet; also a chapter in the Quran (Surah Taha). |
Tahir | Ta-hir | Pure; clean | پاک؛ صاف | Companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Tahir ibn Husayn. |
Taimur | Tai-mur | Iron; strong | لوہا؛ مضبوط | Historical figure, Taimur Lang, a conqueror. |
Talal | Ta-lal | Drizzle; light rain | بوندا باندی؛ ہلکی بارش | Companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Talal ibn Abdullah. |
Talha | Tal-ha | Fruitful tree; kind of tree | پھلدار درخت؛ ایک قسم کا درخت | Companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Talha ibn Ubaydullah. |
Tameem | Ta-meem | Completed; tall; strong | مکمل؛ لمبا؛ مضبوط | Companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Tameem ibn Aws. |
Taqi | Ta-qi | Pious; devout; God-fearing | پرہیزگار؛ متقی؛ خدا سے ڈرنے والا | Quranic reference: "Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves." (Quran 2:222) |
Tariq | Ta-riq | Morning star; knocker | صبح کا ستارہ؛ دستک دینے والا | Companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Tariq ibn Ziyad. |
Tasneem | Tas-neem | Fountain in Paradise | جنت میں ایک چشمہ | Mentioned in the Quran (83:27) as a fountain in Paradise. |
Tawfiq | Taw-feeq | Success; divine guidance | کامیابی؛ الہی رہنمائی | Quranic reference: "And my success is not but through Allah." (Quran 11:88) |
Tazim | Ta-zim | Respect; honor; magnification | احترام؛ عزت؛ بڑائی | Reflects the Islamic value of honoring and respecting others. |
Tabriz | Ta-briz | Skilled, learned; a city in Iran | ماہر؛ ایران کا شہر | Associated with the city of Tabriz, an ancient center of learning. |
Talib | Ta-lib | Seeker; student | طالب؛ علم | Refers to Abu Talib, the Prophet’s uncle. |
Taymullah | Tay-mul-lah | Servant of Allah | اللہ کا بندہ | Reflects servitude and dedication to Allah. |
Turab | Tu-rab | Dust; humble | مٹی؛ عاجزی | Refers to Abu Turab, a title of Imam Ali (RA), meaning "father of the dust." |
Tahseen | Tah-seen | Improvement; praise | تعریف؛ بہتری | Reflects the value of self-improvement and excellence. |
Taraf | Ta-raf | Delicate; soft | نازک؛ نرم | Symbolizes kindness and gentleness, qualities valued in Islamic teachings. |
Tasdid | Tas-deed | Rectification; support | اصلاح؛ مدد | Represents being supportive and correcting oneself. |
Tabarak | Ta-ba-rak | Blessed | برکتوں والا | Comes from "Tabarak Allah" (Blessed is Allah), mentioned in the Quran (67:1). |
Taysir | Tay-seer | Facilitation; ease | آسانی؛ سہولت | Quranic reference: "And We will ease you toward ease" (Quran 87:8). |
Taybah | Tay-bah | Pure; clean | پاک؛ صاف | Refers to the city of Madinah, also known as Taybah. |
Taqaddum | Ta-qad-dum | Advancement; progress | ترقی؛ پیش رفت | Represents moving forward in life and seeking knowledge. |
Taqiyuddin | Ta-qi-yud-din | Piety of the religion | دین کا پرہیزگاری | Emphasizes devotion and fear of Allah in one's religious practices. |
Taimoor | Tai-moor | Brave; strong | بہادر؛ مضبوط | Historical figure, Taimoor Lang, known for his strength and leadership. |
Taariq | Taa-riq | Morning star | صبح کا ستارہ | Refers to the famous general Tariq ibn Ziyad, who played a key role in Islamic history. |
Tameer | Ta-meer | Builder; constructor | تعمیر کرنے والا | Symbolizes the importance of construction and creation in society. |
Tasfir | Tas-feer | Interpretation | تشریح | Relates to the interpretation of the Quran and hadith. |
Thadheer | Thad-hear | One who brings good tidings | خوشخبری دینے والا | Reflects the role of spreading positive news and hope. |
Tawbah | Taw-bah | Repentance | توبہ | Quranic reference (66:8) emphasizes the importance of repentance. |
Tazeen | Ta-zeen | Decoration; adornment | زیور؛ سجاوٹ | Represents beauty and adornment, valued in Islamic culture. |
Tehseen | Teh-seen | Praise; admiration | تعریف؛ تحسین | Symbolizes being appreciated for one's good deeds. |
Tufail | Tu-fail | The one who is noble | شریف؛ عظیم | Companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Tufail ibn Amr. |
Tanveer | Tan-veer | Enlightenment; illumination | روشنی؛ چمک | Represents knowledge and guidance in life. |
Tashfeen | Tash-feen | One who helps; supporter | مدد کرنے والا | Symbolizes the importance of community support. |
Tamjid | Tam-jid | Glorification; exaltation | تعریف؛ عظمت | Represents the act of praising and honoring Allah. |
Taqwa | Ta-qwa | Piety; righteousness | پرہیزگاری؛ نیکی | Quranic concept emphasizing mindfulness of Allah (Quran 2:177). |
Taseem | Ta-seem | Blessing; gift | نعمت؛ تحفہ | Represents a blessing from Allah. |
Tamim | Ta-meem | Complete; wholesome | مکمل؛ صحت مند | Associated with Tamim al-Dari, who accepted Islam and was a companion of the Prophet (PBUH). |
Taheed | Ta-heed | Oneness; unity | وحدت؛ اتحاد | Represents the concept of Tawhid (the oneness of Allah). |
Taqaddus | Ta-qad-dus | Sanctity; holiness | تقدس؛ پاکیزگی | Reflects the sacredness of Allah and His attributes. |
Taalib | Ta-li-b | Seeker of knowledge | علم کا طالب | Reflects the pursuit of knowledge and education. |
Tamer | Ta-mer | Date palm tree | کھجور کا درخت | Symbolizes sustenance and growth; important in Arabian culture. |
Ta'reef | Ta-reef | Definition; explanation | تعریف؛ وضاحت | Represents the act of defining and clarifying important concepts. |
Tabeer | Ta-beer | Interpretation | تعبیر | Related to the interpretation of dreams, a significant theme in Islamic tradition. |
Taib | Ta-ib | Good; repentant | اچھا؛ تائب | Signifies one who returns to Allah after sin; associated with repentance. |
Taseer | Ta-seer | Influence; impact | اثر؛ نفوذ | Represents the ability to influence others positively. |
Thabit | Tha-bit | Firm; steadfast | ثابت قدم | Companion of the Prophet (PBUH), Thabit ibn Qays. |
Thaqib | Tha-qib | Piercing; bright star | چمکتا ہوا ستارہ | Quranic reference (86:3) refers to a "piercing star." |
Thalal | Tha-lal | Dew; freshness | اوس؛ تازگی | Symbolizes the freshness of the morning dew. |
Tihami | Ti-ha-mi | From Tihama (a region in Arabia) | تہامہ سے | Associated with the Tihama region, home to some early Muslims. |
Tashfiq | Tash-fiq | Benefactor; helper | مددگار؛ فلاحی | Represents someone who helps others and does good deeds. |
Tazeem | Ta-zeem | Respect; honor | احترام؛ عزت | Indicates giving honor and respect to others. |
Thamar | Tha-mar | Fruit; blessing | پھل؛ نعمت | Symbolizes the fruits of one's labor and blessings from Allah. |
Thaarik | Thaa-rik | Morning star | صبح کا ستارہ | Another form referring to the importance of guidance and light. |
Ta'ziem | Ta-zi-em | Reverence; respect | عظیم احترامات | Represents a high level of respect and honor. |
Thawban | Thaw-ban | One who is repentant | تائب | Associated with those who repent sincerely to Allah. |
Taaniq | Ta-niq | Resplendent; brilliant | چمکدار؛ روشن | Represents brightness and brilliance in character. |
Tahan | Ta-han | Comfort; solace | سکون؛ آرام | Symbolizes providing comfort to others. |
Taqweem | Ta-qweem | To establish; to set | قائم کرنا؛ قائم ہونا | Represents establishing justice and fairness. |
Tarik | Ta-rik | Path; way | راستہ؛ راہ | Symbolizes guidance and direction in life. |
Tawfique | Taw-fi-que | Success; achievement | کامیابی؛ حصول | Represents the idea of achieving success through hard work and faith. |
Tameez | Ta-meez | Distinction; excellence | امتیاز؛ شاندار | Represents the quality of being distinguished in good deeds. |
Talah | Ta-lah | Flower; blossom | پھول؛ کھلنا | Symbolizes beauty and growth in one's character. |
Tarab | Ta-rab | Joy; happiness | خوشی؛ مسرت | Symbolizes joy and delight in life. |
Tehzeeb | Teh-zeeb | Culture; refinement | ثقافت؛ شائستگی | Represents the importance of good manners and character. |
Talak | Ta-lak | Respected; honored | عزت دار؛ محترم | Symbolizes the value of respect in society. |
Taqiy | Ta-qi | Pious; God-fearing | خدا سے ڈرنے والا؛ پرہیزگار | Indicates piety and consciousness of Allah. |
Taqsim | Ta-q-sim | Division; allocation | تقسیم | Represents fair division, important in Islamic finance and justice. |
Talim | Ta-lim | Educator; teacher | استاد؛ علم دینے والا | Symbolizes the importance of education in Islam. |
Taqi al-Din | Ta-qi al-din | God-fearing; pious in faith | دین میں خدا سے ڈرنے والا | Represents a person with strong religious principles. |
Tabir | Ta-bi-r | Interpretation of dreams | خواب کی تعبیر | Linked to the significance of dreams in Islamic culture. |
Taarak | Ta-arak | Star; morning star | صبح کا ستارہ | Symbolizes brightness and guidance. |
Tammam | Ta-mam | Complete; whole | مکمل؛ پورا | Represents perfection and completeness in character. |
Ta'ziyat | Ta-zi-yat | Mourning; condolences | تعزیت؛ افسوس | Symbolizes empathy and support during times of grief. |
Tahiq | Ta-heeq | Truthful; sincere | سچ بولنے والا | Represents honesty and integrity. |
Tadhir | Ta-dhir | Purification; cleansing | پاکیزگی؛ صاف کرنا | Represents the act of purifying oneself spiritually. |
Tamad | Ta-mad | Dignified; respectable | باوقار؛ محترم | Represents respect and dignity in behavior. |
Taawun | Ta-a-wun | Cooperation; assistance | تعاون؛ مدد | Symbolizes the value of helping and supporting others. |
Tazkiyah | Ta-zki-yah | Purification; sanctification | تطہیر؛ پاکیزگی | Related to spiritual cleansing and growth in Islam. |
Tahrim | Ta-hrim | Prohibition; sanctity | حرام؛ مقدس | Refers to the sacred and forbidden in Islam. |
Taniq | Ta-niq | Beautiful; handsome | خوبصورت؛ حسین | Symbolizes physical and inner beauty. |
Talik | Ta-lik | A helper; supporter | مددگار؛ معاون | Represents someone who aids others in times of need. |
Taaluq | Ta-luq | Connection; bond | تعلق؛ رشتہ | Represents the importance of relationships and bonds in life. |
Tarak | Ta-rak | Morning star; bright | صبح کا ستارہ؛ روشن | Represents guidance and light in darkness. |
Tarhun | Tar-hun | Strong; powerful | طاقتور؛ مضبوط | Symbolizes strength and resilience. |
Taqleed | Ta-q-leed | Following; adherence | پیروی؛ عمل | Represents the act of following righteous teachings. |
Tahsin | Ta-hseen | Beautification; improvement | خوبصورتی؛ بہتری | Represents personal and moral development. |
Tahran | Ta-hraan | Pure; unblemished | بے عیب؛ پاک | Symbolizes the purity of heart and intention. |
Tanweer | Ta-n-we-er | Illumination; enlightenment | روشنی؛ بصیرت | Represents the light of knowledge and wisdom. |
Tahrif | Ta-hree-f | Alteration; change | تبدیلی؛ تبدیلی | Represents the concept of change, often discussed in Islamic texts. |
Tameen | Ta-meen | Safety; security | حفاظت؛ سیکیورٹی | Represents the importance of safety and security in life. |
Tamaz | Ta-maz | Proclamation; declaration | اعلان؛ ابلاغ | Represents the importance of speaking truth. |
Taufiq | Tau-fiq | Divine guidance; success | الہی رہنمائی؛ کامیابی | Indicates success through God's guidance. |
Talq | Tal-q | Able; competent | قابل؛ ماہر | Reflects capability and skillfulness. |
Taufik | Taufik | Success; divine guidance | کامیابی؛ الہی رہنمائی | Represents success achieved through God's help. |
Tarek | Ta-rek | Path; way | راستہ؛ راہ | Represents guidance and direction in life. |
Taazim | Ta-a-zim | Honor; respect | عزت؛ احترام | Represents the value of showing respect and honor. |
Tahi | Ta-hee | Pure; innocent | معصوم؛ پاک | Reflects purity of heart and intention. |
Talqeen | Tal-qeen | Instruction; guidance | ہدایت؛ رہنمائی | Represents the value of teaching and guidance. |
Taanim | Ta-ni-m | Support; assistance | مدد؛ معاونت | Represents the importance of helping others in need. |
Tamir | Ta-meer | Rich; prosperous | امیر؛ خوشحال | Reflects success and abundance in life. |
Tanuj | Ta-nuj | Son; descendant | بیٹا؛ نسل | Reflects continuity of lineage and family. |
Talaz | Ta-laz | Truth; authenticity | سچائی؛ اصل | Reflects the importance of truthfulness in character. |
Tarzan | Tar-zan | Bright; shining | چمکدار؛ روشن | Represents brilliance and vitality. |
Taqsir | Ta-q-sir | Deficiency; lack | کمی؛ فقدان | Represents the importance of striving for improvement. |
Taalim | Ta-a-lim | Teacher; educator | استاد؛ علم دینے والا | Represents the importance of education in society. |
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